“Go Solar” Fundraising Campaign
Questions and Answers
Q. What is the financial goal of this campaign?
A. $80,000.
Q. What will this cover?
A. The installation of 80 solar panels made by Suniva Optimus, a Michigan company; 80 micro-inverters to convert direct current into alternating current; racks to attach the panels to the roof; and other electrical equipment. It will also include additional foam to make sure that there is no roof leakage.
Q. What is the purpose of this project?
A. By installing solar panels, we will reduce our church’s emissions of carbon dioxide, which are produced by burning fossil fuels to generate electricity. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing the Earth’s climate to change. These solar panels will generate electricity and reduce the amount of electricity we need to buy from Lansing Board of Water and Light. One of the major source’s of LBWL’s electricity comes from burning coal.
Q. Who will install this solar system?
A. Peninsula Solar, a Michigan company with extensive experience in installing solar systems.
Q. When will these solar panels be installed?
A. We hope that this solar system will be completed by the fall of 2016.
Q. Will this project reduce Edgewood’s carbon footprint and lessen its impact on the environment?
A. Yes. The proposed system will have the environmental impact of planting 40 acres of trees or taking 86 cars off the road. The installation of these solar panels will demonstrate Edgewood’s commitment to support the historic 2015 global climate change agreement in Paris, which aims to reduce greenhouse gases worldwide. This agreement was signed by the United States and more than 190 other nations.
Q. Will this project reduce our electric bill?
A. Yes. Edgewood currently uses about 50,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a year. This project will generate about 20,000 kilowatt hours of electricity each year and reduce Edgewood’s electricity use by an estimated 40 percent.
Q. Where will the solar panels be installed?
A. On the south-facing roof of the Social Hall.
Q. Why was this site selected?
A. The south-facing roof will generate the most electricity. Shade from trees will be minimal. Engineers have determined that the roof is structurally sound for such a system.
Q. Will the solar panels be visible from the street?
A. Just barely. Visitors entering the rear entrance of the church will be able to
see them. But they will not be easily seen while driving along Beech Street or Hagadorn Road.
Q. Will they cause the roof to leak or invalidate the warranty on the roof?
A. No. Harty Ausel of Streamline Enterprises, which installed the roof over the social hall in 2010, said he will work closely with Peninsula Solar to prevent leaks. A foam sealant will be installed when the racks used to hold the solar panels are installed. The sealant will prevent leaks. Ausel will issue a signed statement to extend the roof’s warranty.
Q. What does the national office of the United Church of Christ in Cleveland think about solar panels?
A. UCC strongly supports this effort. In June 2015 at the UCC General Synod passed a resolution urging all UCC churches to move as rapidly as possible away from burning fossil fuels and towards the installation of solar and other renewable sources of energy.
Q. How long will the solar panels last?
A. The solar panels are warranteed for 25 years. Over this time they will very gradually become less efficient. Many solar systems installed in the 1970s – about 40 years ago – are still producing electricity. And the technologies have improved greatly since that time.
Q. Did Edgewood get other bids?
A. Yes. In 2015 the Environmental Task Force examined three bids from companies that install solar panels in Michigan. Peninsula Solar was selected because of its experience (more than 40 solar installations), strong recommendations and the overall design of its project.
Q. Has this been approved by all needed committees at Edgewood?
A. Yes. In 2015 this project was approved by the Environmental Task Force, the Building and Grounds team and the Edgewood Council. In February 2016 the congregation voted unanimously to install this solar system at its annual meeting.
Q. How long will it take to install the solar panels?
A. The installation is expected to take about two weeks. The work will be done in conjunction with Streamline Enterprises, the company that installed the roof over the social hall in 2010.
Q. Will the church be covered for potential damage and liability while solar panel installation is underway?
A. Yes. Both Peninsula Solar and Streamline Enterprises are fully insured and bonded.
Q. Have other churches in Michigan installed solar panels?
A. Yes. Some of the churches that have installed solar systems are Plymouth United Church of Christ in Grand Rapids, the First Presbyterian Church in Saline and the Unitarian Universalist Church in Ann Arbor. We believe Edgewood will be the first church in Mid-Michigan to take this step.
Q. Are solar panels a proven technology in Michigan?
A. Yes. General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Michigan State University, many homes, nonprofits and other organizations have installed solar systems. Contrary to what many think, the amount of solar energy in Michigan is only 7 % less than in Florida (Source: Michigan Interfaith Power & Light). More than 1,000,000 solar systems have been installed in the United States.
Q. How can I contribute?
A. You can send a check to the Edgewood United Church, 469 North Hagadorn Road, East Lansing, MI 48823. Write “Go Solar Fund” on the check. Commitments can also be gifts of stock/appreciated securities. Monetary contributions are fully tax deductible. We suggest that you check with your tax professional regarding tax ramifications surrounding your choice of commitment/gift.
Q. Can I contribute over time?
A. Yes. Turn in a pledge card indicating how you would like to pay. You can pay through automatic deductions that are done weekly, monthly or quarterly. These withdrawals will occur from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2016.
Q. What happens, if the church doesn’t raise $80,000?
A. Church leaders are confident that the goal will be achieved. However, if it is not, the church may have to borrow the funds from the UCC Cornerstone Fund.
Q. What happens, if the campaign raises more than $80,000?
A. Any additional contributions will go into a fund for future building improvements.
Q. How do solar panels help the environment?
A. Solar panels will generate electricity from the sun’s rays. The more solar electricity we make, the less electricity we need to purchase from Lansing Board of Water & Light. About half of the electricity that LBGE generates comes from burning coal, which emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This contributes to global warming and climate change. If we as individuals and as a congregation reduce our “carbon footprint,” there will be less of an impact of climate change on our children, grandchildren and people around the world. It will also lessen the impact on wildlife and the natural world.
Q. Who will benefit from the installation of solar panels?
A. Everyone! Edgewood will benefit by having to buy less electricity. People and animals around the world will benefit by reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. It is the poor who are harmed the most by climate change.
Q. Where can I get more information?
A. See other members of the Environmental Task Force. Contact Jim Detjen, the task force’s chair, at or 517-349-7360. Other members of the task force include John Baumgartner, Dave and Ada Kidd, Rick Bernsten and Jim Coty.