Opinion writing
TREE Strategy
T: Write a clear Topic sentence that states your opinion
R: Provide Reasons (3 or more)
E: Explain your reasons
E: Write an Ending Sentence
Planning Opinion Writing
STOP Strategy
S: Stop judgment by listing reasons for both sides of an issue
T: Take a side by deciding which side has the strongest support
O: Organize ideas by numbering how they will appear in your writing
P: Plan and add more as you write
Opinion writing
TREE Strategy
T: Write a clear Topic sentence that states your opinion
R: Provide Reasons for your opinion (3 or more)
E: Explain your reasons and Examine them from the audience’s perspective
E: Write an Ending Statement that wraps it up
Revising Opinion Writing
SCAN Strategy
S: Does my writing make Sense?
C: Is it Connected to my belief? Have I Connected my reasons well?
A: Can I Add more?
N: Note and fix errors
Writing Strategy
W: Work from your plan to develop an opinion statement
R: Remember your goal
I: Include transition words for each paragraph
T: Try to use different kinds of sentences
E: Add Exciting and interesting words.
SRSD: Self-Regulated Strategy Development
Develop Background Knowledge:Provide students a rationale for the instructional strategy
Discuss It:Introduce the mnemonic strategy to students, and explain how it is used to set and achieve goals.
Model It:Model how the strategy works by thinking aloud through the writing process, and demonstrating how to use the mnemonic to plan and write a text.
Memorize it: Encourage students to memorize the mnemonic in order to internalize the planning and writing process
Support it: Using scaffolding to support students’ independent acquisition of the strategy
Practice it: Independent use of the strategy on a variety of writing tasks
Best Practices in Teaching Opinion Writing (research synopsis)
- Argumentation/Opinion is inherently a social activity involving dialogue among people holding different perspectives.
- Research shows that providing students with real-world social contexts for opinion writing can have a positive effect on the quality of their writing, and help them produce clearer and more precise opinions.
- Students who participated in role-playing activities wrote opinion letters that were better adapted to the audience’s needs than those receiving only direct instruction.
- Opinion pieces should be connected to and in response to content texts across disciplines and should promote the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge.
- Teachers should provide powerful integrated writing instruction, which calls for instruction that integrates reading, writing, speaking and listening across the K-12 curriculum.
- Inauthentic writing assignments with no real purpose or audience undermines student’s abilities to see other perspectives.
- Writing with real world social contexts has positive effects on the quality of writing.
- Top writing to learn strategies
- Content-area literacy with a writing focus where students write 2-3 times per week, often briefly, and where reading and talk are used to support activities showed positive gains in both reading and writing.
- Students view writing as an opportunity to think and learn
- Students understand that writing opinions helps them think critically about an issue
- Inquiry writing that is built around hands-on experiences
- Students are explicitly taught strategies for writing opinion pieces.
- Students are explicitly taught to self-monitor their writing
- Writing activities include interesting topics, hands-on experience and peer collaboration.
- Key points in opinion writing.
- Active engagement with others
- Engaging content area material
- Time to consider the viewpoint of others
- Mnemonic devises and graphic organizers
- Students must be able to analyze and interpret literature before they are able to write analytic arguments/opinions about it.
- Explicit and systemic teaching of the writing process has a dramatic and positive affect on the quality of student writing.
- SRSD Strategy: Self-regulated Strategy Development
- Research shows that SRSD instruction can improve the planning and revision process of young students and those with LD.