GMS School Improvement Team Meeting

October 21, 2013

Media Center


Mr.Villines welcomes all. No parents could make it.

GMS data release: waiting for EOG’s. EVASS data will be available for teachers soon. Mr. Villines is reviewing the information as it will be released to staff soon. Teacher should go to EVASS to look at this data.

Academic Team: Planning days are rolling out as planned. Ms. Haught e-mailed all with the dates. Emphasis on CFA’s and then taking the data to run PLC’s as data teams. How do we write proper CFA’s to be able to have meaningful discussions for running our data teams. Reports from Discovery Ed has a report called “drill down report” and when looking at this, we can use the data to gauge emphasis on topics we still need to cover. Lisa will be back Nov. 1st from maternity leave.

Ms. Haught briefed team on how the resource students and tier 2 students were being scheduled to help them grow with their reading. It started now and we will look at flipped schedules for 6th grade to pull those students from PE. Students may have to flip their encores so that Mrs. Ross doesn’t get more than 6 students at a time.

Tier interventions can be seen on Data Warehouse. Teachers have planned interventions for core classes. We are concerned that some students are dropping in their universal screener data and we are concerned that the screeners are not taken seriously.

6th grade:

Hallway noise after 7thGrade Encores. Please meet those students to make sure that 6th grade can continue with lesson presentation. Consistency needed among grade levels with expectations. Library open as the copier is needed, Mr. Villines will speak to our interim Media Specialist about leaving it open. Mr. Villines says that his team will take care of 7th grade encore change. Mr. Villines said that the students are not supposed to be on other grade level hallways unless it is due to bad weather.

7th grade:

Bathrooms are dirty, especially the lobby. Not soap or paper towels. Looks like bathrooms have not been cleaned all year. Discrepancies within the 7th grade causes class change to become noisy. It seems like teachers are addressing issues during class change instead of getting students into the room. Mr. Villines has looked at bathroom and explains that administration will talk to night crew about cleanliness. Mrs. Clark says that teachers in general feel like they are not supported. Mrs. Rogers asks if it is possible to ask teachers to raise concerns and place it in a box.

8th grade:

No concerns. Announced that 3on 3 basketball (Nov. 23rd, 10-3) is starting as fund raiser for 8th grade. Mrs. Rogers wants to create opportunities for staff to get together and would like feedback from what teachers want to do to connect. Ms Haught suggests Ms Rogers to create survey in which teachers make suggestions for get together’s.


No Concerns

Fine Arts:

Concerned about soap in restrooms. House points vs. House lunches. Do encores let teachers know about student names on board or not?Ms. Wade says that those students will serve silent lunch, but on the day after house lunch. Coming to encore, 7th grade takes about 10 minutes to get to their encores. Hold up at the bottom of the stairs. All grade levels need to go through the fence to the back of the cafeteria to make this transition smoother. This happens because of some teachers not keeping to their release time.


Too much back up and too much congestion when going to encores. Please let kids come in through a different door.


Concerns are dirty locker rooms as it seems like nobody is cleaning it. Who is responsible for cleaning the locker rooms? Worried about safety as there are many cars coming through the back of the school where the students have to go out to get to the field. Suggested a barricade up to deter traffic from going through. Mr. Villines have been denied twice the arms/barricades. Mr. Villines will try again to get something in place for the safety of our students. Dismissal time …is it possible to get us dismissed before the high school? We leave school really late. Mr. Villines will meet with District Office Staff and the High School about the possibility of switching dismissal times.


Dayson will pull students to talk about STEM partnership with Wake Forest.

Classified staff:

No concerns at this time

Student Services:

Mrs. Davis says that the nurse is not getting enough time to get ready for kids going on field trips. Get those students’ names to her at least two days before they leave on the trip. School attendance is a concern and counselor’s want to make a big deal of perfect attendance. Red ribbon week is coming up. College application week is coming up. Gear up night is coming up. Will ask who the students are that check out at the time where they are not recorded as absent, but are missing the same classes each day when checking out.

Mr. Hosey asks staff to make list of hazardous materials. List of staff with first aid skills. We need a list of these skills to create a go to list in case of emergency.

Meeting Adjourned at 3:05