Dear Fun School Parents,
We would like to welcome you and your child to Fun School! During each session of our program, our goals are to help your child to be comfortable with his/her new routine, learn to follow directions, communicate their needs, interact with classmates and teachers, and most of all, have fun!
Each week we will have an age appropriate theme for our curriculum. Some themes will go longer than a week- please check out our classroom’s news board each morning. We have also included a Kid Connection Calendar to notify you of holidays and school closings, as our program follows the Kid Connection preschool and Winchester Public School calendar.
Our daily schedule:
Drop Off (9:00am) – meet at classroom door
Open play for the children -art, play dough, trains, puzzles, pretend play, and manipulatives)
Clean up song
Bathroom/ Hand washing
Snack time- please provide a nut-free snack for your child
Circle time- stories, felt boards, songs
Outdoor/ gym time
Dismissal (11:30am)
*Teachers will have children gathered at the front playground gate at the Main Street
entrance. You may pull your car up along the sidewalk and the teachers will secure your child in their car seat. (Note: It is helpful to have the car seat on the right side of your vehicle.)
If your child attends on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, they will also have music time with Ed
Morgan. Throughout the year, our classes may also participate in soccer skills and yoga!
Please complete the enclosed enrollment and health forms, including immunizations and lead test results and return to:
Winchester Recreation Department
Attn: Fun School
263 Main Street
Winchester, MA 01890
All forms must be received prior to your child attending Fun School. We would also like two pictures of your child for our classroom. We look forward to meeting you!
Thank you,
Daneile Wilson, Lead Teacher
Erin Daly- Assistant Teacher
Kelly Errico- Assistant Teacher
Jennifer O’Connell- Assistant Teacher
Sonja Ferraguto
Director, Kid Connection