Globe Electric Factory Audit Form 2015
1. Child Labour / Young LabourNo. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
1.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on child labour & young worker or understand its requirements?
1.2 / Does the facility have a written policy on prohibiting child labor and communicate this to all employees?
1.3 / What is the legal minimum age of employees?
1.4 / Does the youngest age of employees at the facility comply with local legal requirements?
1.5 / Does the facility have effective procedures to verify the age of employee at the time of recruitment?
1.6 / If Historical Child labour identified, has proper remedial actions & corrective actions been taken?
1.7 / Does the facility have a written policy on young worker protection and communicate this to all employees?
1.8 / Are young workers protective in accordance with the law? (e.g. registration, overtime hours, night work, physical examinations, hazardous work, etc.)
2. Forced Labour
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
2.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on forced labour or understand its requirements?
2.2 / Does the facility have a written policy on Forced Labour and communicate this to all employees?
2.3 / Are workers provided employment contract and issued with written copies?
2.4 / Are employees required to lodge deposits such as illegal withholding of salary, training fee, employment broker fee, fee for tools, fee for uniforms, or original documents such as ID papers?
2.5 / Is any evidence identified on the use of forced labour / prison labour / bonded labour?
2.6 / Is any physical method used to limit freedom of employees during working hours such as surveillance cameras, security guards or locked exit(s)?
2.7 / When employees are in dormitories, is there any restriction placed on employees’ freedom of movement?
2.8 / Are employees forced to work overtime?
2.9 / Are employees permitted time-off with doctor’s certificate or note when sick or for maternity?
2.10 / Are employees permitted to leave employment after giving reasonable notice?
3. Health & Safety
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulation on health and safety or understand its requirements?
3.2 / Is there written and adequate health and safety policy properly communicated?
3.3 / Is a senior management representative for health & safety appointed?
3.4 / Is safety committee established with members representing the various shifts, functions and levels?
3.5 / Is there an appropriate health and safety risk assessment for all areas and job functions?
3.6 / Are training and awareness programs on health and safety arranged regularly for all employees?
3.7 / Are all site buildings (including both production & dormitory) maintained in good condition in both physical surface and structure, and inspected with certificate?
3.8 / Does the facility have a suitable working environment in respect of ventilation, temperature, lighting, cleanliness, and tidiness?
3.9 / Is potable water accessible and adequate at each facility floor?
3.10 / Are workers provided with clean toilet facilities, which are private, segregated for men and women, and adequate in number?
Fire safety (Including production & dormitory & canteen)
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.11 / Does the facility have valid fire inspection certificates issued by local fire service authority?
3.12 / Does the number of fire extinguishers meet local legal requirements? Are they properly located?
3.13 / Are all fire extinguishers inspected and tested regularly and ready to use at all times?
3.14 / Is fire and hazard early warning system such as smoke detector installed and regularly tested?
3.15 / Is an effective fire extinguishing system i.e. fire hydrant/fire hose or sprinkler installed at each facility floor, inspected and maintained properly?
3.16 / Are documented fire drills conducted regularly and at least once a year?
3.17 / Are fire exits and escape routes adequate at each facility floor, and ease of access?
3.18 / Are exits and fire exits identified with sign or indicator lamps?
3.19 / Are adequate emergency lighting system installed at each facility floor?
3.20 / Did any fire accident take place in the past 12 months at the facility?
Machinery safety & special equipment
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.21 / Are adequate guarding or devices installed for moving/rotating parts of machine, pulleys and belts or any other dangerous parts of machines?
3.22 / Are signs available which prohibit loose clothing, jewelry, and long hair near moving machinery?
3.23 / Does the factory perform regular preventive maintenance for the machines including safety devices?
3.24 / Are open stairs and platforms guarded by handrails?
3.25 / Does the facility have valid inspection certificates and/or permits for boilers, elevators, forklifts, pressure vessels and other special equipment per local regulation?
3.26 / Are the operators of above-mentioned equipment trained and qualified per local regulation?
3.27 / Is vehicles speed properly controlled in the facility area?
Electricity safety
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.28 / Are all electricians qualified per local regulations?
3.29 / Are electrical safety procedures implemented effectively to ensure safety precautions such as grounding, discharging, and testing to be taken?
3.30 / Are all the electrical wires installed in fully acceptable condition and adequately protected?
3.31 / Are electrical installations checked monthly and repairs carried out by competent electrician?
3.32 / Are welding operators trained and qualified per local regulations?
3.33 / Is hot work permit procedure implemented for welding, cutting and open flame operation at the facility?
Chemical management
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.34 / Is there a written procedure for safely storage and handling of dangerous/hazardous chemicals?
3.35 / Is a current dangerous/hazardous chemical inventory available?
3.36 / Are all chemical containers properly labeled?
3.37 / Are dangerous/hazardous chemical properly stored with secondary containers, explosive-proof lamps, fire extinguishers, ventilation fans equipped?
3.38 / Are emergency eyewash stations provided at the chemical storage/operating area?
3.39 / Are MSDS available at the chemical storage/operating area?
3.40 / Is adequate ventilation system including LEV equipped where chemicals (e.g., solvents, solder) existed?
Occupational health management
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.41 / As necessary, are air quality test and/or noise test performed at workshops as per legal requirements?
3.42 / Does the factory arrange occupational health examinations to the workers exposed to hazardous environment?
Personal protective equipment
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.43 / If the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as goggles, masks, safety shoes, earplugs, etc. is required to control safety hazards, is the equipment correctly and consistently used by employees where required?
3.44 / Is this PPE at disposal of the workers free of charge?
3.45 / Are signs and warnings posted in the corresponding areas reminding employees to wear PPE?
Work related accidents management
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.46 / Does the factory keep accident / injury / illness records?
3.47 / Are corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence of work related accidents?
First aid
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.48 / Are adequate first aid kits located at each floor and marked with signs?
3.49 / Is there adequate employees trained on first aid?
3.50 / If required by local law, is an in-house clinic/first aid station established with competent doctor/first aider employed at the facility?
Dormitory & Canteen
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
3.51 / Are dormitories NOT physically connected with the production and/or warehouse buildings?
3.52 / Are the sleeping quarters separated for men and women?
3.53 / Does the space per employee meet local laws?
3.54 / Are there adequate bathrooms available to employees at dormitory?
3.55 / Are sanitary areas clean and hygienic with available washing facilities?
3.56 / Are recreation areas available at the dormitory?
3.57 / Are kitchen & canteen hygienic with adequate facilities & legal permit?
3.58 / Are adequate evidences identified (such as health examination) that employees working in kitchen are suitable to food service?
3.59 / Is any pest control program established and implemented effectively at kitchen & canteen area?
4. Freedom of Association
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
4.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on trade union and freedom of association or understand its requirements?
4.2 / Does the facility have a written policy on freedom of association and communicate this to all employees?
4.3 / Is employees’ right to form and join free trade unions and employees’ associations acknowledged by the management and employees?
4.4 / Is there a trade union formed at the facility? Pls. specify the name of the union.
4.5 / If restricted by law or if there is no formal employees union, does the facility facilitate parallel means such as employee committee?
4.6 / Do employees elect their own representatives / spokesperson(s)? If Yes, specify name and title.
4.7 / Are there regularly scheduled meetings between employee representatives and management, and are meeting minutes on file?
4.8 / Do employees’ representatives have access to members at workplace?
4.9 / Does the facility have a written policy and procedure to protect employees’ representatives, union supporters and/or Union representatives from retaliation?
4.10 / For non-unionized facility, are fair and effective mechanisms to ventilate and resolve grievances of employees in place?
4.11 / Has the facility experienced a strike, walkout, demonstration, or other significant conflict with employees within the last 12 months?
5. Discrimination
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
5.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on non-discrimination or understand its requirements?
5.2 / Does the facility have a written policy concerning discrimination and communicate this to all employees?
5.3 / Is any evidence identified on discrimination in hiring, promotion, compensation, welfare, dismissal, retirement, etc. based on gender, age, pregnancy, marital status, race, religion, disability, union membership, political affiliation, etc.?
5.4 / Is there any evidence of sexual harassment, especially of young female employees?
5.5 / Do employees have access to and are familiar with procedures for filing complaints about discrimination?
6. Disciplinary Practice
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
6.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on disciplinary practices or understand its requirements?
6.2 / Does the facility have documented disciplinary rules?
6.3 / Are the disciplinary rules communicated to all employees?
6.4 / Are the disciplinary rules fair, reasonable and legal or validated by local government authority?
6.5 / Are the employee’s disciplinary actions recorded?
6.6 / Are deductions from pay for infractions / breaking of rules legal?
6.7 / Does any evidence exist for mental / physical coercion?
6.8 / Do employees have access to appeal in case of infractions / breaking of rules?
7. Working Hours
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
7.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on working hours or understand its requirements?
7.2 / Does the facility establish a written policy on working hours (including overtime requirements if any), rest and vacations as per legal requirements AND is the policy communicated to all employees?
7.3 / Are all working hours of employees recorded accurately & documented completely?
7.4 / Are employees' overtime exceed legal requirements?
7.5 / Do the employees have at least one day (24 consecutive hours) in seven days? If answer is no, then what is the longest period of consecutive days that employees work?
7.6 / Do employees have adequate time for rest & meal breaks?
7.7 / Does the facility have any valid written approval or permit on extra overtime hours from local labour authority?
8. Wages & Compensation
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
8.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on compensation and benefits or understand its requirements?
8.2 / Does the facility establish a written policy on compensation and benefits as per legal requirements and communicate this to all employees?
8.3 / Do all employees’ wages meet local minimum wages (including trainees / apprentices / employees in probation period, dispatched workers, student workers, etc.)?
8.4 / Are the employees paid the legally required overtime wages?
8.5 / Are legal benefits (social insurance, paid annual leave, maternity leave, high temperature allowance, etc…) provided to employees?
8.6 / Are the deductions from employees’ wages fair, reasonable and legal?
8.7 / Is extra work to fulfill production target demanded without payment?
8.8 / Is rework paid for piece rate employees?
8.9 / Is all compensation paid to employees themselves in cash/cheque/direct to bank or any other method convenient to employees?
8.10 / Are wage slips given to employees and they understand the wage-break up?
8.11 / Is the payment frequency never exceed one working month?
9. Environment
No. / Requirements / Result / Comments / Audit findings
9.1 / Does the facility have a copy of valid laws and regulations on environment protection or understand its requirements?
9.2 / Does the facility have an environmental policy signed by top management?
9.3 / Does the facility management appoint a qualified management representative with defined roles and responsibilities on implementing environmental policy and practices?
9.4 / Does the facility management conduct environmental impact analysis on its operation and put in place mechanism to minimize the negative impact on environment?
9.5 / Does the facility have put in place environmental emergency procedures related to risk identified (repotting, tank fulfilling, chemical use…)?
9.6 / Are the employees provided with adequate and necessary environmental awareness for both their specific job function and general safety?
9.7 / Does the facility have all approvals, permits and licenses required by local laws or regulations?
9.8 / Does the facility have proper waste water, gas, etc. treatment before releasing?
9.9 / Does the facility monitor the emission of waste water, gas, noise, etc. as per legal requirements?
9.10 / Does the facility segregate, store and dispose hazardous waste properly?
9.11 / Has an energy survey /assessment (e.g. electricity, heat, water,) been undertaken?
9.12 / Has an energy efficiency plan been launched to reduce resources use?