Broseley Church of England Primary School

Dark Lane. Broseley. Shropshire TF12 5LW Tel: 01952 882673. Fax: 01952 883606

Head teacher: Miss Liz Simpson (Acting) Business Manager: Mrs Nikki Venables .

Office Co-ordinator: Mrs D J Moore Administrative Assistant: Mrs Cheryl Durns

17th October 2017

Dear Parent/Carer


We have been very pleased to see how popular our first half term has been for after school clubs. For the second part of the term the clubs will be as follows:

Multi-Sport Club
KS1 & KS2
Crossbar / Dance Festival Club
Y1 – Y6
Unlimited numbers
Miss Simpson / KS1 Media Club
Y1 & Y2
20 places
Mrs Mitchell / Girls Football
Y1 – Y6
Unlimited numbers
Miss Howell / Crossbar Football
R – Y6
(£3 per session payable half terml)
Netball Club
Y5 & Y6
Unlimited numbers
(Boys & Girls)
Mrs Woolley / KS2 Lego Club
Y3 – Y6
20 places
Mr Cadle / KS2 Media Club
Y3 – Y6
20 places
Mrs Aston / KS1 Lego & Toy Club
Reception – Y2
15 places
Miss Nutt / Gymnastics Club
Y1 & Y2
20 places
Mr Heath
Library Club
Y4 & Y5
15 places
Miss Young / Recorder Club
Y3 – Y6
20 places
Miss Wootton

You may notice a couple of changes to the timetable. Firstly, due to low numbers Crossbar football will not run on a Monday and those children in KS1 who wish to continue with Crossbar football will be able to join the Friday group. Jack and Tom from Crossbar will however run a multi-sports club on a Monday after school which will involve all sorts of different sports type games. Each session will be £3.00.

The second change to the provision is Photography club has now finished and will be replaced with KS2 Lego Club for children in Years 3 to 6. All other clubs apart from Crossbar run clubs remain at £2 per session.

If you require places on any of the above clubs please complete the club registration form so that we can add your child to the club register. Payments must be made before the club starts and you will have the option to pay half and half as before.

Once you have signed up for a club if your child does not wish to continue with the club, unfortunately we will not be able to refund any monies to you. Monies can only be refunded if school has to cancel a club or if your child is taking part in another school activity such as a netball or football tournament.

You can find club registration forms in the classrooms and in the office.

Kind regards.

Yours sincerely

Miss L Simpson