9th May 2006
Advanced Management Programin Fashion & Luxury
Beijing – Paris - The prestigious School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, the Institut Français de la Mode - the Paris expertise center for creative industries - and HEC Paris - the leading French business school- will launch in September 2006 a new “Advanced Management Program in Fashion & Luxury” focusing on six key areas:
Globalization and Innovation, Product Strategy, Communication & Retail, Value Chain and Business Models, Brand Management, Luxury and Fashion Culture.
The six modules (three days per module) will be taught at Tsinghua SEM from September 2006 until March 2007. This series will be followed by a unique “International Experience” in Paris dedicated to understanding the essence of Fashion & Luxury Industry (May 2007).
The courses will be delivered in Beijing by Tsinghua SEM, IFM, HEC Paris professors and experts. The audience will be composed of both international and Chinese selected participants: corporate leaders and high potential managers.
The Tsinghua SEM - IFM - HEC partnership has been launched during the first China-France Fashion and Luxury Management Forum, which has been held at Tsinghua University in Beijing on April 1st 2006 with over 200 participants from China, France, and other countries. Speakers invited to the forum were senior executives of world leading fashion and luxury companies: Bluebell, Devanlay-Lacoste, ETAM Intermoda, Gucci Group, L’Oréal, LVMH, Montagut, Modern Media Group among others. Focusing on "competitive global strategies in the industry and the art of developing global brands”, the Forum offered to the audience a better knowledge of current practices in international management.
One of the main messages emerging from the speeches has been that, contrary to the common idea that luxury and fashion are all about glamour and rapid earnings, this very complex and sophisticated business has to combine creative talent, permanent innovation, lasting search for coherence and managerial talent in the long run, which is a particularly difficult task.
The three institutions were represented at the Forum by Xie Weihe, Vice President of Tsinghua University - Chen Guoqing, Executive Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM - Jean Paul Vermès, Vice President of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Bernard Ramanantsoa, HEC Dean – Jean-Paul Larçon, HEC Senior Associate Dean for International Development - Pascal Morand, IFM Director General. The Forum also hosted senior representatives of the Ministry of Commerce of China and Counselors of the Embassy of France in China.
The Tsinghua SEM - IFM - HEC partnership in Fashion and Luxury management has received the support of world industry leaders such as Chanel, Gucci Group, Devanlay Lacoste, L'Oréal, Montagut and benefits from the cooperation with Modern Weekly Magazine.
The China-France initiative in Fashion & Luxury Management has also received the strong support of the Embassy of France in China
Press Contacts
Tsinghua SEM
Grace Li
+ 86 10 62 77 29 46
Lucas Delattre
+33 609 94 59 80
HEC Paris
Catherine Rousseau
+33 1 39 67 94 23