Curriculum Planning
Vanessa Richmond
LP3 Environment Plan
- Preschool Room
- List of Room areas
- Discovery
- Art
- Dramatic Play
- Music & Movement
- Reading
- Manipulative
- List of furniture, equipment & materials
- Discovery
- Sensory Table
- Microscope
- Ant Farm
- Nature Items
- Shelves
- Art
- Paper
- Crayons, Markers, Paint, Pencils
- Easel
- Table and Chairs
- Shelves
- Stamps
- Dramatic Play
- Kitchen
- Puppets
- Dolls
- Dress up
- Shelves
- Music & Movement
- Symbols
- Tambourines
- Flutes
- Drums
- Pianos
- Xylophones
- Ride on cars
- Mats
- Shelves
- Reading
- Books
- Stuffed Animals
- Chairs
- Pillows
- Book Shelf
- Manipulative
- Blocks
- Cars
- Animals
- Knob puzzles
- Lacing cards
- Shelves
- Infant Room
- List of room areas
- Changing Station
- Gross Motor
- Music
- Sensory
- List of furniture, equipment & materials
- Changing Station
- Changing Table
- Cubbies
- Sink
- Garbage
- Gross Motor
- Climbing Mats
- Exersaucer
- Gym Mat
- Tummy Time Mat
- Music
- Swing
- Cd Player
- Mirror with bar
- Sensory
- Blocks
- Rattles
- Feely Basket
An explanation of developmental domains that might be addressed through activities in each area.
Each area has a great chance for learning and development for the children. In all the areas children are gaining social/emotional development, physical development, cognitive development and language development. On page 317 on out book “Creative Curriculum for preschoolers it states the way children gain social/emotional development is through their thoughts and emotions they chose their colors, textures, and media. They also express their originality and individuality through art. The way children gain physical development through art is through cutting, tearing paper, drawing and writing these all help children develop fine motor development. Children learn cognitive development through art by using thinking skills in order to draw paint and sculpt. Language development is learned through art by communicating and talking about what they are drawing and learning.
In our book on page 271 it talks about how children gain these domains through dramatic play. Children are learning social/emotional development through playing roles, cooperating, agreeing and recreating roles. Physical development is gained through buttoning, snapping, and dressing and undressing. Cognitive development is learned when children pretend using their imaginations. Language development is learned when children engage with one and other, communicating and explaining what they are doing as well as asking questions.
On page 423 it talks about how children learn through music. Children learn social and emotional development by being part of a group; they also learn this from different types of music that express different emotions. Physical development is learned by dancing to the music, making up finger plays and playing instruments. Cognitive development is learned by creating patterns they learn through singing, problem solving while engaging in music activates, number concepts as they clap their hands and stomp their feet. Language development is learned by listening to changes in tempos or pitch in a song. They are learning new words through songs and movements of their body parts.
On page 403 it talks about how children learn through sensory also known as sand and water play. Social and emotional play is learned because children are playing together and taking turns. They are gaining their physical development by molding, scooping and carrying buckets. Their cognitive development is being gained through exploration and observations. Children are figuring out the difference between a solid and a liquid. Language development is being gained through learning new words of what things are.
On page 351 it talks about how children learn through reading/library. Children gain social/emotional development through reading books about people who are the same and different from them. They learn empathy for the people in the stories. Language development is learned by reading the books, listening to the stories, writing and speaking. They are learning new words by listening and repeating after the teacher and other children. Physical development is learned by following the pictures and words in the books, writing and drawing. Cognitive development is learned by gaining knowledge of the world around them. They learn to make predictions of what is going to happen in the books. They can also learn counting, colors, shapes and more through books.
When it comes to infants they are learning just as much if not more than preschoolers. Infants are growing so rapidly and the more we engage with the easier it becomes for them to develop. Children are gaining just as many development domains as preschool children but in different ways. Infants learn through listening, observation and one on one connection with the teachers/caregivers.
A summary of your rationale for arranging areas and provisioning them as you did. Use information from your reading in the textbooks and learning plan to support your explanations.
In the preschool is setup in a way where the teachers are still able to see the entire room but the children are able to gain the learning and development they need in the areas. I made sure to have the louder areas closer together. As stated in our book “Creative Curriculum for preschool on page 62 a creative curriculum classroom should have areas divided into centers. I made sure to in cooperate this into my diagram. The other thing I included in the preschool classroom that is not in the infant room is a bathroom most children this age are potty trained but a few children may still be learning so to make it easier the bathroom is located in the classroom.
In the infant room the centers are combined so the teachers can have sound and sight at all times. The sleep room area is separate from the play area but is still able to be seen and heard from the teachers. I did this because infants have their own schedule and this makes it easier for them to nap and the other infants to play and learn. As stated in our book “Creative Curriculum for infants, toddlers and twos” on page 235 the changing station should be separate from the eating area and there should also be a sink next to the changing station. I made sure this was in cooperated into my diagram.
A concluding comparison of the two environment plans, explaining how the needs of infants or toddlers are different from the needs of preschoolers or school-agers.
The rooms I chose were the preschool room and the infant room. I chose these rooms because they are complete opposite but the children are able to gain the same experiences and learning.
The preschools are mobile and more independent than infants.
Preschoolers and infants both have music, gross motor and sensory areas but the items they play with are different. In the infant room we have to be aware of toys that are unbreakable and aren’t choking hazards.
Scoring Guide
Criteria / StudentRating / Instructor
Diagram of infant or toddler classroom setting is included and drawn neatly and clearly / 3 2 1 0
Diagram of preschool or school age classroom setting is included and drawn neatly and clearly / 3 2 1 0
Descriptions of room areas and rationale are included for infant or toddler plan / 3 2 1 0
Descriptions of room areas and rationale are included for preschool or school-age plan / 3 2 1 0
Lists of furnishings and materials for each room area are included in infant or toddler plan / 3 2 1 0
Lists of furnishings and materials for each room area are included in preschool or school-age plan / 3 2 1 0
Rationale for infant or toddler plan is included, is appropriate and is justified by information from learning plan and reading / 3 2 1 0
Rationale for preschool or school-age plan is included, is appropriate and is justified by information from learning plan and reading / 3 2 1 0
A concluding comparison of the differences in environmental needs of the two age groups is included and appropriate / 3 2 1 0
Work is written clearly, with no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors / Yes 2 1
No 0 / Yes 2 1
No 0
Self assessment is completed and included with the assignment / Yes 2 1
No 0 / Yes 2 1
No 0
Assignment is submitted on time
1 Week 25% -8 points
2 Weeks 50% -16 points
3 Weeks 75% - 24 points
4 Weeks 100% - 32 / Yes 1
No - / Yes 1
No -
Total points / 32