Global Opportunities Pool for International Seminars and Conferences

Application Form

Girlguiding UK is forming a pool of young women who would be interested in representing the Association at international seminars or conferencesorganised by WAGGGS or other international organisations. As opportunities become available, members who have expressed an interest in a relevant topic and/or who have the necessary experience will be invited to apply.

If you are interested in being part of the Global Opportunities Pool, please complete this application form and return it to .

There is no guarantee that members who are part of the Global Opportunities Pool will have the chance to represent Girlguiding UK at an international event, but if an opportunity arises that matches your skills and interests, you will receive details of the application process.

Please answerALL the questions on the application as fully and honestly as possible. NB:Please use no more than 100 words for any one answer.

Registration number (required):
Date of birth:
Email address:
Phone number:
Current role(s) in guiding:
Guiding County and Country/Region:
Any languages spoken:
Do you have any dietary or medical requirements?
If yes, please specify:
Name, contact details and positions of two referees from within Girlguiding UK:
What would you hope to gain from representing Girlguiding UK at an international seminar or conference?
Why do you think you would be a good representative of Girlguiding UK?
How would you hope to share what you have learned at the international event with other members of Girlguiding UK?
Please outline any previous experience of international guiding:
What do you believe are the strengths of WAGGGS?
Please outline your experience ofleadership:
Please outline your experience of presenting your views to an audience or within a group:
In which of the following areas do you have relevant knowledge or experience, or a particular interest? (Tick all that apply.)
 Millennium Development Goals
 Environment/sustainability
 Women’s rights
 Advocacy
 Youth participation
 Growing guiding
 Developing guiding programme
 Fundraising
 Leadership development
For each box ticked, please give details of the relevant knowledge or experience you hold in this area and/or why it is of interest to you:
Please give details of your experience withinGirlguiding UK, particularly any roles you have held at a County, Country/Region or national level:

Thank you for applying to be a part of Girlguiding UK’s

Global Opportunities Pool.

Please email this application form to with ‘Global Opportunities Pool’ in the subject box.