Young People’s Partnership (YPP)
Date: / 29April 2009Venue: / Committee Room 3, Guildhall. / Time: / 10.00 am
1.Attendance and apologies:
NAME / ORGANISATION / Attend/ Apols / NAME / ORGANISATION / Attend/Apols
John Gallanders [JGa] / (Chair) AVOW / √
Board Members
Andy Hawkins / WCBC HoS: Achievement 10-19 / Jan Wingett / 14-19 Network / Apols
Angela Roberts / Wrexham LHB / Apols / Janet Growcott [JGr] / WCBC CSP
Ann Ledsham / Careers Wales / Apols / John Roberts / WCBC – S&S
Carol Gardner / Third Sector- Dynamic / √ / John Williams / North Wales Police
Colin Powell / Third Sector / Joyce M’Caw / Careers Wales / √
Donna Dickinson / WCBC PI / √ / Lauren Pilling / WCBC PSD / √
Gary Brown / WCBC Econ Dev / Louise Hulme / WCBC PSD / √
Gillian Cowan / WCBC HSC&WB / Louise Woodfine / Wrexham LHB
Graham Edwards / WCBC PI / Patrick Howells / NHS Trust
Gwawr Cordiner / Menter Iaith Maelor / Apols / Rob Norris / CWVYS / √
James Kelly / Councillor / Yvonne Harding / NHS Trust
Jan Jones / CYFWP Co-ord / √ / Laura Williams / AVOW / √
In Addition / Guests
Minutes Only
Terry Garner / WCBC – Strategic Director
Distribution: YPP plus Chair of CYPFWP Board
Agenda/Points covered: / Respons- ible person:Pre-Agenda
- JGa stated that even though there is a very low attendance at today’s meeting, the group will go through the agenda items. Decision making could be compromised however,as the group is not quorate. JGa had thought that the changes that had taken place (having both YPP and CP meetings on the same day with a Joint Working Lunch for members of each group to discuss joint issues) would have caught the interest of members and encouraged them to attend.
- JHJ suggested writing to this group’s members to ask whether they still want to be a part of this group. JHJ stated that the way in which these meetings are now arranged should prove to be powerful.
2Previous Minutes and matters arising not already on the agenda
- Covered under Joint Working Lunch
- Itemsfor Action / Agreement
3.1 Finalise Work Programme for 2009 / JGa
- At the last meeting, the key areas that the Young People’s Partnership would be looking at in 2009 were identified. JHJ, LH and LP have since applied the special interest criteria to these tasks and developed the 2009 work programme (previously circulated). This shows the YPP and CP groups’ special interest task, planned for this meeting, with a number of other options to choose from once this task has been completed.
- The group looked through these options in order todecide which key task would be most beneficial to work on once KT 82 has been completed.
- Special interest tasks should be issues that the group feel that they can make a positive impact on, without duplicating, or undermining the work of other groups.
- There were concerns regarding how Wrexham can possibly deliver the whole agenda of what young people are entitled to, with the limited resources that are currently available.
- Many young people are not clear regarding entitlement. JM’C stated that there is still a lot of work to be done in order to change this.
- JHJ suggested that this group offer to do a piece of work on this for the supervising SCoG and then make recommendations to them on how best to progress.
- CG reminded that the needs of children with disabilities and the fact that specialists and extra provision is usually required, is not always considered.
- DD questioned how the commissioning and decommissioning of services is decided and requested that the decisions made by the CYPFWP Board, are filtered down to this group. JHJ informed that the CYPFWP Board’s work is around performance and funding. The SCoGs will raise any issues as and when they arise but will otherwise, be left to deal with their tasks (unless any task is “red” for a period of longer than two quarters) to ensure that work is scrutinised and not duplicated.
- Regarding how to decide the group’s priorities, each member was informed that, if this group is to carry out its role most effectively, members must look beyond their own aims. Even if members do not usually deal with certain issues, they may be able to bring new and fresh perspectives in moving the issue in hand forward.
ACTION: JGa and JHJ to have a wider discussion regarding TK 14 (strategies to reduce self-harm) and how best to take this toCYPFWP Board. JGa would like to request a clear mechanism for access and exit strategies.
ACTION: RN will write on behalf of the Voluntary Sector, regarding the low amount of funding coming in to Wales in comparison to the rest of the country
- The group discussed funding streams and how the North of Wales is not as quick as South Wales to get bids in. JHJ reminded that these are much bigger authorities than here and probably have one person, whose job it is to deal with bids and therefore becomes extremely proficient in writing them. In smaller authorities such as Wrexham, bids tend to be done in employees’ spare time or part of core work.
- The group discussed the cuts in funding for the coming two years – 16% this year with a further 20% next year. RN stated that the Voluntary sector is nervous regarding which services will be affected.
- JHJ expressed concern that cuts in funding usually affect the preventative services. Officials are concerned with regards to Flying Start as this is an expensive service and are currently trying to ensure that this service is secure.
- YPP Special Interests / Scrutiny
4.1 Special Interest – KT 82 Extended Entitlement (presentation)
- DD led the group through a presentation stating thatExtending Entitlementshould not be taken lightly as it is here to stay and is one of the key focuses of Estyn Inspections.
- One of the main aims is to ensure that everyone is aware of young people’s entitlements, as this is not presently the case. Another aim is around whether young people are able to access what they are entitled to. Many organisations are delivering services to young people but there is an issue with not being able to obtain the useful data for analysis.
- LH informed that a mapping exercise was planned for this section of the agenda but that this would not be possible due to a lack of attendance.
- JM’C stated that teachers in Wales need to be taught what extended entitlement involves otherwise there is a danger that young peoplewill be given the wrong information by teachers. It could be incorporated into teacher training courses.
- According to reports, young people are also one of the most vulnerable groups admitted into hospital and are among the most poorly treated.
- The group looked at the first bulleted entitlement: Education, Training and Work Experience – tailored to their needs.
- JM’C informed that every young person is entitled to a learning pathway and feels that WAG do not promote this fact enough.
- JGa felt that many of these are tailored more towards the education system, than the needs of young people. There is also the issue of schools in Wales providing literature regarding entitlement in England, which is not always relevant. Then there is the issue of those living in England but being schooled in Wales and vice versa.
- CG stated that this becomes complicated further when a child or young people have disabilities, specifically when Wrexham has one of the largest schools for children with disabilities in this area.
- JHJ suggested that someone with knowledge of the English system could devise an information pack for parents living in England but have children in Welsh schools. This could also be put into effect for parents living in Wales but having their children schooled in England.
- RN stated that there are ten bulleted entitlements listed but as we can see from discussion on the first one (above) each entitlement covers a lot. RN suggested listing each in a table, with other columns asking ’Have we got it?’ and ‘Is it tailored to YP needs?’ JHJ agreed that this could be done and that it would help the group to quantify more.
- JGa stated that it is the second year of piloting the Welsh Baccalaureate (Welsh Bac.) in the Wrexham area. JGa asked the group whether there is any research or evidence that we are disadvantaging our students with a qualification that some employers and universities believe to be less valuable. JGa stated that we need to inform universities and employers of what the Welsh Baccalaureate consists of.
- JM’C reported that there are issues around work experience and the health and safety of placements. JM’C voiced her concerns around the vetting of longer-term placements, where young peopleare asked to carry out more involved tasks. There are many more young people on extended work experience than JM’C is arranging and she wonders whether these placements are even being vetted. JM’C is also concerned regarding the quality of these placements as well as safety issues.
- JHJ suggested producing a report on how valuable/useful young people found their placements. JM’C will look into this but stated that the monitoring of these placements currently resides with the schools; however, they do not seem to be carrying out the check-up visits anymore.
- The group recognised that it would be difficult to vet an entire workforce.
- JHJ stated that Wrexham should be empowering their young people to inform the schools etc if they are not comfortable in their placement.
- DD suggested giving a contact number to parents and ensuring that they are kept informed of their children’s rights, as a large majority of young people state that they would be more likely to confide in their parents regarding any problems that they encounter.
- JGa suggested implementing a system where positive placements are ‘flagged’ for future use and negative placements ‘flagged’ to avoid other young people being placed there.
- DD asked whether the group should be looking at one, or two entitlements per meeting, or should the YPP be raising the profile of all entitlements to young g people. Today’s group has only managed to look into the Education, Training and Work Experience entitlement and have not covered all of this.
- DD suggested inviting guests, who are involved in the delivery of specific entitlements to these meetings in order to discuss them.
- Basic Skills impact on a number of Wrexham’s other key tasks
ACTION: Siwan Meirion to be invited to attend the next meeting to talk about Basic Skills. Questions for answering to be circulated before.
ACTION: JGato write to Clare Field – Chair of the Enjoy and Participate SCoG, to inform her that the YPP have elected to look at Extended Entitlement as a special interest item. / DD
- Report(s) required / tabled for next meeting
- All members to be contacted by letter regarding the low attendance to this meeting.
- This is due to take place on the 28th, 29th and 30th September 2009.
- Date and time of next meeting(s):
TIMES:Young People’s Partnership:10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Joint Working Lunch (YPP & CP):12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Children’s Partnership:2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
VENUE: Billiard Room,Erlas Centre, Bryn Estyn Lane, Wrexham
Date: / 29 April 2009
Venue: / Committee Room 3 Guildhall. / Time: / 12.00 pm
Apols / NAME / ORGANISATION / Attend/
John Gallanders [JGa] / (YP Chair) AVOW / √ / Cilla Robinson / (CP Chair) NW NHS Trust / √
Andy Hawkins / WCBC HoS: Achievement 10-19 / Joyce M’Caw / Careers Wales / √
Angela Roberts / Wrexham LHB / Apols / Karen Kilcoyne / WCBC Performance Analysis Manager / √
Ann Ledsham / Careers Wales / Apols / Kathy Weigh / WCBC YOS / √
Carol Gardner / Third Sector- Dynamic / √ / Laura Williams / AVOW / √
Caroline Selby / Third Sector - EYF / √ / Lauren Pilling / WCBC Performance Development / √
Colin Powell / Third Sector / Louise Hulme / WCBC Performance Development / √
Donna Dickinson / WCBC PI / √ / Louise Woodfine / Wrexham LHB / Apols
Gary Brown / WCBC Econ Dev / Lyn Millen / WCBC P&I
Gillian Cowan / WCBC HSC&WB / Margaret Southall / WCBC HoS: Family Support
Graham Edwards / WCBC PI / Mike Barclay / WCBC Play Development / √
Gwawr Cordiner / Menter Iaith Maelor / Apols / Pat Kearsley / Third Sector / √
Hilary Harriman / WCBC EY Lead Officer / Apols / Patrick Howells / NHS Trust
James Kelly / Councillor / Phyllis Matthews / Family Information Service / √
Jan Jones / CYFWP Coordinator / √ / Ray Wells / Governors Wales / Apols
Jan Wingett / 14-19 Network / Apols / Rob Norris / CWVYS / √
Janet Growcott [JGr] / WCBC CSP / Sharn Jones / NHS Trust
John Davies / WCBC HoS: Achievement 0-12 / Apols / Sue Aston / NHS Trust / √
John Roberts / WCBC – S&S / Tricia Hughes / Homestart / √
John Williams / North Wales Police / Yvonne Harding / NHS Trust
Distribution: CP and YPP plus Chair of CYPFWP Board
Agenda/Points covered: /Responsible person:
Pre-Agenda- JGa welcomed the group.
- JGa and CR will alternate the chairing of this joint CP and YPP Working Lunch. JGa chaired the meeting today.
7.Standing Items
7.1 SCoG/Board/Partnership Updates (CP headlines; progress; problems; issues)
7.1.1Enjoyment and Participation(LH)
Young Person’s Website
- The YP website and directory of personal services is currently “red”, due to not having the capacity to update and maintain the website.
- PM reported that there is a group looking into combining the FIS directory with the Info Shop data. PM suggested that a link to this group could be useful.
- Another possibility is that once the TAC administrator has been appointed the updating of this website may fall under their remit.
- Is “red” this quarter, yet this should change once the review of this service has taken place.
- The service is currently working at capacity with additional requests for support for families. If the service is allowed to open more, there will be capacity issues.
7.1.2Learning and Achievement (LP)
- The anti-bullying group is progressing with implementation but is currently red due to funding issues around implementing training and documentation. This issue has been raised at the LA SCoG and is being looked. CP/YPP to be updated on this issue at the next meeting.
- Moving forward but may move to red due to a funding issue. MM to raise with JHJ and an update on progress will be provided at the next CP/YPP meeting.
- Currently red as this group is in its infancy. This group will be developed over the next term and the CP updated on progress at the next meeting.
- Currently red as this group is due to be reformed in light of the adoption of the Council priority – Better Skills and Education for Employment.
- A meeting will be held during the next quarter to agree the new remit of the previous KIT group.
- PM reported that the Genesis project has to target 62 NEETs before the end of the project. The KIT/NEETs group may find it useful to link up with this project.
- JGa queried the number of NEETs who leave school and disappear off the radar.
- SA stated that the current recession must be impacting on the number of NEETs.
- This group is green as it is progressing with the actions in the P-MAP.
- SA raised the issue of the use of school buildings out of term time for health visitors.
- DD reported that all schools, training providers etc. have to expand their range of options for all students. All networks have to provide this.
- JGa is also now a member of the 14-19 Network, representing the YPP.
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Draft Action Plan to be consulted on by childcare providers in a workshop to be held at the end of May 2009.
- The job description of the Flying Start Coordinator is currently being redefined and will be advertised shortly.
Suicide Prevention Group
- There is currently an issue regarding the broad section of membership.
- Item deferred until the next meeting
- Agreement has been given for the extended opening hours of the Info Shop on Saturdays. Awaiting a named nurse, or nurses, to cover the additional hours (Saturdays: 11 am - 1 pm)
- Wrexham has a forthcoming inspection by the CSSIW which will take place from 18th - 20th May 2009.
- These inspections are being carried out across Wales in response to the ‘Baby P’ case.
- A well attended workshop has taken place to map current provision.
- JGa asked whether the issue of YP coming out of Youth Custody was being examined by the YP Housing and Accommodation TF Group. JHJ confirmed that this issue was being dealt with by the Group.
- All LSCB courses will be added to the training directory which has a number of different tabs for different groups.
- DD reported that this group has many issues, due to resources and sustainability.
7.1.6Performance Issues
- Every TF group now has a P-MAP which will be managed by the lead Performance Development Officer and updated quarterly by TF Group leads.
Welsh Language Issues
- JGa reported that the LSB Local Delivery Action Plan for last year included CAMHS. This is not the case this year. CAMHS will howeverstill be monitored via reports every six months.
8.Joint Issues for Discussion
8.1 Wrexham Social Services Annual Council Reporting Framework (pilot) / KK
- KK led the group through the summary (previously circulated).
- Cross-cutting priorities include:
Legacy - IT systems and improving use
Challenge/risk that the NHS reorganisation may leave, particularly for Safeguarding and Support
Leadership and culture – increasing the involvement of members
- S&S, with the agreement of members, have not put forward their performance information. This will however, be put forwarded once a report has gone to the Executive Board. The emphasis may change but the priorities should not be affected.
9.For Information
9.1.2 Consultations on proposed Children and Families (Wales) Measure
- JHJ reported that this was approved by the Executive Board and can be viewed on the WCBC internet and intranet.
ACTION: JHJ to request the Domestic Abuse Report. / JHJ
12.Date and Time of Next Meeting
Date:Wednesday 29th July 2009
Time:10:00 am - 12:00 pm :Young People’s Partnership
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm : Working Lunch (joint)
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm :Children’s Partnership
Venue:Billiard Room, Erlas, Wrexham