Global History and Geography 10: Course Outline

Michael Burnett



Room 511

Textbook: World History: Patterns of Interaction

Objective: Students will achieve a mastery level on the New York State Regents exam.

The objective of this course is designed to present you with the history of the world you live in. You will acquire knowledge of the people, places, and events that have shaped the world. You have been alive for less than .0001% of the entire human history. Your judgments and knowledge are limited by your experiences. Your limited experience inhibits your understanding of your past, and thus restricts the decisions and concepts you have in the present and future. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. It is your duty to learn their lessons so that you can be a productive, responsible, and prepared to inherit the world so that future generations can stand on your accomplishments.

Required Materials:

1) 3 Ring Binder with Dividers: 2” Recommended

2) Folder

3) 1 (one) pack of 3”x5” Index Cards (100 count) Leave in plastic wrap and bring to class

4) Pens/Pencils for class every day

Classroom Rules:

1) BE ON TIME: sit in your seat before the bell rings and begin working on the question of the day. Go the lavatory before class.

2) BE PREPARED: bring your binder, a pen, and any materials needed. Hand in your homework on time. Begin working right away.

3) BE POSITIVE: have a positive attitude and be willing to try new tasks.

4) BE SUCCESSFUL AND THINK: do not just assume you can not answer a question, do a task, or give up. Be willing to genuinely try and I will help you.

5) BE COURTEOUS AND RESPECTFUL: Act like an adult and be respectful of others. Do not touch or inhibit the education experience of other students.


All homework is due at the beginning of class. Place your assignment in the appropriate and assigned slot in the homework box. If you are absent it is your responsibility to hand in the work on your first day back. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to complete and missed class work and homework.


All tests and quizzes follow the New York State Regents Exam. It will consists of regents multiple choice questions, documents, and a written response essay. All tests must be taken on the scheduled exam day. In the case of an absence, the test/quiz must be taken the first day back from the absence or the student will receive a zero (0).


All grades are based on a point system. Homework, quizzes, written assignments, class participation, tests, presentations and projects will each have an assigned point value. At the end of the semester the points values will be tallied which will determine the student’s grade. Each assignment will have an individual point value.

Resources for student success:

1) Text book: read the assigned chapters and utilize the review sections of the text book

2) Supplemental Reading Study Guide: any student may sign out and keep a reading study guide which supplements the material covered in class.

3) Audio CD: Students may sign out the supplemental audio edition of the text book.

Mr. Burnett’s Website:

Visit the Dunkirk City School District official website. Select the High School link and then Classrooms. Select Mr. Burnett.

I will attempt to keep all homework, projects and review sheets updated as an attachment on the website. I will also attempt to keep and up to date calendar for assignment dates. There is useful links for resources on my website such as regent’s review and interactive questions.

Skills you will need to succeed:

  • Be responsible or tasks, assignments and your actions
  • Be able to express your ideas and thoughts clearly and articulately
  • Be able to write your ideas and information in an expressive manner
  • Be able to critically think and discern information from readings and pictures
  • Be able to debate, analyze and think about your world

This course will be challenging. You will have to work hard and dedicate yourself to success. Expect to spend time doing homework, reading, writing and most importantly, thinking! I will be available after school to help you. Please feel free to use me as a resource. Let’s make this a successful year.
