Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources

Application and Authority to Purchase and Administer Tick Fever Vaccine in Victoria

Livestock Disease Control Act 1994

Livestock Disease Control Regulations 2006

Part A

  1. Name of Applicant:

(Veterinary Practitioner)

  1. Address of Applicant: ------


  1. Contact details of Applicant: Phone: ------Fax:: ------

Part B

  1. Description of cattle to be vaccinated

The number and class of cattle ------

Location of stock to be vaccinated (incl. Property Identification Code) ------



Name and address of stock owner ------


Date of export/ movement------

Part C

  1. Name and address of manufacturer / supplier of the tick fever vaccine


  1. Name and address of Veterinary Practitioner(s) who are to administer the vaccine


Signature of Applicant ------Date: ------

Name of Applicant (print)------

Part D

  1. Approval is hereby granted for the Applicant to purchase tick fever vaccine and for the Veterinary Practitioner(s) in Part C to vaccinate the livestock in Part B with tick fever vaccine, subject to the conditions in Part E overleaf.

Name ------Signature ------

(Authorised Officer for DEDJTR)



Part E

  1. Conditions of this authority

Under current regulations, cattle that have been vaccinated with bivalent or trivalent tick fever vaccines are required to be removed from Victoria. Should circumstances arise such that this is not possible, such as injury or inability to travel, one of the following would need to be considered:

a)movement to an abattoir or knackery for slaughter; or

b)export to another country; or

c)continued residence in Victoria, subject to the animals being identified with a National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) device, and the NLIS database administrator being notified of the NLIS tag numbers indicating that the animals have been vaccinated for tickfever.

Should any vaccinated cattle remain in Victoria, please notify the Department, by email to or phone 03 5430 4723, fax 03 5430 4505.

The vaccine must be administered as per the manufacturer’s directions.

The Applicant will maintain the following records for a period of three years:

  • Name and address of the owner and the location where the vaccine was administered.
  • The date of vaccination, number and details of livestock vaccinated.
  • The name and batch details of the vaccine used.
  • Name of the Veterinary Practitioner(s) who administered the vaccine.

The above records will be made available on request, to an Inspector of Livestock under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994, for audit purposes.

This Authority is valid for one (1) month from the date of issue.

Part F

Applications for authority to purchase and administer tick fever vaccine should be mailed or faxed to:

Livestock Exports

Department of Economic Development,

Jobs, Transport & Resources

PO Box 2500


Phone – (03) 5430 4723

Fax – (03) 5430 4505

The completed Authority will be sent (faxed) to the applicant for his/her further action.

Author: CVOPage 1 of 2Version: 11 June 2015

Printed Version: Uncontrolled