Global History 2

Mr. Scapelliti

Schindler’s List Questions

  1. What party was Oskar Schindler a member of?
  • Nazi Party
  1. In the beginning scenes of the film, what type of appearance did the Jews have? What type of homes did they live in? How did this play a role in making them easy targets of Nazi propaganda?
  • Well dressed, professional looking
  • Large, nice homes
  • It was easy for Hitler and Nazi party to place blame on the Jews because they had so much and others had so little
  1. How did the girl screaming “goodbye” to the Jews as they leave their homes for the ghetto representative of the Nazi campaign of anti-Semitic propaganda?
  • It showed how Hitler was able to brainwash all people, even children
  1. Where does Schindler get the money to buy his factory? How was he able to negotiate this deal?
  • Wealthy Jews
  • Money was no longer of value to the Jews, he agreed to pay them in goods so they could trade them on the black market
  1. What did Stern do for the Jewish workers in order for them to work at Schindler’s factory, even though many were not skilled workers?
  • He coached them to appear that they were essential workers, so they could get working papers to work in Schindler’s factory
  1. What type of lifestyle did Oskar Schindler lead?
  • He had many girlfriends
  • He liked very nice things
  • He liked to earn money
  1. Why was the Jewish female architect shot? What did Amon Goeth order to be done after she was shot?
  • She argued with the Nazis about tearing the barracks because the foundation was not poured correctly. Goeth stated that they will not have arguments with the Jewish people.
  • Goeth order that the barracks should be taken down, a new foundation poured, and the barracks rebuilt
  1. During the liquidation scene, Spielberg chose to picture the little girl in color emphasizing her pink coat. What is the significance of coloring her coat pink?
  • To make her stand out to Schindler and the audience
  1. Name three places that the Jews hid during the liquidation of the Jewish Ghetto. What eventually happened to most of them who tried to hide?
  • Sewers
  • Under floorboards
  • Pianos
  • Most were killed
  1. What did Schindler get in exchange for his possessions (i.e. lighter, cigarette case, and watch)?
  • He is trading his possessions for people
  • He is trading for people whose lives are in danger
  1. What does Schindler tell Goeth about power? How did Schindler’s message influence a change in Goeth’s behavior for a short time?
  • Schindler said that real power is having justification to kill somebody but letting them live
  • He was merciful for a short period of time
  1. What did Schindler see when the bodies were being burned that caught his attention?
  • He saw the dead body of the girl in the pink coat
  1. How did Schindler identify the Jewish workers he wanted for his new factory in Czechoslovakia (literally)? What did he give up in exchange for his workers?
  • He made a list
  • He paid money for his workers
  1. What happens to the women’s train that was supposed to arrive in Czechoslovakia?
  • There is a paperwork error and it is sent to Auschwitz
  1. Would Schindler consider himself a hero of the Holocaust? Why or why not?
  • No, he doesn’t feel he did enough to save the Jews
  • He felt he could have given up more to buy more Jews