Pioneers for Education (PFE)
Meeting Minutes
04 May 2016, (6:45 pm-7:45pm)
Longhorn Bar & Grill
Anna Martinez-Barta, President(absent) / Dara Waters / Lindsay Benoit / Ronee ChristensenKelliShaner, Treasurer (interim) / Robyn Lammers / Amy Melville / Anne Steinhausen
Pauline Pechnik, Secretary / Melanie Bonacci / Don Johnson
Item # / Topic / Discussion / Action Item/Responsible
1 / Call to Order / Kelli
2 / Approve previous minutes / Motion to approve: Dara Waters
Second: Kelli Shaner
Unanimous approval
3 / Old Business / Carnival / One-School, One-Book
- Discounts made for early purchases and volunteer.
- Better than budgeted income. Expense less than budgeted.
- Asked about using the High School for next carnival.
- Able to provide scholarships to three recipients.
4 / Treasurer report / Overview.
See notes from treasurer.
Discussion on $25K for playground
Kelli discussed arrangement of accounts.
Dara asked about Thursday folder costs. Kelli stated there has not been a request for money from Joyce Smith this year.
Dara asked about outstanding costs and budgeted line items. / KelliShaner
5 / New Business / Summer Bridge (Dara Waters)
- Lots of orders and late orders. Great participation
- 6th Grade. Will we be able to hold the numbers for the lower grades to smaller groups. We have hired a new 6th grade teacher, Mike Mallett (approval pending from the board)
- We will not continue to increase the size of our schools without an increase in housing.
- Building new HAL classroom in the space of the old locker rooms/storage in the gym.
- Kitchen upgrades are necessary for because of code violations. Will be done with long-range planning for three-classrooms per grade. Kitchen is original from 1968.
- Bus barn being built on west side of High School this summer.
- Landscaping to be completed this summer.
- Selected as a beta site (pilot) for “accountability”plan. It has moved back to the state level from the federal level.
- Breaking down data by demographic data.
- Historically have challenges with option enrollment students. Questions are to determine the work that needs to be done with the gaps in the education
- 35% Option enrollment ($1.6 million income for the district each year)
- Turned away 70 students for option enrollment in elementary school.
- Thanks to Ronee Christensen for her work. Came in under budget.
- Volunteers
- President: Robyn Lammers
- Vice President: Amy Melville
- Secretary: Melanie Bonacci
- Treasurer: Dara Waters
- Concerns by Dara regarding MS Office Suite.
- Approval by the officers to purchase the product or have the support of the school to provide the software to PFE officers.
- All officers approved
- Put together a time for the summer meeting
- Opportunity to place documents on Google Drive.
- Will provide information on the possibility of accessing this technology.
- Need parents to sign up.
Will need to have a decision for Anne Steinhausen following June budget/transition meeting.
6 / Next meeting / Transition meeting in June
- Monday, 20 June 2016, 6:45pm