GLHRN Grant Application
GRANT PERIOD_____2016-17____
Is the application completed, including evidence, and turned in on time? Yes (10 points) or No (0 points)
PART I: Program Information
Date of Application: 7/11/16 Organization: HAVEN HOUSE
If Awarded Previously, Last Year’s Amount: _$36,877______Amount Requesting: $36,900_
Contact Person: Angie Mayeaux Title: Executive Director
Telephone: 517-337-2731 Email:
Project / Program Name: Shelter for Families______
Select the Eligible Program Component for Which You Are Requesting Funds:
Street Outreach: ______Prevention:______Rapid Rehousing: ____
Shelter Operations: _X_____
- Does your organization have tax-exempt status under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is it currently a GLHRN member agency in good standing for one year?
Yes:__X_ (Grantees must answer yes)
All Projects Answer:
- Does your organization serve a Special Population (CH, severely mentally ill, chronic substance abuse, veterans, those with HIV/AIDs, victims of DV, or unaccompanied youth under 18) in the community?
Yes (7 points) _____No (0 points) ___X__
If so, which special population? __We accept chronic, severely mentally ill, chronic substance abuse, veteran, and those with HIV/AIDS. ______
- Will these funds be used as match for other grants?
Yes (0 points) _____No (5 points) __X___
If yes, please identify the grants matched: ______
- Are other funds leveraged with the requested funds?
Yes, at 100% to 199%(2.5 points): ___Yes, at 200%+(5 points):__XNo(0 points): ___
If yes, please identify the amounts and source for leveraged funds.
__CAUW: $39,000 City of East Lansing: $34,024 Ingham County: $13,000______
- How many clients will this program serve over the program year if approved for funding?
Under 60(1 point):______61 to 150(3 points):______151+(7 points):__X__
- What is the program’s connection to the HARA? (Please check the correct connection)
The program’s referrals come from the HARA (5 points)______
The program coordinates with the HARA (3 points)___X_____
The program has created a plan to work with the HARA (2 points) ____X____
The program works outside of the HARA (0 points) ______
- Does the program place additional eligibility requirements on intakes related to minor criminal history, poor credit, or lack of income? Yes (0 points) _____ No (2 points) _X____
- Does the program have sobriety or legal substance requirements to obtain or retain program services? Yes (0 points) _____ No (2 points) __X___
- Does the program serve any group of people that present together as a family, regardless of demographic category, and include any child who is temporarily out of the home due to placement in foster care? Yes (2 points) _X____ No (0 points) _____
- Does the program regularly seek and utilize consumer feedback?
Yes (2 points) __X___No (0 points) _____
If Yes, how: _All exiting residents are asked to fill out an anonymous survey that asks for ratings on services provided along with any additional recommendations they have for the program. These are read quarterly and changes are made when there is a trend or it just makes sense to the program and to the participants.
- Does the program connect clients to mainstream resources as part of their workflow?
Yes (2 points) __x___No (0 points) _____
If Yes, how: __All clients are encouraged and assisted with applying for mainstream resources. For those with zero income, it is a requirement to apply for TANF. You will see below in our HMIS data that 100% of our families with cash or noncash income. ______
- Does the program regularly partner with other CoC members in providing client services (e.g., referrals) Yes (2 points) __x___ No (0 points) _____
If Yes, how: __Haven House works collaboratively with VOA’s HARA and HELP programs. VOA and Haven House share SPDAT scores, VOA is on-site twice per month to connect families with the HCV program and the HARA if they have not already done so. All HELP families are prioritized for any openings that we have and we have daily contact with the HELP staff. During this fiscal year while the HELP program had funding from October 1, 2015 –May 31, 2016, 71% of all adults entering Haven House came from the HELP program. We collaborate with CACS through HMIS referrals for the RRH program and continue the collaboration with CACS once families are in housing through our PIP Program.
Renewal Projects Answer: (Please attach evidence)
13a. Did your projected numbers compare to your actual numbers served?
100+% (10 points) ______90-99% (8 points) ____X____
80-89% (4 points) ______>70% (0 points) ______
13b. Did you expend all MSHDA ESG funds through the most recently completed operating year?
Yes (5 points) ____x______No (0 points) ______
13c. Was your project late in reporting more than one time in the last four completed quarters?
Yes (0 points) ______No (5 points) ____x______
New Projects Answer: (Please attach evidence)
14a. Will this project utilize the HARA?Yes (10 points) _____No (0 points) _____
14b. Is the agency already on HMIS or is prepared to collect data via HMIS?
Yes (10 points) _____No (0 points) _____
All Projects Answer:
GLHRN’s stated priorities are: prioritize permanent housing including PSH and RRH, prevention of homeless through intervention, supportive services with targeted case management and wrap around services to lead to stability, shelter services, essential services for vulnerable sub-populations, and prioritize the chronically homeless. Please describe below how your program serves these priorities. (This is the sole subjective part of the application): (10 points)
_Haven House has been providing what is now considered housing first since our opening in 1983. Rapidly re-housing families has always been at the forefront of our programming. Our program is focused on finding affordable housing as quickly as possible. We have also worked over the past five years to raise move-in costs. Once families are housed they continue to receive supportive services with targeted case management . For the upcoming year, we plan to collaborate even more closely with the HUD RRH Program, currently housed at CACS, by implementing a wrap around service while families are in shelter and continuing on to when they are housed through our Partners IN Progress Program(PIP). Our PIP Program provides in-home case management, provision of non-food stamp items, goal setting, actsas a laison for the landlord and the tenant, along with promoting self-sufficiency, stability and financial responsibility. Families can be involved in our PIP program for up to 12 months.
We do provide direct shelter services to homeless families. We provide shelter along with all basic needs, food, diapers, and 24 hour staff support.
Part II:HMIS data (Renewal Only)
Please enter your agency’s HMIS datafor the 4 most recent calendar quarters for which you have available statistics in the general categories and then in under the category of your program. Indicate where a category is not applicable by entering N/A in the reporting area.Please attach HMIS evidence of your answers
How many UDE categories have 10% or more in missing or null values?
0 (5 points) _X____1-2 (3 points) ______3+ (0 points) ______
Does your project meet (2 points) or exceed (3 points) the following GLHRN data targets in each of the following four categories? (only answer for your program type)
Measure / Program Type / GLHRN Target / Program ResultsEngagement Rate / Outreach / 66% / n/a
Prevention / 66% / n/a
Rapid Re-Housing / 66% / n/a
Shelter / 45% / 85,98,69,98
Exit to Permanent Housing / Outreach / 77% / n/a
Prevention / 77% / n/a
Rapid Re-Housing / 77% / n/a
Shelter / 21% / 59,83,47,76
Adults Exiting with Cash Income / Outreach / 54% / n/a
Prevention / 54% / n/a
Rapid Re-Housing / 54% / n/a
Shelter / 45% / 48,60,48,50
Adults Exiting with Cash or Non - Cash / Outreach / 90% / n/a
Prevention / 90% / n/a
Rapid Re-Housing / 90% / n/a
Shelter / 75% / 100,100,80,98
Part III: Budget
MSHDA ESG ExpensesStreet Outreach / Emergency Shelter / Prevention / Rapid Rehousing / Total
Essential Services / Essential Services / Shelter Operations
Salaries / 10,900 / 10900
Fringe Benefits
Contractual services
Utilities / 10,000 / 10000
Repairs/Maintenance / 8,000 / 8000
Financial assistance to clients
Insurances / 8,000 / 8000
Total / 36900 / 36900
Shaded areas not eligible for funding in designated categories
Total Program / Program Income
Sources / Amount
East Lansing / 34024
Salaries / 381100 / Lansing / 35000
Fringe Benefits / 123600 / Ingham County / 13000
Contractual services / 0 / MSHDA / 36900
Food / 10000 / Salvation Army / 70300
Supplies/materials / 3200 / Foundations / 70000
Utilities / 17650 / FEMA / 10000
Repairs/Maintenance / 10000 / Fundraising / 286326
Financial assistance to clients / 10000
Total / 555550 / Total / 555550
10 points if budget is filled out and logical