Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership Style Activity
Below, in no particular order, is a list of descriptions relating to authoritarian and democratic decision-making. Your job is to cut each one out and paste it in the appropriate circle in the Venn diagram on the next page under the heading either Authoritarian or Democratic. Notice that both types of styles share common characteristics as noted in the intersect of the two circles. However, as you will see as you go through this exercise, they look very different depending on the leadership style.
Decision Making: A single person or small group of people makes all the decisions. / Political Parties: Usually, there is only one political party. / Courts: The government controls court staff. / Media Press: There is freedom of the press and media. / Police/Military: The military is used to keep the government in power.Decision Making: Groups do not experience a feeling of teamwork. / Courts: Court staff members are allowed to make their own decisions about applying the law. / Political Parties: Usually, there are two or more political parties. / Decision Making: Groups experience a strong feeling of teamwork. / Elections: Elections are held on a regular basis, with fair access by all.
Media/Press: The government censors or controls the media and press. / Decision Making: No input is sought before a vote is taken. / Political Parties: The government determines membership. / Decision Making: A group of people plans and carries out decisions. / Decision Making: There is limited discussion or debate on ideas and new ways of doing things.
Political Parties: Membership is usually determined in elections. / Elections: Elections are often pre-determined, or not held at all. / Decision Making: Time is given to debate ideas to ensure that minority rights are considered. / Police/Military: The military is used to protect citizens. / Decision Making: Input is asked for before a vote is taken.
Submit your completed work to your teacher for feedback.
Authoritarian Leadership Style Democratic Leadership Style