Glenview Reimbursement Guidelines

Updated August, 2015

If you have spent money out-of-pocket on educational materials or supplies for PTA sponsored events you may be eligible for reimbursement from the PTA. Please review the information below for procedures, requirements and eligibility.


1. Find the PTA Reimbursement Form in the front office (near the white PTA drop box) and fill it out.

2. Attach your itemized receipts to the form. Credit card statements are accepted but not preferred. If you have personal items mixed in with PTA purchases on your receipts, please highlight the PTA items and add your total carefully. Or even better, separate them at the point of purchase. Also, please separate items for different events. (For instance, if you bought cookies for the Science Fair reception and on the same shopping trip you picked up cups and forks for the Groove, please submit those purchases on separate forms.)

3. Place the form and receipts in the white PTA drop box in the office.

Note: It may take several weeks to receive your payment.


1. You must submit receipts in order to receive reimbursement.

2. Receipts must be placed in the box within 60 days of purchase date.

3. Certain purchases must be pre-approved by the PTA. Please consult with the PTA board if you have questions about your budget and what it covers.

4. If you are buying food for a group please use $3 per person as a guideline.

Not Eligible for Reimbursement:

1. Professional Development Classes: The PTA is not allowed to fund any one person or group who is the sole beneficiary of theclass. Example: A teacher takes a professional development class that only benefits their growth and teaching.

2. Reimbursements without documentation. Documentation is required for the PTA to keep their non-profit status and to file the correct forms to the IRS.

3. Reimbursement requests for purchases more than 60 days old.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the PTA Financial Secretary, Kathy Hales, at .