Glendale Community College

Instructional Program Review

Fall 2008

Program Name

Study Manager: XXX


Program Name

Glendale Community College – Instructional Program Review – 2008-2009

Signature Page

Program Name:

We certify that this program review document represents the plans, goals, and critical analysis of this instructional program.


Study Manager Date

Study Manager Name (typed):


Division Chair Date

Division Chair Name (typed):


Final Review (after completion of validation)


Dean, Instructional Services Date

Table of Contents

The table of contents allows access to all pages of the document.

Signature Page…………………………………………………………………………………1


Program Overview 3

Section 1. Demand, Success, and Retention

Section 1.01. Demand & Success 4

Section 1.02. Fill Rate 7

Section 1.03. Number of Majors 9

Section 1.04. Certificates Awarded 10

Section 2. Learning Outcomes and Curriculum

Section 2.01. Student Learning Outcomes 11

Section 3. Program Management

Section 3.01. Efficiency 13

Section 4. Faculty

Section 4.01. FTEF, Adjunct FTEF, and Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio 14

Section 4.02. Teaching/Service Time 15

Section 4.03. FT Faculty Qualifications and Development Activities 15

Section 4.04. FT Faculty Professional Activities 17

Section 4.05. Committee Participation 18

Section 5. Resource Needs

Section 5.01. Resource Needs 18

Section 6. Plans

Section 6.01. Planning Assessment 22

Section 6.02. Educational Plan 23

Program Overview

1.  Please give a brief overview of your instructional program. Describe the relationship of your program to the mission of the college.

Glendale College Mission Statement:

Glendale Community College welcomes students of all diverse backgrounds, goals, ages, abilities, and learning styles. As an institution of higher education, we are committed to student learning and success. Using personal interaction, dynamic and rigorous instruction, and innovative technologies, we foster the development of critical thinking and lifelong learning. We provide students with the opportunity and support to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to meet their educational, career, and personal goals. Our commitment is to prepare students for their many evolving roles in and responsibilities in to our community, our state, and our society.:

which guide implementation of the Mission Statement

Glendale Community College is committed to:

·  providing a rich and rigorous curriculum that helps students understand and appreciate the artistic and cultural heritage of this society, the history and development of civilization, the scientific environment in which they live, and the challenges of their personal lives;

·  emphasizing the coherence among disciplines and promotion of openness to the diversity of the human experience;

·  helping students to develop important skills that are critical for success in the modern workplace, such as verbal and written communication, mathematics, the effective use of technology for work and research, and the ability to work with others and conduct their lives with responsibility;

·  providing an extensive array of student services and learning tools, including state of the art technology, to assist students in all aspects of their college experience;

·  creating a supportive, non-discriminatory environment which enables students to reach their educational goals in an efficient and timely manner.

Section 1: Demand, Success, and Retention

1.01.  Demand & Success

Analyze the enrollment and success data provided and answer the following questions.

Part 1. Enrollments

Table 1.01A. Enrollments Number of students enrolled at census date (Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 1,339 / 1,161 / 1,259 / 1,110
Evening / 467 / 432 / 436 / 405
Unknown/TBA / 2,576 / 2,381 / 2,480 / 2,507
Program Total / 4,382 / 3,974 / 4,175 / 4,022

Graph 1.01A. Enrollments

Table 1.01B. Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH)

(Fall and Spring semesters only)
2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 4,867 / 4,397 / 4,849 / 4,328
Evening / 1,241 / 1,193 / 1,216 / 1,227
Unknown/TBA / 6,560 / 6,285 / 6,693 / 5,643
Program Total / 12,667 / 11,875 / 12,758 / 11,198
% of All Credit / 3.4% / 3.3% / 3.6% / 3.1%

Graph 1.01B. Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH)

Part 2. Enrollments Per Section

Table 1.01C. Number of Sections

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

Note: Mpull sections are counted as a single section in this table.

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 61 / 58 / 62 / 57
Evening / 21 / 19 / 22 / 21
Unknown/TBA / 54 / 53 / 47 / 60
Program Total / 136 / 130 / 131 / 138

Table 1.01D. Enrollments Per Section

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

Note: Mpull sections are counted as a single section in this table.

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 22.0 / 20.0 / 20.3 / 19.5
Evening / 22.2 / 22.7 / 19.8 / 19.3
Unknown/TBA / 47.7 / 44.9 / 52.8 / 41.8
Program Total / 32.2 / 30.6 / 31.9 / 29.1
All Credit / 31.0 / 30.0 / 29.0 / 28.2

Graph 1.01D. Enrollments Per Section

Part 3. Success & Retention

Table 1.01E. Course Success Rates

Percentage of students enrolled at census receiving a grade of A, B, C, or Credit (Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 81% / 83% / 83% / 86%
Evening / 79% / 76% / 78% / 76%
Unknown/TBA / 69% / 71% / 70% / 66%
Program Total / 74% / 75% / 75% / 72%
All Credit / 70% / 70% / 69% / 68%

Table 1.01F. Course Retention Rate

Percentage of students enrolled at census receiving a grade other than W (Withdraw) (Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 86% / 90% / 88% / 92%
Evening / 89% / 87% / 89% / 89%
Unknown/TBA / 101% / 101% / 98% / 99%
Program Total / 95% / 96% / 94% / 96%
All Credit / 86% / 86% / 85% / 86%

1. Given the data, what changes can be identified in enrollment, retention, and success patterns? Identify any important trends and explain them if necessary.

2. How is the program responding to change?

1.02. Fill Rate

Review and analyze the fill rate data provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions.

Table 1.02A. Fill Rate (Fall and Spring semesters only)

Percentage of available seats filled (census enrollment divided by class size)
2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Day / 72% / 77% / 78% / 77%
Evening / 69% / 77% / 67% / 67%
Unknown/TBA / 52% / 48% / 57% / 50%
Program Total / 58% / 57% / 63% / 57%
All Credit / 91% / 87% / 85% / 83%

Graph 1.02A. Fill Rate

1. Given the data, do sections in the program have a higher fill rate compared to sections in other programs? Identify any important trends and explain if necessary.

2. What adjustments are indicated? Please explain.

1.03. Number of Majors

Table 1.03A. Number of Credit Students by Major

(Fall and Spring semesters only) ber of Credit Students by Major

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Total / 45 / 53 / 58 / 76

1. Given the data, is the number of majors what you would expect? Please comment.

2. Has the number of majors changed over time?

3. What evidence is there that strengths of the program (e.g., its uniqueness) attract students to GCC?

1.04. Certificates Awarded

Table 1.04A. Number of Certificates Awarded

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007

Table 1.05B. Number of AS Degrees Awarded

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007

Section 2: Student Learning Outcomes

Section 2.01. Student Learning Outcomes

1.  Course Student Learning Outcome Assessment Cycle (SLOAC) completions to date.

Number completed / total number of courses

Example: 21/36 = 21 Assessments Done / out of 36 total courses )

SLO Written / Assessment Written / Assessment
Done / Assessment Analyzed / Improvement Plan Developed

2.  Is your program actively using eLumen software for SLOAC reporting?

Yes___ No___

3. Assessment Analysis: Has the program used SLOAC data to implement change or strengthen what is working well at either the course or program level? Give an example or two, of course(s) where student assessments resulted in a decision or action taken by the program.

4.  Have any of the program’s student assessment data yielded trends? If so, what are these trends, and do they indicate any ongoing student learning needs? If so, what are the program’s plans to meet these needs? Use student assessment data to support your answer.

5. Does the student assessment data indicate overall program needs that may require support from the institution? Define these observed needs, using student assessment data to support your answer.

Section 3: Program Management

3.01. Efficiency (WSCH per FTEF)

Instructions: Analyze the WSCH (Weekly Student Contact Hours) per FTEF (Full-Time Equivalent Faculty) data provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions.

Table 4.01A. WSCH, FTEF, and Efficiency

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007 / Difference*
Program WSCH / 12,667.0 / 11,875.1 / 12,758.2 / 11,198.2 / -9%
Program FTEF / 22.4 / 21.9 / 22.2 / 23.1 / +5%
Program WSCH Per FTEF / 566.5 / 541.3 / 573.6 / 484.3 / -13%
Credit WSCH Per FTEF / 621.5 / 597.6 / 574.8 / 548.4 / -6%

*The difference column shows the difference between measures for the most recent year compared to the average of the two previous years.

1. Given the data, could the number of students served by the program be increased without additional cost or adverse effects on student outcomes? Please comment.

2. What else (if anything) is indicated by the program data? Identify any important trends and explain if necessary.

3. Do any instructors meet or work with students in hours not included in WSCH? Would it be useful to the program in any way to try to get WSCH credit for these hours? Explain.

Section 4: Faculty

4.01. FTEF, Adjunct FTEF, and FT/PT Ratio

Instructions: Analyze the data on FTEF, adjunct FTEF, and the full-time/part-time ratio provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions.

Table 4.01A. FTEF and Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Full-Time FTEF / 13.2 / 11.3 / 11.2 / 12.2
Adjunct FTEF / 9.2 / 10.6 / 11.0 / 10.9
% Full-Time / 59% / 52% / 50% / 53%
All Credit % Full-Time / 51% / 45% / 47% / 49%

1. What do the program data indicate? Identify any important trends and explain if necessary.

2. Does the FT/PT ratio affect the program? Please comment.

4.02. Teaching/Service Time

Instructions: Fill in the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Table 4.02 A. Teaching/Service Time

FT Instructor Name / Currently on leave (yes/no) / Anticipated to retire in next 3 years / FT hired in last 3 years / Units banked / % FTF banked

1. Given the data, how is this impacting your program and will this affect your future plans?

4.03. FT Faculty Qualifications and Development Activities

Instructions: Administer to program faculty the survey provided by Institutional Research. Analyze the responses and other information and fill in the data below.

Table 4.03 A. Faculty Qualifications and Development Activities

FT Instructor Name / Highest Degree / Service Years / Recent Notable Flex Activities / Recent Notable Workshops/ Courses Taken

1. How are student outcomes affected by the professional activities? What steps are recommended for improvement?

2. What else (if anything) is indicated by the program data? Please comment.

4.04 FT Faculty Professional Activities

Instructions: Fill in the chart below with the number of each type of activity completed since the last program review (or the last six years).

Table 4.04 A. Professional Activities

This may include innovative teaching strategies, community partnerships, etc.

FT Instructor Name / Grants / Scholarly projects or sabbaticals / Research/ Publications / Presentations/

1. Please indicate with an asterisk (*) those projects which are directly related to the goals or interests of the program. What percentage of the projects fall into this category?

2. Provide a brief description of each project marked with an asterisk.

3. What steps are recommended for improvement, if any?

4.05. Committee Participation

Instructions: For the period since the last program review (or the last six years), fill in the data below for each full-time faculty member and answer the questions that follow.

Table 4.06A. Committee & Campus Participation

FT Instructor Name / Governance Committees / Other College-Related Committees / Other Campus Participation

CPF Index (Committees Per Full-Time Faculty)

Supply the following data for the most recent academic year.

(1) Total number of full-time faculty members:
(2) Total number of committees in most recent term:
CPF Index [ (2) divided by (1) ]:

1.  Given the data, discuss the involvement of faculty in the program in campus activities.

Section 5: Resource Needs

Is any part of the program funded by sources other than the instructional budget (such as grants, partnerships, or other means). Yes ____ No ____

If you answered yes, please explain.

Instructions: After reviewing and analyzing the data in this report, please describe and provide rationale for any of your projected resource needs using the appropriate boxes below. Your requests should be based on student need (which includes student achievement data from Section 1 and student learning outcome assessments in Section 2),

1.  FT Faculty

2. Staff

3. Facilities/space needs

4. Equipment

5. Technology

6. Software

7. Other (Supplies, Program specific materials, Training, etc.)

Section 6: Plans



Student Access, Retention and Success

I.  Identify community needs and recruit (provide access for) students who can best be served by the several instructional paths it offers (transfer, career and technical education, personal development), including under-represented groups in the College’s service area.