FY 9901 DelVal Experience II
Spring 2015
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Course Description
This second semester of a two-semester course for all incoming students engages students as members of the campus community with integration of the core values that guide Delaware Valley College. One of the most important aspects of the second semester of the course is team-building and problem-based, experiential learning. Students will contribute to the identification of a significant problem facing the college, community, or region and will work with a class team on a project to offer at least a partial solution. Through materials and classroom engagement, students will learn to be productive and accountable during their time at DelVal and as citizens in the community.
In the process of working through course content in this semester, students will also sharpen their understanding of effective communication, orally and in writing, professionalism and networking, purpose and life planning. The course aims to encourage students to become active listeners as well as to effectively think and communicate using persuasive well-grounded written and oral arguments.
Course Format
The course will vary week by week with a combination of lecture, discussion, class activities, and group activities. Some class time will be spent in project work. Although instructors are using a common syllabus template, each section may differ slightly according to the instructor.
Core Values – As an Educational Community We:
- Respect All People
Our community serves all stakeholders with care and dignity. We are intensely focused on both the welfare and growth of each of our students, and we support their development as global citizens who achieve meaningful success in their careers and in their lives. - Value the World of Ideas and Differences
Our community recognizes the necessity of cultivating curiosity and honoring diversity. We engage with ideas that challenge us and with people different from ourselves, showing deep respect for diverse points of view and backgrounds. - Pursue Excellence
As an institution dedicated to teaching and learning, we are committed to seeking excellence in all we do in academics, student life, and all support services, which leads to life-changing educational experiences. We live in a learning environment that nurtures scholarship, imagination and creativity and embraces innovation and change, allowing each one of us and our whole community to thrive in a challenging world. - Live Each Day with Integrity
As stewards of our institution's greater good, we are individually accountable for each of our commitments, taking the right path over the expedient one. We stand up for what is right, for ourselves, for others, and for the natural world. - Teach, Learn and Serve with Passion and Commitment
Our community creates an environment in which educating our students and serving our constituencies are responsibilities we embrace with passion and commitment. - Act as One Learning Community with One Purpose
We practice higher education as a team - we are all invested in one another's success and intend to make a difference in the world!
Institutional Outcomes/Assessment
Institutional Outcomes DelVal Experience II
Work EthicX
Foundational SkillsX
Interpersonal SkillsX
Organizational/Leadership SkillsX
Critical Thinking/Learning SkillsX
Information/Computer LiteracyX
Physical & Workplace Attributes
Science/Environmental Awareness
Cultural/Social LiteracyX
Course Outcomes
By completion of the year-long course, students should be able to:
- Read, listen,discuss, and write more critically. (DelVal outcome: foundational skills, critical thinking)
- Analyze arguments and construct cogent arguments. (DelVal outcome: critical thinking)
- Identify and practice interpersonal skills as they relate to college life and classroom learning. (DelVal outcome: interpersonal skills)
- Demonstrate an understanding of how problem-based, experiential learning works.
- Find information using the library (in both print and digital resources) and gain the ability to determine the reliability of a source. (DelVal outcome: information literacy)
- Think rationally and critically about one’s own and others’ behavior/thoughts in order to develop informed decisions. (DelVal outcome: critical thinking)
- Begin professionalism with resume creation, networking, and interviewing/communicating.
- Work with a team to complete a major project that at least partially solves a problem.
Coplin, Bill. 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn. Revised Edition. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press
Additional readings can be found on the LibGuide
Steps to Success
Students are expected to:
- Participate in all classes.
The factors that will determine students’ participation points will include attendance, quality and quantity of oral contributions to class; attentiveness to class discussion and fellow classmates; teammates’ evaluation of student’s performance in group activities.
- Complete all assignments, in class and homework.
Students will be asked to do some activities or homework assignments to supplement their learning. Some of these will be used later for additional course material.
- Read all assigned material prior to coming to class.
It is essential that students complete the assigned reading before the classes in which they will be discussed.
- Stay connected through DelVal email and Blackboard; check WebAdvisor and the Portal often.
Technology literacy, digital communication, and online resources are crucial to college success.
- Maintain a respectful, positive attitude toward classmates, the instructor, and the course itself.
One of the most important skills in the course is learning how to navigate college successfully, which includes attitude and working well with others.
Assignments and Grading
Course grades will be based on percentages to allow each instructor some flexibility in teaching the course. The following categories will be used to calculate course grades:
- Attendance and Participation20%
- Class Activities and assignments15%
- Resume; Cover Letter; Informational Interview
- InterviewStream interview5%
- Action Plan5%
- Group Project40%
- Research Brief; Project Proposal; Final Presentation
- End-of-term Reflection Paper15%
Course Information and Expectations
Classroom attendance and participation are expected in every class. Students who miss class risk poor grade performance as work may not be made up except in extenuating circumstance. Missing more than the equivalent of two weeks per semester (two classes) for any reason may cause a student to fail the class. Students are responsible for obtaining all missed notes, handouts, and other information from a classmate.
Academic Honesty
All students are expected to maintain academic integrity in all their work. Cheating, inappropriate collaboration with other students, plagiarism, and submission of work that has been or is being submitted for another course are all examples of academic dishonesty, and will not be tolerated. Penalties for any form of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment for a first offense and failure of the course/possible suspension for a second offense. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be reported in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs in accordance with Delaware Valley College policy.
Classroom Chatter
It is rude to talk in class when someone else, either the instructor or another student, is speaking. Please be courteous by avoiding idle chatter during class.
Dismissing Class
The instructor will dismiss class when the class lectures/activities are finished for the day. Please refrain from “packing up” before the instructor dismisses the class. If you must leave during class, please leave in a way that does not disrupt the flow of class.
Cell Phones, iPods, and Other Electronic Devices
Please turn off and leave in your bags any electronic devices. Do not text message during class.
Learning Support Services
Any student requiring accommodations or service due to a documented learning disability must register with the Office of Learning Support in Segal Hall. Staff there can arrange to provide course materials in alternative formats if necessary.
The Writing Center
Peer tutors are available several days a week in the college’s Writing Center in Miller Hall 103. Writing tutors provide thoughtful feedback to help you generate ideas, overcome writer's block, develop drafts, use evidence more effectively, revise with substance, review citation guidelines, edit effectively, and adapt your voice appropriately to the assignment. A tutorial usually runs about 20 – 40 minutes, and services are available on a walk-in basis.
Course Schedule
This schedule is subject to change based on the speed, direction and focus of the class. If any changes are made to the syllabus, the instructor will post an updated syllabus on Blackboard or will hand out a hard copy.
Spring Semester (DelVal Experience II)
Week / Class Topics / Reading Assignment / Assignment Due1 / Introduction to Problem-Based Learning
and Experiential Learning
Understanding how one knows through doing
Core Value: Act as One Learning Community with One Purpose
2 / Think Globally, Act Locally
Understanding the interconnectedness of global and local issues; mini PBL project
Core Value: Teach, Learn and Serve with Passion and Commitment /
- Coplin, Introduction
- Coplin, Chapter 15: Doing Well by Doing Good
3 / Fundamentals of Project Management
The basics of developing a project
Core Value: Pursue Excellence /
- Coplin, Chapter 10: Solving Problems
- DelVal Project Management Guide: Fundamentals of Project Management pgs. 1-18
4 / Resumes and Cover Letters
Beginning to professionalize early for a smooth career path; goal setting
Core Value: Pursue Excellence /
- Chapter 19: Branding Yourself Through Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews
5 / Project Planning Lifecycle
Project development strategies
Core Value: Act as One Learning Community with One Purpose /
- DelVal Project Management Guide: Project Lifecycle pgs. 19 to 23
Cover Letter Draft
6 / Project Selection
Brainstorm projects and research areas
Core Value: Teach, Learn and Serve with Passion and Commitment /
- Marris, The Teamwork Tutorial
7 / Teamwork and Group Roles
How to work on a successful team and set goals
Core Value: Respect All People /
- Coplin, Chapter 5: Working Directly with People
- DelVal Project Management Guide: Role of the Project Manager pgs. 27-30
8 / Professional Communication and Networking
How to communicate for success
Core Value: Live Each Day with Integrity /
- Coplin, Chapter 2: Developing Physical Skills
- Coplin, Chapter 20: Developing Your Career Network
Cover Letter Final
9 / Sharing the Research and Presentations 101
Group Learning from Research
Core Value: Pursue Excellence /
- Coplin, Chapter 3: Communicating Verbally
- Coplin, Chapter 8: Using Quantitative Tools
10 / Project Vision and Goals
Refining project plan and setting goals
Core Value: Act as One Learning Community with One Purpose /
- DelVal Project Management Guide: Project Lifecycle pgs. 23 to 26
11 / Project Planning: Project Timeline
Working together toward the final project
Core Value: Pursue Excellence; Live Each Day with Integrity /
- The Teamwork Tutorial, review pg. 14
12 / Project Planning: Implementation
Working together toward the final project
Core Value: Pursue Excellence /
- DelVal Project Management Guide: Review Fundamentals of Project Management Section
Informational Interview
13 / Project Planning: Assessment
Evaluating the project and group process
Core Value: Live Each Day with Integrity /
- Coplin, Chapter 18: Planning Your Skills Agenda
- The Teamwork Tutorial, review pg. 13
14 / Presentations
In class; receive assignment for final paper
Core Value: Act as One Learning Community with One Purpose / Final Proposal Presentation
Final / In Closing
Reflectionand next steps
Core Value: Act as One Learning Community with One Purpose / Final Reflection Paper