ABRplus –List of Measures for Follow-up


ABRPlus-1* - Simplifying egg labelling

ABRPlus-2*/** - Allowing more SMEs to benefit from simplified accounting/auditing regimes

ABRPlus-3** - Allowing Member States to exempt micro enterprises from certain provisions of the accounting directives

ABRPlus-4* - Simplifying and streamlining the notification system for shipments of waste

ABRPlus-5*/** - Only the winning enterprise needs to submit the documents demonstrating suitability as a tenderer in a procurement procedure

ABRPlus-6*/** - Reducing the number of respondents when compiling 0126statistics on intra-EU trade

ABRPlus-7* - Reducing reporting requirements on industrial production in the EU

ABRPlus-8* - Suppressing additional requirements on invoices and enabling wider use of electronic invoicing

ABRPlus-9*/** - Suppressing in the VAT refund procedure the obligation to fill out paper forms in the language of the Member State of refund

ABRPlus-10** - Digital Tachograph

ABRPlus-11*/** - Abolishing the notification of transport tariffs/alleviating the obligation to keep documentary evidence on board

ABRPlus-12* - Simplifying obligations for road haulage and road passenger transport

ABRPlus-1* - Simplifying egg labelling

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Agriculture (AGRI)
2 / Title + identifier / Simplifying egg labelling – Council Regulation No 1028/2006 of 19 June 2006
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / 24 mill. administrative costs/year
4 / More detailed description of the measure / DG
5 / Implementation issues / The regulation on marketing standards for eggs has been implemented on time. There were no obstacles in the implementation process. There were no suggestions for further burden reductions/improvements.
6 / SME experience / Good
7 / Best Practice? / Yes
8 / Additional considerations / Council Regulation No 1028/2006 was implemented with the Rules on quality of eggs which entered into force on 26th of November 2008. Other national regulation was repealed.
9 / Sources, Links / /

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)

Rules on quality of eggs, adopted on 11. November 2008; entered into force on 26. November 2008.

1 – Area

Agriculture (AGRI)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Simplifying egg labelling – Council Regulation No 1028/2006 of 19 June 2006

3 - Savings potential in MemberState

- 24 mill. administrative costs/year[1]

Measured savings are the result of administrative burden reduction for direct sales of eggs, Council Regulation allows some flexibility in the marking of eggs for hatching, and to take account of the needs of smaller producers marketing free-range and barn eggs. It is no longer required to grade eggs that are used directly by the industry. The new rules allow eggs to be collected, graded, marked and packed within 10 days of lay, rather than being collected every third working day. This helps the industry organise itself better. The new flexibility reduces costs for producers and the downstream sector as well as control costs for Member States.

By exempting producers with up to 50 laying hens, more than 34.000 farms producing more than 127 million eggs[2] can be exempted from marking eggs with the producer code[3].

4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState

The regulation on marketing standards for eggs has been implemented on time. There were no obstacles in the implementation process. There were no suggestions for further burden reductions/improvements. Help of EU expert group was not needed, impact assessment was not made.

Implementation of the Council Regulation No 1028/2006 saved costs for farmers and operators by creating more flexibility with regard to the rules concerning:

- the collection of eggs,

- the marking on origin and laying date,

- The obligations with regard to packaging and

- the obligations to keep records.

6- SME relevance

Good for SME’s, we applied the exemption relating exemption from the requirement for marking eggs producers with up to 50 laying hens.

7- Best Practice

YES. New rules create a modern, transparent legal environment without weakening the information and protection of consumers.

8 - conclusions / recommendations


9 - Sources of information / Links


ABRPlus-2*/** - Allowing more SMEs to benefit from simplified accounting/auditing regimes

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Annual Accounts/Company Law (MARKT)
2 / Title + identifier / Allowing more SMEs to benefit from simplified accounting/auditing regimes - Directive 2006/46/EC of 14 June 2006
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / 126.000,00 eur/year
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues / Implemented on time
6 / SME experience / Result of the implementation of Directive 2006/46/EC establishes less burdensome accounting/auditing rules for small and medium sized enterprises.
7 / Best Practice? / NO
8 / Additional considerations / -Goldplating: NO
- Other:
9 / Sources, Links

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)

Act Amending the Companies Act, Ur.l. RS, št. 68/2008, adopted on 8 July 2008, entered into force on 23 July 2008

Act Amending the Investment Funds and Management Companies Act, Ur.l. RS, št. 92/07

1 – Area

Annual Accounts/Company Law (MARKT)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Allowing more SMEs to benefit from simplified accounting/auditing regimes - Directive 2006/46/EC of 14 June 2006

3 - Savings potential in MemberState

126.000 eur/year.

4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState

In accordance with Directive 2006/46/EC Member States should bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the Directive by 5 September 2008 at the latest. Act Amending the Companies Act and Act Amending the Investment Funds and Management Companies Act were adopted on time. The support of EU expert group was helpful. There are no suggestions for further burden reduction or improvements.

6- SME relevance

Small companies are exempted from the requirements from mandatory submission of corporate governance statement in annual report. They are also exempted from additional obligations from article 43(1).

Small companies are defined on the basis of maximum number of employees, net turnover and balance sheet total in Directive 78/660/EEC. These thresholds were increased therefore the proportion of small companies also increased.

7- Best Practice


8 - conclusions / recommendations


9 - Sources of information / Links


ABRPlus-3** - Allowing Member States to exempt micro enterprises from certain provisions of the accounting directives

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Annual Accounts/Company Law (MARKT)
2 / Title + identifier / Allowing Member States to exempt micro enterprises from certain provisions of the accounting directives - Directive 2012/6/EU of 14 March 2012
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / Measure was not implemented.
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues / Has not been implemented yet
6 / SME experience / /
7 / Best Practice? / /
8 / Additional considerations / /
9 / Sources, Links / /

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)

Not implemented yet

1 – Area

Annual Accounts/Company Law (MARKT)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Allowing Member States to exempt micro enterprises from certain provisions of the accounting directives- Directive 2012/6/EU of 14 March 2012

3 - Savings potential in MemberState

Please indicate the total of potential savings in Euros

4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState


6- SME relevance


7- Best Practice


8 - conclusions / recommendations


9 - Sources of information / Links


ABRPlus-4* - Simplifying and streamlining the notification system for shipments of waste

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Environment (ENV)
2 / Title + identifier / Simplifying and streamlining the notification system for shipments of waste - Commission letter of recommendation to Member States of July 2010
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / /
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues / /
6 / SME experience / /
7 / Best Practice? / NO
8 / Additional considerations / -Goldplating NO
9 / Sources, Links / /

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)

[time of adoption/entry into force, length of procedure, changes in Parliament/Council etc.]

1 – Area

Environment (ENV)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Simplifying and streamlining the notification system for shipments of waste - Commission letter of recommendation to Member States of July 2010

3 - Savings potential in MemberState


4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState

The measure was not implemented.

The measure relates to simplification of the notification system by implementing an electronic notification system and streamline the approval process in Member States that do not have such a system. The Commission has highlighted with letter of recommendation to Member States of July 2010 to MemberStates and stakeholders the importance of introducing an electronic notification system, provided as a possibility in the Regulation.

6- SME relevance


7- Best Practice


8 - conclusions / recommendations


9 - Sources of information / Links

ABRPlus-5*/** - Only the winning enterprise needs to submit the documents demonstrating suitability as a tenderer in a procurement procedure

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Public Procurement (MARKT)
2 / Title + identifier / Only the winning enterprise needs to submit the documents demonstrating suitability as a tenderer in a procurement procedure – COM (2011) 896
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / 155.612,00 eur/per year
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues / Early implementation
6 / SME experience / Same effect on all businesses
7 / Best Practice? / YES
8 / Additional considerations / -Goldplating: NO
9 / Sources, Links / /

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)

Act Amending Public Procurement Act (Uradni list RS, št. 90/2012), adopted on 21November 2012, entered into force on 30December 2012. Official consolidated text of Public Procurement Act (Uradni list RS, št. 12/13).

1 – Area

Public Procurement (MARKT)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Only the winning enterprise needs to submit the documents demonstrating suitability as a tenderer in a procurement procedure – COM (2011) 896

3 - Savings potential in MemberState

155.612,00 eur/per year

In public procurement procedures the contracting authorities may decide to request that only the winning tenderer(s) submit the relevant documents, certificates and other means of proof while for other tenderers a mere declaration on their honour that they comply with the exclusion, selection or award criteria is sufficient.With establishment of an application eDossier tenderers may choose not to submit the documents, certificates and other means of proof in the procurement procedure, but rather to require that the contracting authority verify their compliance with selecting, exclusion and award criteria in their folder within eDossier.

According to statistical data on public procurement 5.810 public procurement procedures were successfully carried out in 2012, the average number of tenders is 3,23 per procedure.

4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState

Transposition was early, in 2012. With the adoption of amendment to the Public Procurement Act the contracting authority may request the tenderers to submit only the information the subject matter of the offer (type, brand name and model of goods, services or works), price, necessary information on other award criteria and a declaration on their honour that they meet all requirements from the public procurement procedure. Then, after evaluation of the tenders the contracting authority requests of the winning tenderer that he submits the relevant means of proof according to exclusion, selection and award criteria. Possibility of subsequent submission of documents, certificates and other means of proof reduces costs of participants in a procurement procedure. No help from the EU was needed.

6- SME relevance

Please indicate any information regarding the reduction of burdens for SME, SME stakeholder input, or any particular implementation difficulties regarding effects on SMEs.

7- Best Practice


8 - conclusions / recommendations

Further improvements are possible: In addition to allowed subsequent amendment of tenders with additional documents changes of submitted tenders in case of errors or deficiencies will be allowed after enforcement of proposed amendments to the Public Procurement Act, which are to be adopted by July 2014.

9 - Sources of information / Links

Public Procurement Act (Uradni list RS, št. 12/13 – official consolidated text):

ABRPlus-6*/** - Reducing the number of respondents when compiling statistics on intra-EU trade

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Statistics (ESTAT)
2 / Title + identifier / Reducing the number of respondents when compiling statistics on intra-EU trade - Regulation 638/2004 of 31 March 2004
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / 2.856.960,00 eur/per year
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues
6 / SME experience / The measure is reducing burdens for SMEs.
7 / Best Practice? / NO
8 / Additional considerations / -Goldplating: NO
- Other: The reduction of the level of statistical coverage had major impact on reduction of administrative burden, but there is also an impact on the deterioration of the statistical data.
9 / Sources, Links

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)


1 – Area

Statistics (ESTAT)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Reducing the number of respondents when compiling statistics on intra-EU trade- Regulation 638/2004 of 31 March 2004

3 - Savings potential in MemberState

2.856.960,00 eur/per year

In order to produce trade statistics (Intrastat), enterprises have to report on their import and export of goods within the Union. The Union allowed Member States to increase in 2005 and 2009 their reporting thresholds in two revisions of the legislation; Member States may exempt some enterprises from Intrastat reporting as long as the national statistics transmitted to the Commission cover the value of at least 97 % of dispatches and at least 95 % of arrivals.

4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia amended the legislation in 2009 and increased the value of statistical threshold from 85.000 eur to 120.000 eur, ie. the degree of statistical coverage decreased from 98,3% to 96,9%.

The reduction of the level of statistical coverage had major impact on reduction of administrative burden, but there is also an impact on the deterioration of the statistical data, in particular in certain areas of national strategic trade. From this perspective this means the loss of significant amount of information on traded products. According to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia information can not be replaced with estimated data.

6- SME relevance

The measure is reducing burdens for SMEs.

7- Best Practice


8 - conclusions / recommendations

Reducing the number of respondents is not necessarily better – the data received after reduction is of lesser quality.

9 - Sources of information / Links


ABRPlus-7* - Reducing reporting requirements on industrial production in the EU

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Statistics (ESTAT)
2 / Title + identifier / Reducing reporting requirements on industrial production in the EU – Council Regulation 3924/91 of 19 December 1991 and Commission Regulation 36/2009 of 11 July 2008
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / /
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues
6 / SME experience
7 / Best Practice? / NO
8 / Additional considerations / -Goldplating: NO
9 / Sources, Links / /

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .


The measure and its implementation in detail

Background (of the measure)

Only EU legislation applies.

1 – Area

Statistics (ESTAT)

2 -Title of Measure and Identifier

Reducing reporting requirements on industrial production in the EU – Council Regulation 3924/91 of 19 December 1991 and Commission Regulation 36/2009 of 11 July 2008

3 - Savings potential in MemberState

For statistics on industrial production in the EU (Prodcom), the products to be reported on are stated in the Prodcom list. An important review took place in 2005 regarding the number of products surveyed, the information required on each product and the frequency for certain surveys (all reports are now annually, while some were quarterly).

Measure could not be implemented because we already had met all the requirements under the existing arrangements. This means that the volume of data required and the frequency of compliance with obligations already existed in the existing regulations.

4 - More detailed description of the measure

[(special) features, (number/type of) businesses concerned, measurement data etc.]

5 - Implementation in MemberState

No implementation needed, no further improvements are suggested.

6- SME relevance

No special relevance for SMEs

7- Best Practice


8 - conclusions / recommendations

9 - Sources of information / Links

ABRPlus-8* - Suppressing additional requirements on invoices and enabling wider use of electronic invoicing

Outcome of Assessment of the Measure
1 / Area: e.g. Employment, Transport / Taxation/Customs (TAXUD)
2 / Title + identifier / Suppressing additional requirements on invoices and enabling wider use of electronic invoicing - Council Directive 2010/45/EU of 13July 2010
3 / Savings potential in MemberState / 63.500.000,00 eur/per year
4 / More detailed description of the measure / (only to be filled in by Commission DGs)
5 / Implementation issues / Implemented on time
6 / SME experience / Good, lower costs and higher efficiency
7 / Best Practice? / YES
8 / Additional considerations / -Goldplating: NO
9 / Sources, Links / /

NB: This table should be used for short answers and figures. More details and information can be given in the overview-sheet .