YMCA YGUIDES Sleepover Overview

Friday, June 20th

Charlotte Knights vs. Toledo Mudhens

Gates Open – 6:00pm / First Pitch – 7:05pm

Tickets & Game Information

  • Please use your game ticket for admittance to BB&T Ballpark. Each ticket contains $2 of “Loaded Value”, it is redeemable on concessions and merchandise throughout BB&T Ballpark and the barcode of the ticket will be scanned when redeemed.
  • Karen Credle and other Staff Members from the YGuides will be in Romare Bearden Park at the intersection of South Mint St. and Martin Luther King Blvd. distributing your game tickets and wristbands for those sleeping over. They will have a YGuides table cloth covering the table.
  • Tickets that cannot be passed out to members of your groupmay be returned to Will Call for pick up the night of the game. All tickets dropped off for Will Call must include the first and last name of the individual picking up the tickets, and this individual will be required to show a valid photo ID.
  • Pre-Game Parade will start at 6:20pm. All YGuides and their parents who are interested in participating will need to report to the left field berm behind the video board no later than 6:10pm.
  • A limited number of Standing Room Only tickets are still available for the game.
  • Parking – Those spending the night at BB&T Ballpark are encouraged to park in the surface lots located on the Graham Street side of BB&T Ballpark. The Knights have made the owners of these parking lots aware of the sleepover. Attendees should avoid the Mint Street Parking Garage, as the gates are automated and could result in an overnight parking charge. Parking is not at the Knights’ discretion and is the responsibility of the attendees.

Sleepover Information

  • After the conclusion of the postgame fireworks show, sleepover attendees will be permitted to head to theirvehicles to pick up theirbelongings for the sleepover.
  • Once the ballpark is vacated and the field is prepared, we allow re-entry to BB&T Ballpark for those with a neon greenwristband included with your tickets. The neon greenwristband must be worn at all times by those sleeping on the field. Patches will be provided to all YGuides as they enter the field for the sleepover.
  • Restrictions – Due to the new condition of the playing field at BB&T Ballpark, additional precautions must be made to ensure the safety of the field. The following items will be restricted from the sleepover:
  • Food and Beverage is permitted, with the exception of soft drinks. No coolers of any type are permitted on the BB&T Ballpark playing field.
  • Staked Tents – No exceptions!
  • Air Mattresses
  • After set-up has been completed, and all YGuides are on the field, we will begin a movie on Minor League Baseball’s widest videoboard(Rookie of the Year). At the conclusion of the movie, the remaining field lights will be turned off.
  • All of the gates to BB&T Ballpark will be locked once the movie begins. In the event of an emergency, Guest Services located behind Section 104 will be staffed by a Knights member through the entire event. All Knights staff members will be wearing staff shirts.
  • Portable restrooms will be available on the warning track of the field and concourse of BB&T Ballpark.
  • Wake-up will be half an hour after sunrise (approx. 7am).

Inclement Weather Policy –In the event of rain or inclement weather, the Knights will notify all group representatives of the status of the sleepover.