FRIDAY December 3, 2010
BU 4
Ginny Aragon - A&R/Liaison w. Mgt. Team
Inge Bond - Institutional Research
Gretchen Ehlers - BSAC Steering Group/Math
Victoria Hindes -VP, Student Services/Liaison w. TRIO Program
Vicky Kalivitis - English
LeAnn McGinley -Assessment Coordinator
Cheryl Miller- (BSAC Steering Group/DESP)
Celine Pinet - Office of Instruction/Library/Liaison w. Mgt. Team
Helen Pivk ET
Len Schreibstein –BSAC Chair
Ann Marie Wasserbauer -ESL
Rebecca Wong -Math
Susan Sherrill -Supplemental Instruction/Tutoring
Patti Yukawa – Counseling
OTHERS: Judy Colson,DESP; Alicia Hernandez, EOPS; Frank Kobayashi, Workforce Development
- Reviewed and Approved Nov. 5th meeting minutes.
- Announced BSAC/BSI Grant Proposal Results that were approved by ballot vote of the membership. Proposals that were approved were:
ESL software
Assistance for Puente field trip
Faculty training—submitted by Reading/ESL
Math learning community adjunct stipends
- The committee then considered re-submitted BSAC/BSI Grant Proposals. Proposals were discussed and a ballot vote was taken (results indicated).
- English Writing Center
Changes were to reduce the number of hours requested. They removed both funds to evaluate Eng 975 and funds to write curriculumout of the proposal.The plan now is to use a classified employee or professional expert at a cost lower than for a faculty member for collection of data; stipends to associate faculty to full-time faculty for training will be more limited.
LeAnn cautioned that state has required that pre and co-requisites be validated with research; however, right now the state has suspended this requirement; Inge will be working w/English dept on data collection and analysis.
VOTE WAS TO FUND THIS REQUEST AS RE-SUBMITTED (13 of 15 votes for approval).
- ESL Non-credit Courses (Frank Kobayashi was in attendance and spoke to the re-write of the proposal)
Frank has met with the ESL department to discuss the proposal; he has put together a proposal with what he considers only the most essential components: 1) research of type of enhanced noncredit ESL courses out there at other colleges to include best practices and existing curriculum; 2)pilota non-credit ESL course; then 3) evaluate pilot course and 4)develop ESL classes in partnership with the West Valley ESL department.
The project would be over the course of one year
LeAnn remarked that SF City College has a huge program and that Frank should research possible curriculum available from that school or other schools which he would do; LeAnn also expressed concernabout the additional burden non-credit ESL might place on existing assessment resources at WVC.
When a committee member raised a concern about using BSI funds for WSCH producing activities, Frank-assured us that we would not collect apportionment for any pilot courses; pilot courses would be more like Adult Educ—training courses.
LeAnn stated that we will have to have some testing in place to get good information about progress of students and the success of the program; we may want to look at changing ESL testing, which she indicates has been problematic
Victoria and Patti—encouraged Frank to include college orientation as we want students to consider moving into credit courses; a suggestion was made that courses must do more than teach the English language; we should also include a cultural component in these courses.
The committee encouraged Frank to come back to the committee if he needs additional funds for research, etc.if those needsbecome apparent as the project develops.
Anne-Marie encouraged Frank to work with Campbell Adult Education; it was also noted that they will need to develop measures of student success.
VOTE WAS TO FUND THIS REQUEST AS RE-SUBMITTED.(13 of 15 votes for approval).
- Math Resource Center—student workers will gather data, decreasing amount of dollars from the original request.
VOTE WAS TO FUND THIS REQUEST AS RE-SUBMITTED.(15 of 15 votes for approval).
- SUCCESS peer advisors: -vote was to fund it, but at a lesser amount. Money was allocated for 9 hours/week for 18 weeks. Concern was expressed that some of the duties were not in the realm of a peer advisor, but more those of a work study student; alsoCarolyn needs to have a way to account for project success. The question was asked whether there is a job description? What training will they receive? Gretchen and Helen will work with Carolyn to develop a model peer advising program for the campus. (13 of 15 votes for approval with above conditions).
- Cheryl Miller provided further explanation about the DESP request.
VOTE WAS TO FUND THIS REQUEST AS SUBMITTED (15 of 15 votes for approval).
- Discussed 2010-11 Annual Plan (Due to CCCCO December 10, 2010). NOTE: plan was signed and submitted to meet this deadline.
- Inge showed a preview of the draft 2011 ARCC results. However, by this time most members had left so we will have a discussion at our next meeting.ofthese ARCC results; she has discovered that Learning Service courses are included in the success calculation.
- TRIO Update (Victoria)
The District has submitted an application to the Gates Foundation with Gavilan, Chabot and Mission Colleges (Gavilan may be replaced by Los Positas)
The project is intended to promote completion of degrees and certificates; funding is approximately $450,000. The practices promoting degree completion will have to be adopted in 5 yrs anyway, regardless of receiving the Gates Foundation funding.
- Len informed members about the Academic Senate’s “Embracing the Possible for Student Success” to be held in San Jose on Feb.25 and Feb. 26, 2011. (Cost $250 per participant). Vicky indicated she would like to attend and will submit her application to the Academic Senate. Others were also encouraged to do so.
- Set meeting dates for spring semester 2011—1st Friday of month agreed upon for spring semester. However, in April, we will need to meet the second Friday because the first Friday is during Spring break. Dates of spring meetings will be: Friday Feb 4, 2011; March 4, 2011; April 8, 2011 and May 6, 2011.