Gingerbread Application Form

To apply for the post, please complete the questions below, and email to .

The application form has minimal formatting to enable you to layout your information as clearly as possible.

Section 1: Personal Details

Your name:

Position applied for:

Where did you see this post advertised?

Your home address:

Your email address:

Your mobile and landline numbers:

Section 2: Employment history

Please list your employment history including all previous roles. Start with your most recent role, and for each role please include details requested:

  1. Most recent employer

Name and address of employer:

Job Title:

Employment dates:

Working hours:

Current salary:

Brief description of duties:

Reason for leaving:

  1. Previous employer

Name and address of employer:

Job Title:

Employment dates:

Working hours:

Brief description of duties:

Reason for leaving:

  1. Previous employer

Name and address of employer:

Job Title:

Employment dates:

Working hours:

Brief description of duties:

Reason for leaving:

Continue as necessary including all previous roles.

Section 3: Education

Please list your education and qualifications. Start with the most recent establishment you attended, and for each period of education, please include details requested.

  1. Most recent education establishment

School, college or university name:

Qualifications and grade obtained:

  1. Previous education establishment

School, college or university name:

Qualifications and grade obtained:

  1. Previous education establishment

School, college or university name:

Qualifications and grade obtained:

  1. Previous education establishment

School, college or university name:

Qualifications and grade obtained:

Continue as necessary.

Section 4: Training

Please list training courses you have attended that are relevant to the role you are applying for.

Section 5: Personal statement

Please answer the questions below.

  1. Why are you interested in this job? What aspects of the role and the work Gingerbread does attract you particularly?
  1. What skills and experience will you bring to the role? Please tell us how your knowledge, skills and experience meet the person specification for the role. Where possible, give actual examples to demonstrate your experience. You may use experience gained in voluntary work and other activities, as well as paid work.

Section 6: Vetting Checks

Please provide the names of two referees. One must be your current or most recent employer, or an academic reference if this is your first job. The other reference should be from someone who knows you in a professional capacity, not a friend or relative.

  1. First Referee






Can we approach this referee prior to a job offer being made? Yes ☐No ☐

  1. Second Referee






Can we approach this referee prior to a job offer being made? Yes ☐No ☐

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? Yes ☐No ☐If yes, please provide details.

Are you eligible to work in the UK? Yes ☐No ☐Please provide details.

Section 6: Further Questions

How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

Is there anything else you wish to tell us about your suitability for this post?

Thanks for taking the time to complete the application. Please email your completed form to word format. If you do not have email, please post to Versha Divani, HR Officer, Gingerbread, 520 Highgate Studios, 53-79 Highgate Road, London NW5 1TL.

By sending this application form you give consent for Gingerbread to process sensitive and personal data for the purposes of recruitment and selection, including the taking up of references. If following appointment, information on this form is found to be false, you may be liable for disciplinary action.