Ginger Mattox Notes from N.O.I.S.E. workshop in Austin Texas on November 19, 2014

Emily Tranter

National Coordinator N.O.I.S.E.

(National Organization to Insure a Sound Controlled Environment)

N.O.I.S.E. is a 43 year old non-profit organization that advocates for its members to reduce unreasonable levels of aviation noise by bringing together local airport officials and federal policy makers. N.O.I.S.E. is an affiliate of the National League of Cities of which Phoenix is a member.

N.O.I.S.E. serves to allow communities to join together with a single voice to inject the concerns of citizens into a national debate on reducing the impact of aviation noise and airport expansion policies. This is a debate that is too often dominated by airports, airlines and aircraft manufactures whose priorities may differ from those of the community.

History: The 65dB noise level was established by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) many years ago as a threshold for determining when sustained noise would begin to damage hearing and produce hearing loss in workers in a manufacturing setting. The standard was meant to regulate “safety in the workplace.”

Recent studies conducted by Medicare and others have concluded that at 55dB other health issues begin to take affect as a result of stress. But…..changing the noise threshold for “Significant Impact” from 65dB to 55dB would create a huge problem for the FAA around the country. New Noise Contour Maps would determine many new areas of impact.

N.O.I.S.E. is encouraging it members to write to the 114th Congress next year (2015) and caucus for changes in the current regulations that allow levels above 65dB over “Affected Communities”

Lesson’s learned:

AllStakeholders must have a seat at the table when working with the FAA

1)Technical Domains

  1. NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC)

which includes:

former Delta CEO, Chair of the committee

28 domain-specific members ranging from airlines to manufacturers

2)Non-Technical Groups

  1. Interested public

3)Local Government

  1. Airport Advisory Sub-Committees
  2. Elected Officials

4)Non-Government Organizations (NGO)

  1. N.O.I.S.E.

5)Policy Consultants

  1. Specializing in Air Traffic Noise Mitigation

Important Contributions


  1. FAA to the community at large
  2. Local officials participation in the community


  1. Public meetings and outreach efforts


  1. Well researched
  2. A more quiet approach and procedure


  1. Not everyone is going to be “quiet” as they defend their own personal situation

5)Ballot Box

  1. Create Referendums
  2. Vote for what you want

Special Note: Ask the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA)

1)NAC Report of October 2014 (when it becomes available on-line)

2)“BluePrint for Success Implementing PBN” (non-member @ $150. per copy)