1. Please sign in with the Pool Monitor.
  2. Everyone must shower before entering pool.
  3. Persons with communicable skin diseases should not use the pool.
  4. No hanging on the basketball rims.
  5. No running, rowdiness, roughness or horseplay is permitted in the pool area.
  6. Flotation devices are allowed, provided they are not becoming a hazard to everyone’s safety. If the pool becomes crowded with flotation devices and unsafe the monitor will request the flotation devices be put away. Squirt guns are allowed.
  7. No diving in the pool.
  8. No flips or back jumps off the side of the pool.
  9. No pets are permitted in the pool area.
  10. No smoking in the pool area. Smoking is permitted outside of the gated swimming area.
  11. Age Requirements. Children 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult to use the pool. Children 12 and 13 may be at the pool and need not be accompanied by an adult. Children 14 and above may use the pool without an adult, and are allowed to baby-sit or watch other children. An adult is considered to be 18 years of age or older.
  12. Guests. Any adult may bring up to a maximum of four (4) guests. Guests must accompany a paid member. Children aged 14-17 may bring one (1) guest. Guest passes are $3.00 each and may be purchased from the pool monitors.
  13. Babysitter passes may be purchased for $20.00. Babysitter passes should be used when no adult family member is present.
  14. An adult must supervise children in the kiddie pool at all times. Swim pants are required if a child is not potty-trained. Diaper changing on the pool deck is prohibited.
  15. Proper swim attire is required; no cut offs are allowed.
  16. No gum chewing is permitted in the pool or pool area.
  17. Foul or offensive language is not permitted.
  18. Everyone is responsible for picking up his/her own trash. Place trash in proper receptacles.
  19. Food is allowed in the pool area, but not within 6 feet of any pool.
  20. No parking near the pool. Bike racks will be available for use.
  21. Drinks and alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pool area in plastic or aluminum containers. No glass containers are allowed.
  22. Insubordination can result in loss of privileges. If there is a problem at the pool regarding behavior etc., the monitors have the final say and have the authority to ask someone to leave the pool for the day. If someone disagrees with this decision they need to contact the pool manager and/or a board member to resolve it.
  23. Everyone must exit the pool when thunder or lightning occurs. Half an hour must pass after thunder or lightning before re-entry in the pool.
  24. Please keep noise to a reasonable level and be respectful to the neighbors of Southbridge.


The pool will be open 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily.

*** All rules are subject to change without notice. *** revised 5/2014