Shugah Valley Snow Riders

PO Box 944

Claremont NH 03743

Dear Member,

It’s that time of year again! After getting off to a slow start, this past season was another for the record books – lots of snow and the cold kept the trails in great condition. The groomer operators were laying out ribbons of white and hopefully you were able toget out and enjoy the trails. We thank you for your membership and hope that you will choose to continue to support our efforts. Maintaining our trail system is a monumental undertaking and without our members financial support, it would not be possible.

To add more convenience for our members, beginning January 1, 2016 you will be able to join our club online from any location that hasthe internet, a computer, phone or tablet. To make memberships available online, NHSA has built a computer generated membership program. As you complete the membership application form, you will notice changes in the requested information.This additional information is needed for the online program. Until then,our club will enter the membership info into the web-based membership program and generate the Registration Voucher. They will be mailed to members just as we have mailed your cards and decals to you in the past. Our local Registration agents have agreed to sell our memberships as they have in the past and memberships will soon be available online as well.

Over the last several years, our club has kept dues at the low rate of $30 even though the cost of grooming equipment, fuel and maintenance of trails has increased significantly over those years. It was a difficult decision but to keep providing the same quality trails you have become accustomed to, we must increase our standard dues to $35 for an Individual or family membership.

Again, thank you for yourpast membership. We hopethat you will continue to support our club and renew again this season. We will do our best to provide you with the best possible trails for your snowmobiling enjoyment and we look forward to seeing you at some of our Club functions this winter.


Bill Page

Membership Specialist

Shugah Valley Snow Riders

PO Box 944

Claremont NH 03743

Please print legibly. Mandatory information must be provided or your membership cannot be processed.

*indicates mandatory information of the primary member for either membership type.

**indicates mandatory information for Family membership.

*First & last name:______

**2nd Member

First & last name:______

*Mailing Address:


*City, State, Zip Code: ______

Phone number (with area code): ______

*E-mail address: ______

Optional- Number of snowmobiles to be registered: ______

* Primary member Birth Date: ______

Child under 18 -1: ______

Child under 18 -2: ______

Child under 18 -3: ______

Would you like to receive your Sno-traveler via mailYESNO

Do you belong to another NH snowmobile club?YESNO

All club membership dues include NHSA membership valued at $10.00

Membership Dues /


/ Amount Due
Single Membership - $35 / $
Family Membership - $35 / $
Silver Club Membership - $50 / $
Gold Club Membership - $100 / $
Grooming Donation (optional) / $
First free decal (on request only) / N/C
Additional Decals - $2 each / $
Total Amount Due –Checks payable to SVSR / $

Mail your application and check to SVSR, PO Box 944, Claremont NH 03743