Graduation results from active participation in Gilbert Leadership Program activities; it is not an automatic result of meeting selection criteria.
For the Gilbert Leadership Program to be meaningful, participants have a responsibility to participate fully, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Gilbert Leadership Program. Attendance at scheduled functions, as well as interaction among class members, is essential to the total learning experience. Therefore, graduation standards have been established to insure that graduates of Gilbert Leadership have met their obligations to the program and to the community. The standards are:
1. Each class member is expected to attend ALL scheduled events, including issue days, Team Building, Class Project, Synthesis and answer monthly chapter questions and facilitate a chapter*.
2. Each class member is required to attend six (6) or more tours.
3. If they are recommended for graduation, each class member is expected to attend the formal graduation.
The Gilbert Leadership Board will review each class member’s attendance and participation, and approve for graduation those members of the class who have met the standards for graduation. A credit system will be used in the evaluation of each class member.
In addition, class members are expected to observe several general rules of etiquette important for program efficiency and leadership development:
1. Due to the vast amount of material being covered, it is important that activities begin promptly as scheduled and that class members arrive on time. Correspondingly, activities must reconvene from breaks according to schedule. All classes will be scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
2. All material presented is equally important and class members are expected to remain for the entire program. Class members arriving late or leaving early for issue days and tours will be subject to point deduction.
3. Activities are conducted in a business like manner and setting, so class members should dress appropriately. (Team Building and Class Project are exceptions.)
4. Planning and scheduling are usually based on anticipated attendance. Therefore, the activity chair should be notified when unable to attend scheduled activities.
5. In fairness to fellow classmates and as a courtesy to our speakers, there will be no phones allowed in the classrooms.
1. Graduation qualifications are based on several categories of criteria, each of which enables class members to accumulate credits. A minimum of 210 credits is necessary for graduation from Gilbert Leadership Development. The following represents a breakdown of MANDATORY requirements and their corresponding credits:
Issue Days 110 points
Curriculum 20 points
Class Project 40 points
Tours 40 points
· 4 - five point tours
· 2 - ten point tours
Makeup points can be made with either 5 or 10 point tours
One in each category (example: only one museum, one play, etc)
2. All tour sheets must contain a valid signature and be turned in to the Chamber office for credit by May 26th (5:00 p.m.) in order to receive credit towards graduation.
Discussion questions for each of the 21 leadership qualities are listed on the Gilbert Leadership website. You will be assigned chapters in the book to read prior to each issue day. Along with the reading, you will also answer corresponding questions on the website. The questions must be answered 5 days prior to the designated issue day. Your responses will be used to facilitate discussion of each quality.
Each of you will be asked to facilitate at least one Individual Leadership discussion of an assigned quality during the program. A schedule will be determined on Leadership Issue Day. If a class member knows in advance s/he will miss the issue day of his/her assignment, s/he is responsible for trading with another student.
You will review the responses by the class to the corresponding questions on the website to assist you and can be used as a departure point. Feel free to share research, personal or industry examples to illustrate the leadership concept and add to the diversity of the discussion.
As leaders it is important to be able to engage an audience and elicit feedback via discussion and that is the intent of this exercise. Because technology is not consistently available on issue day and the intent is a discussion this should not be a technology presentation. We want to encourage dynamic, relevant discussion and sharing of ideas among the class participants!
Online media is more than just Facebook and Twitter. It includes blogs, online networks, websites and any other Internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information. While the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce and its programs such as Gilbert Leadership, Partners In Progress, referral teams and other committees encourages participants to tell others about the programs board members, committee members/current class members and/or alumni agree that all social media outlets representing the Gilbert Chamber programs listed above are to be created by the assigned Gilbert Chamber Staff Liaison or through an agreed upon formal agreement with an outside consultant; with the staff liaison granted full administrative rights. Gilbert Chamber will then assign program/class administrators as needed.
Online presence that includes images, videos, posts, or comments may be perceived to reflect Gilbert Chamber support.Board and committee/class members are encouraged to share information to highlight the Chamber program, however, authorization to speak on behalf of Gilbert Chamber or its programs must be given by the Gilbert Chamber Chairman, President or committee chair for the program.
While serving as a Gilbert Chamber board member, committee/class member please be aware your online comments and actions may be seen as the view point of the Gilbert Chamber and its programs. Controversial issues will arise throughout the community from time to time. Board, committee/class members must distinguish one’s self as providing a personal view and take care to not be perceived as the representative of the Gilbert Chamber or its programs when participating in these types of online conversations.
All print media must be approved by the Board of Directors. No images or logos are to be used or created other than the approved logo created by the Board of Directors.
I have read the above and understand that it is my commitment to Gilbert Leadership Development. I also recognize my tuition is non-refundable. This form must be signed and returned with tuition fee upon acceptance.
(Class Participant Signature) (Date)
(Printed Name)
I understand that although Gilbert Leadership, a program of the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, will take precautions to provide proper instruction and supervision, it is impossible to guarantee absolute safety. I also understand that I share the responsibility for safety during the program and I assume that responsibility. If at any time I feel uncomfortable with an activity, I can exercise my right to withhold participation.
I understand that my participation in the Gilbert Leadership Issue Days may expose me to above normal risks. I have in place personal health insurance and am responsible for any medical expenses that may arise as a result of accidental injury during participation.
I release Gilbert Leadership, the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, its staff members, Board/committee members, volunteers, and general members from all liability for any injury to me from participation in the event/program stated above. I understand that these terms shall serve as a release of liability for my heirs, executors, administrators and for all members of my family.
Confidential Participant Information
Name Home Phone
Street Address Business Phone
City, State, Zip
I understand and agree to the above terms and conditions.
Participant’s Signature Date
Printed Name
Completion of a class service project is required for graduation from the Gilbert Leadership Program.
As a criterion for graduation from the Gilbert Leadership Program, each Gilbert Leadership class is required to plan, organize, coordinate and complete a service project within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Gilbert. The type and scope of the project will be determined by the interests, talents, resources and creativity of the class participants and must be approved by the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors. Traditionally, the class service project becomes a hallmark of pride for the Leadership class.
Class Project Goal
§ The class service project is intended to give back to the community. It should focus on an area within the community where the effort is needed, not where someone or some other organization can perform the service for themselves.
§ The service project is to be completed before the end of April during the Gilbert Leadership program year.
§ It should be designed to fulfill a need and give back to the community and should not involve an unreasonable ongoing maintenance requirement.
Project Scope Requirements
§ Project costs to range between $0 and $25,000. The project should be focused on giving back to the community and not become a fundraising campaign.
§ Work to be completed by the class; use of contractors must be approved by the board. If an artist is needed, one can be hired as long as 75% of the work is being completed by the class.
§ All class members must participate in the planning and development of the service project and must participate in the Service Project Day. The Service Project Day should include sufficient activities to engage all members of the class for a period of 6 to 8 hours.
§ The class service project must be presented to the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors for its approval prior to initiation of any work on the project. This presentation is intended to provide a detailed description of the project, including:
o Project scope—what is to be done?
o Materials needed for the project.
o Estimated overall cost of the project.
o Strategy of the class for fund raising and solicitation of material and equipment donations.
o Division of labor, including:
Ø Which class member(s) will be providing overall coordination for the project.
Ø Which class members will be coordinating the different aspects of the project.
Ø Project assignments for the remaining class members, including support services (e.g., refreshments, snacks, lunch, etc.)
o A letter from the individual, company or organization on whose property the project will occur granting permission for the class to perform the service project.
o Identification of any Town of Gilbert permits required to perform the project.
§ Class must stay within the parameters of the approved project. Any scope, costs or timeframe changes must be approved by the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors prior to moving forward.
§ Upon project approval, Gilbert Leadership Board’s Chamber Liaison will run the project through the insurance company for the class project insurance waiver. The cost for the insurance waiver will be the responsibility of the class and depending on the scope could costs up to $1,000.
Fundraising and Reimbursement Requirements
§ Fund raising and the solicitation of materials and equipment donations should not commence until the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors has approved the project. All funds raised for the project will be deposited with the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce.
§ No PO’s or advance payment will be made. Funds must be in the account for items to be purchased. Should a class member purchase an item in advance they understand reimbursement will not happen until all funds to cover the expense has been deposited.
§ All receipts along with the reimbursement form will be sent to the Gilbert Leadership Board’s Chamber Liaison for Treasurer’s approval. Once approved reimbursement will be done on the 15th and 30th of each month.
§ The minimum requirement for donations is $25. If the class is doing a fundraiser and collecting less than $25, they must collect all funds and deposit it with the Chamber at one time.
§ All funds raised and materials donated must be used toward completion of the service project.
Marketing Requirements
§ Media publicity for the class service project may occur after the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors has approved the project. The focus of any publicity sought by the class is to be on the project itself and not on the class or individual members of the class. Media coverage of the Service Project Day is most appropriate.
§ All social media groups, pages and one funding campaign must be created by the Gilbert Leadership Board’s Chamber Liaison.
§ No logos, symbols or graphic design is to be created.
§ All marketing materials such as press releases and donor opportunities must be approved by Gilbert Leadership Board’s Chamber Liaison.
§ After the class service project has been completed, the class will send letters thanking those individuals, companies and organizations that donated funds, materials or equipment for the project.
§ Start working on the class service project early in the program year.
§ Identify a spokesperson as soon as practical. This individual will coordinate the efforts of the class in selecting and developing its service project and will be the liaison for the class with the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors.
§ A process should be adopted by the class to ensure that service project ideas from all class members are considered and that all class members participate in the selection and development of the project.
§ After the class has decided upon a concept for its service project, the class spokesperson(s) may seek a preliminary review of the project by the Gilbert Leadership Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review the proposed project for appropriateness, feasibility and involvement by all class members.
Past Class Service Projects
Herb garden at Commons Sr. Facility
Downtown Gilbert Heritage Wall Mural
Heritage History Walk
Solar Installation at the Museum
Remodeled conference room with technology for the museum
First Learning Discovery Walk at Discovery Park