Stormwater Field Inspection Form (Construction Projects)

El PasoCountyColorado Stormwater Management Program

Phone (719) 520-7949Fax (719) 520-6879


General Information

Name of Project/Site:Paint Brush Hills 13AESQCP#: ESQ1316

Address/Directions:Palmers Green Dr. south of Londonderry Dr.

Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s): Barry Brintonphone: 499-3917______

Permit Holder (If not permitted, Owner or Operator)

Owner Name: Six Ninety-Nine PropertiesName of Responsible Person:Harold Fong

Title of Responsible Person: PresidentPhone:

Address:1842 Arroya St. Colorado Springs, CO 80906

ECS Name: Barry BrintonECS Phone Number: 499-3917

Inspector(s):Allen RickeyInspecting Agency:DSD

Persons present:Allen Rickey, Barry Brinton

Type of Inspection: Self Monitoring Initial Compliance Recon Other: Closeout

Date conducted:March 6, 2014Pictures Taken? Yes No

Construction start date?June 2, 2013

Records Review

Copy of SWMP confirmed on site? YesNo

SWMP Review:

1. Site description as required in the permit? YesNo


2. Site map as required in the permit?YesNo


3. BMPs for stormwater pollution prevention:

a. Erosion and sediment controls as required in the permit?YesNo


b. Materials handling and spill prevention?YesNo


4. Final Stabilization and longterm stormwater management as required in the permitYesNo


5. Other controls as required in the permit? YesNo


6. Inspection and maintenance as required in the permit?YesNo

Notes: Inspection reviewed were per permit requirements.

Inspection records kept?YesNo

Inspections conducted as required in the permit?YesNo


Stormwater Field Inspection Form (Construction Projects)Page 2

Site Inspection

BMPs implemented for vehicle tracking control?YesNo

Notes: Interior roadways have been paved. Home builders are constantly advised of permit requirements for sediment control.

BMPs implemented for sediment control?YesNo

Notes: Permit holder has sold all lots in subdivision.Disturbed areas for subdivision construction appear to meet closeout requirements for adequate seeding. See photograph 1. Developer has transferred control of any sediment control measures to Campbell Homes.

BMPs implemented for erosion control?YesNo

Notes: Disturbed areas have been seeded and growth appears to meet the closeout threshold. See photograph 1.

BMPs implemented for materials handling, spill prevention, and spill cleanup?YesNo


BMPs implemented for good housekeeping?YesNo


Inspection and maintenance of stormwater management BMPs implemented per approved plan?YesNo


Evidence of offsite transport of sediment or other pollutants?YesNo


Evidence of offsite transport of sediment or other pollutants reaching state waters?YesNo


Evidence of discharges other than stormwater?YesNo


Field Notes:

Photograph 1 Photograph 2