Parent Handbook


Welcome to Giggles Kids Daycare. My name is Natalie Davis and I am a professional childcare provider. To facilitate greater understanding between us, I have created this handbook. It covers my childcare philosophies, business policies and expectations.

In order to make our relationship as enjoyable as possible, the following pages contain mutually beneficial requirements, which are necessary to ensure that there are no misunderstandings between either parties. Please read this handbook carefully. I am happy to discuss any questions that you may have.


As a family child care provider, my goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, and loving place for children where they can learn and grow physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially at their own pace. I truly believe that children learn through play, and from a structured, yet flexible schedule. Activities will be offered which stimulate sensory motor development, language development and social interaction. The development of strong self-esteem is also a major goal. Children will be taught to respect each other, adults, and property.


Communication is very important to me. When a new family joins, I like to ensure and foster open and honest communication. I believe that both you and I should work as a team, and share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. I welcome questions, and feedback, and am open to discussions aimed at positive outcomes for the child(ren). Sensitive issues will be discussed in private, outside of regular childcare hours, either by telephone or conference.

Conferences are not usually scheduled as a routine part of your child's care; however, you may request one at any time.

Parents of infants and toddlers will receive a daily report card. Report cards include the following information: feedings/meals, diaper changes, temperament, naps, activities, and things to remember. Parents of preschoolers and older will not receive a daily note.

You are encouraged to call me at any time between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. If you call during the day, please be aware that I may be busy with the children and may not be able to answer the phone. If you would leave a message on my voice mail, I will call you back as soon as possible. The best time to call during the day is during our daily quiet time (1-3). I am looking forward to a terrific relationship with you and your child!


There are several forms that I must have completed and in my possession before I can assume the responsibility of caring for your child. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is to ensure that your child receives the very best possible care. There are other forms but I need these the very first day! The forms are as follows:

Enrollment Contract
Emergency form

Please keep me informed of any change in addresses, telephone numbers, and other pertinent information listed on any/all of the above forms. If you have any questions regarding the completion of these forms, please feel free to ask.


We are open to all children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Children are admitted to programs without regard to race, creed, sex, disability, or socioeconomic class. NO discrimination is practiced in the treatment of children in the programs or in program administration or operation.


Before your child is admitted into childcare, you must pay a two-week security deposit. The deposit protects me from NSF checks and unexpected family departures from child care. This deposit will be credited towards your last 2 weeks of childcare if you decide to leave Giggles Kids Daycare. Deposits are equal to your normal weekly fee. In the event your child does not start care by the agreed upon date, your opening will be forfeited and your deposit to hold the position will become non-refundable.


If a position is or will be available, you have the option of securing the opening by paying a deposit to reserve this opening. If you wish to hold a position, you will need to pay the weekly rate each Friday to hold the position. I cannot hold a position for free. (there are exceptions that I make)


Your specific rates will be outlined in your Contract and Rate Agreement. Payment is payable in advance and is due no later than drop off time on the first contracted care day of each week, unless another arrangement has been agreed upon. If this day is a holiday, payment is expected on the previous day. Payments may be made by check or cash, as long as no checks are returned to me for non-payment. Checks must be dated for the day they are due, no post-dated checks will be accepted. There will be a late fee of $10 for each day.


If a check is returned to me for non-sufficient funds, you will be required to pay all fees that I incur as a result of the returned check. Childcare services will be immediately halted until full payment of tuition and NSF charges has been made, in CASH. In addition, I will only accept cash payment from you from that point forward.


Normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Your specific hours will be outlined in your Contract and Rate Agreement. I require two-week's notice if you need to change your enrollment hours. I offer both full-time and part-time care. Full-time positions will generally be preferred over part-time positions. I reserve the right to terminate a part-time position, if the position can be filled with a full-time family. You may opt to pay for a full-time slot in order to keep your part-time position. I do occasionally accept children for drop-in care if I have a space available on any given day. If you tell me that you will not be bringing in your child on a particular day, there is a chance I will fill your spot for that day and you could potentially lose your day if I do so. Therefore I do require that you give me a minimum of 48-hours notice if you change your mind and want/need to bring your child. You are still responsible for paying tuition for your contracted days regardless. I only accept drop-ins for the purpose of providing a service to all of my parents, which may possibly include you if you would ever need/want childcare on an unscheduled day. Your 48-hour notice is not only put into place because I may schedule a drop-in on your day, but this will give me time to adjust my menus and activities accordingly. Please inform me if you are at any other location than what is listed on your Enrollment Record and to provide a telephone number for that place. Please notify me by 8:00 a.m. if your child will not be coming for the day or if youwill be late in arriving. Your child could be the only child in attendance on any given day.


I do offer 2 free late pick-ups. After that, if your child is picked up after your contracted time, you will owe a late fee of $5.00 for each five-minute period, or portion thereof, after the scheduled time. Late fees will not be waived. No exceptions. I do not accept children before the official opening time at 7:00 am unless we have an agreement.

All persons who pick up your child must be authorized by the parent to do so. If the person is NOT on that list, I MUST have a written permission to release your child. Please inform emergency contacts, or people designated to pick up your child, that if I do not know them, I will ask them for photo identification to ensure protection of your child. I will not let a child leave without a parent's verbal permission even if that person is listed as one of your designated pickup people.


I am required to have all parents sign in and out for pick-up/drop off each day. Giggles has a code entry door, once your child is enrolled, your family will choose a personal code. This code will be our way of keeping track of drop off/pick up times of each child, by saving it into our computer system.


Please notify me if your child will be absent OR LATE on a specific day. For vacations, please notify me one week in advance. You are responsible for paying the full tuition when your child is enrolled, even if your child is absent due to illness or vacation.


I will be taking 9 paid holidays off and 2 unpaid days off. They are, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving(unpaid), Christmas Day and the day after Christmas(unpaid), Presidents Day and Easter Monday . When a paid holiday (listed above) falls on a Saturday, Giggles Kids Daycare will be closed the preceding Friday with pay, when a holiday falls on a Sunday, we will be closed the following Monday with pay.

Each year I take 2 week's paid vacation time. For the most part, Giggles is closed one week during MCPS spring break and one week in the Summer. I will inform you well in advance of these exact dates.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for supplying diapers/wipes, a full change of clothing which needs to be updated every six months (including socks and underwear) appropriate for the weather, formula, baby food, breast milk and any other supplies that your child may need. You may bring a whole package of diapers/wipes to be stored in the changing table (I will let you know when your supply runs low), two sippy cups for children over 12 months, permanently labeled with your child’s name and bottles/bibs/pacifier for infants under 12 months. Please supply a blanket/pillow for your child to be kept at the childcare home. All blankets and bedding will be sent home to be laundred every Friday. Good clothing is not recommended. Soiled clothing will be sent home and a clean change of clothes should be brought back the next day. If there is a special occasion that calls for special clothing (a visit or party right after child care or a trip to the photographer), please send the special clothing with your child and I will help them clean up and get dressed prior to your arrival. I will request certain items for certain times of the year such as boots or snowsuits. All items need to be labeled with your child's initials. You must maintain these items at all times. Please keep in mind that if you do not bring a needed item, it may prevent all of the children from going outside.

~~Presence of Pet~~

We have a Golden Retriever named Bella


Snow Closings

I follow MCPS for snow closings.


No toys should be brought from home. Little ones have a difficult time, sharing with others, and it is even harder with their own special toys. Exceptions being their "lovey" for nap time, which will be put up until naptime. All personal items must be clearly marked with the child's name.


I am a participant in the Food Program. Nutritious meals will be served to all children ages 12 months and up who are enrolled in this program at no extra cost to you. Meal times are set and lunch menus for the week are posted at the front door; and all menus are available for you to look at per your request. You are responsible for feeding your child if he/she will arrive at childcare after a mealtime. You may also pack a lunch for your child if you wish, just be sure to cut up anything that needs cutting, into bite size pieces. I will not be able to discount the cost of care if you choose to bring lunch/snacks. I request that parents pack lunch and snacks for children with allergies or who require special dietary needs to ensure the safety of your child. Parents must provide iron-fortified formula, cereal, baby food, and juice or breast milk for infants under 12 months. Infants are always fed on demand. Written feeding instructions are required from parents of infants including type of food and/or formula, amount of food and/or formula, and feeding times. Except for special occasions and when requested, please do not send any sweets/candy with your child. I believe mealtime should be a pleasant time; therefore, children are always offered food but are not forced to eat it. I do encourage each child to try one or two bites of everything, and they must eat a little of everything before given seconds of anything. Sometimes they are surprised by what they like!


If your child is taking breast milk, there are a few extra steps that you will need to follow.

-Please make sure your child has made the transition to a bottle prior to their first day at daycare.

-Please send more than enough breast milk for us each day.

-All breast milk should come in tightly sealed bottles.

-Bottles must be packaged in a spill proof zipped bag.

-All breast milk/supply bottles will be sent home with you each evening.


Ocaisionally,, we will watch age appropriate lessons/games on a computer or TV not to exceed 30 minutes a week.


I do my best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are washed before and after meals, after toileting and after being outside. I use paper towels for drying hands, so children do not have to use the same towel. If parents provide a toothbrush and toothpaste, teeth will be brushed, as well. I wash my hands frequently and also use antibacterial gel. Infants sleep in separate cribs or pack and plays, with clean sheets used only by them. Beginning at about age 2, washable nap mats or cots are used. Each child has a separate nap mat/cot, with sheets, blankets and pillows. Children use separate cups, plates, bowls and eating utensils that have been washed in the dishwasher and dried on the heat setting or paper/plastic. High chair trays, tables, etc. are disinfected with a bleach water solution after each use. Toys are sanitized with a bleach water solution every Friday and air dried. Outside toys are kept clean and the sandbox is covered when not in use. There is no standing water outside. I will always sanitize these items as needed as well as weekly. Cleanliness is extremely important to me.


Toilet training will be done in a relaxed manner with the cooperation of the family. Thirty months of age is a good rule of thumb to start checking for signs of readiness. When the time is right for your child and until he/she is totally successful in his/her toileting, he/she should wear clothes that promote their independence. In addition, your child must have two complete changes of clothes (don't forget the socks!) The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists, or dresses. Your child's readiness is something we can discuss because consistency between our homes will be very important. This is a special time for your child, a sign that he/she is growing up. Toilet training should be a good experience.


All children are required to lie down for a rest period in the afternoon somewhere between 1-3. All children must nap, rest, read or play quietly during this period. Rest time gives everyone a much-needed break during the day. Without rest time, some children are argumentative in the afternoon, short-tempered with others, and not real happy when they go home in the evening. I provide nap mats/cots and child-sized sheets. If your child has a special blanket or stuffed animal that he/she sleeps with, please send it along. I would ask that you please avoid picking up or dropping off your child during naptime, as it disturbs the other children's rest period. Infants nap at varying times and their schedules will be accommodated. Somewhere between 12 and 18 months, children usually drop down to one nap per day. At this time, I will attempt to put them on the scheduled nap/rest period.


Giggles Kids, provides a safe, loving, nurturing, and educational environment for your child. Focused on reinforcing your child’s core “life skills,” Giggles Kids encourages self directed engaged learning (individual exploration), group/team play (enhancing social skills), and provides individualized attention, and teacher directed activities. Basic life skills include: focus and self control, perspective taking, communicating, making connections, critical thinking, and taking on challenges.

Giggles Kids is equipped with toys and educational games and a designed curriculum:


  • circle time (formal teaching)
  • story time/reading
  • music/sing along/dance
  • dramatic play: expression, movement, and role playing via dress-up, house keeping (kitchen/shopping/caretaking/cooking)
  • arts and crafts: painting, drawing, coloring, texture, textiles
  • building blocks/legos/construction
  • computers
  • science and nature

Weekly Themes: