March 19, 2012

The Board of Trustees of the Giddings Independent School District, State of Texas, met in a regular meeting on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the GISD Administration Board Room, Giddings, Texas 78942. The meeting was called to order by President Stan DeGerolami and a quorum was established. The invocation was given by Don Johnson.


Board Members Present: Mr. Stan DeGerolami, Mr. Don Johnson,

Mr. Steve Janda, Mrs. Mary Ellen Whitsel,

Mr. Jason Locke, Mr. Mark Johnson,

Mr. Jimmy Simmonds

Board Members Absent:

School Personnel and Allen Law, Cindy Knight, Don Spivey,

Visitors Present: Stephanie Noack, Charlotte Penn,

Lee Shane Holman, Greg Shelton,

Sue Zapalac, Stephanie Jurek, Suzy Zoch,

Dylan Zoch


1. There was no audience with individuals or committees making a report.

2. A motion was made by Steve Janda and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to approve the

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 2012 and Special Meeting of February 23, 2012; Payment of February bills as follows:

Operating $ 854,727.03

Special Ed Coop $ 109,221.44

Total $ 963,948.47

Approved the following donations:

Donation of pencils, bookmarks and rulers to the Elementary Campus from JD Giddings Masonic Lodge.

Donation valued at $3500 from Alan and Robyn Roberts to the High School which included labor, equipment and supplies for removal of dead trees and rock that surrounded the trees; bringing in dirt and filling in trees and purchase of and planting of eight trees in front of the High School and the parking lot entrance.

The motion carried unanimously.

3. The Board conducted the First Reading TASB Policy Update 93.

4. A motion was made by Jason Locke and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to approve the following transfer student for 2011-2012:

Brianna Jackson

The motion carried unanimously.

5. Went to information/discussion:

a. The District/Campus Administrators each gave a brief report.

6. The Board went into closed session at 7:20 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 8:04 p.m.

7. The following resignations were accepted by the Superintendent during the past month and reported to the Board:

Sharon Buck IT Coordinator

Julie Rogers GIS Special Ed

8. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to employ the following professional personnel for 2012-2013 school year:

Breta Grubbs GHS English

The motion carried unanimously.

9. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Steve Janda to employ the following auxiliary personnel:

Sonia Rivera Bus Monitor

Karen Miller Bus Driver

The motion carried unanimously.

10. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Don Johnson to approve the following substitutes for the 2011-2012 school year:

Brenda Mender Substitute Custodian

Sharon Harville Substitute Nurse/Teacher

The motion carried unanimously.

11. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Mark Johnson to extend the GES professional employee contracts as presented:

Kim Ables Dianne Lude

Jazmine Alcantara Arlene Matlock

Jenny Baker Mark McClain

Claudia Bautista Ricardo Melendez

Beth Blair Rachel Mertink

Cindy Booth Karen Miller

Terry Boyd Karla Monnaco Gon

Jan Christiansen Lisa Morgan

Sharon DeGasperi Debra Namken

Nancy Denton Valeria Ochoa

Carolyn Dorsey Harriet Parks

Meghan Dowell Heather Perry

LaNell French Jessica Purvis

Joyce Gallier Christine Roberts

Sergio Gon Laura Robertson

Lisa Gres Rebecca Sherrill

Karen Hester Alicia Tavares

Robert Hinze Lissette Tristan

Bonnie Johnson Susan Walther

Robin Joseph Robin Westfall

Monica Lira Brandy Wiederhold

Alison Lovett Jackie Zapalac

Julie Lucas

The motion carried unanimously.

12. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jimmy Simmonds to extend the GIS professional employee contracts as presented:

Sandra Allen Debra Berger

Dawn Biar Catherine Brewerton

Cheryl Calame Lara Chapman

Gladys Clemons Josalyn Conwell

Sheri Fritsche Christie Goehring

Donna Janda Cathy Lancaster

Melinda Morris Julia Parker

Dana Peschke Luis Pina-Rivera

Karina Puente Luis Eduardo Puente

Alexandra Ratcliff Mary Beth Shelton

Diane Wied Ceri Williams

The motion carried unanimously.

13. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Don Johnson to extend the GMS professional employee contracts as presented:

Cody Morse Kayla Markert

Hope Holman Patti Masek

Leslie Clayton Robert Ondrasek

Celeste Arriaga Debra O’Quinn

Greta Benavides Myra Paul

John Booth Kristin Pleasant

Al Brewerton Faith Preuss

Mike Buck Lisa Proske

Lisa Dickinson Kenneth Roberts

Stephanie Engstrom Diane Sanders

Kae Franks Brian Shane

Nevonne Gonzales Brian Stewart

Rebecca Guerrero Clark Strickland

Kelsie Hrbacek Courtney Umlang

Carrie Kieschnick Kim Walther

Chris Lackey Troy Wiederhold

Kevin Majewski Rick Zamora

Annette Malinak Curtis Lindell

Erin Marburger

The motion carried unanimously.

14. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to extend the GHS professional personnel as presented:

Appleman, Virginia Lackey, Christa

Belyeu, Teri Majewski, Neal

Benavides, Greta Marlow, Mike

Booth, Ashton Marshall, Steven

Bricker, Patrick Maudlin, Jeanese GMS/GHS SAC

Buck, Noel Maxwell, Candace

Carl, Dawn McDowell, David

Carl, Dennis Mertink, Rusty

Clayton, Leslie GHS/GHS Nurse Meurin, Jonathan

Curtis, James Morris, Perry GMS/GHS Band

Dock, L’Anna Morton, Monika

Durrenberger, Lindsey Mott, Eric

Essman, Lee Noack, Arthur

Essman, Tara Placke, Jennifer

Evans, Sheree Lehmann, Debbie

Exner, Robin Proske, Loura

Fierro, Acension Ray, Allan

Fromme, Ami Rush, Randy

Gaeke, Lisa Schatte, Darlene

Gonzales, Karen Simmonds, Phyllis

Hellums, Jay Smith-Mott, Jill

Hervey, Shannon Skyler, Kris

Holman, Hope GMS/GHS Lib. Theile, Carol

Jaeger, Deanna Wilson, Kira

Jones, Sandra

Kieschnick, Carol

Kylberg, Michelle

The motion carried unanimously.

15. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jimmy Simmonds to extend the Special-Ed Co-op professional employee contracts as presented:

Deanna Moore – Diagnostician

Betty Wachsmann – Speech Therapist

Suzanne Bradford – Speech Therapist

Elizabeth Haller – Assistant Speech Therapist

Kelly Majewski – Diagnostician

Amy Kaderka – LSSP

Masami Fujita – LSSP

Deanna Moore – Diagnostician

Glenda Kasper – Occupational Therapist

Clarence Mahlmann – VAC

LaNell Lindell – Director

The motion carried unanimously.

16. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Mark Johnson to change the distribution of the compensation for health benefit for the A-scale employees.

The motion carried unanimously.

17. A motion was made by Don Johnson and seconded by Steve Janda to adjourn at 8:04 p.m.

The motion carried unanimously.


Stan DeGerolami, Board President Mary Ellen Whitsel, Board Secretary