1.  Main purpose of the Website (Entertainment, Video, Information-Sharing, Pictures, etc.)

2.  Probable expected audience? Potential for others?

3.  Ease of finding online? Ease of browsing on the site?

4.  Is the information clear? Accurate? How do you know? Are cites provided?

5.  Is the site completely audience appropriate (See #2.)?

6.  Who is behind the site? Publisher? Individual or Organization?

7.  Recommend to: Classmate? Family Member? Facebook/Twitter/Instagram friends?

8.  Does the site link to other sites? How are they related?

9.  Find three sites on the same or similar topics. Do any of the new sites outdo the first?

Sites to examine carefully:




See above and only then: http://www.umich.edu/~engtt516/masterforgers.html

Two of my favorite sites:



Library Collection:
