Here is Anna’s description of the first time she travelled by bus. Write it out in full, choosing the correct alternative for each blank space: Write letters A,B or C after studying fully the alternatives given below.

The first time I travelled by bus, I remember, was in 1948, when I was seven years old. I cannot forget that first ride. I (1)…… with my mother to my grandmother’s house, about fifty kilometers away. I can still hear the nose of the engine, and (2)………the bumping of the bus. It all seemed strange and frightening to me then, especially when I (3)………. a remarkable discovery.

Wondering If we would ever get to Grandmother’s house, I (4)……..round to look at the passengers behind me. They (5)……….at all. Everyone in the bus (6)……….., still, remaining in exactly the same position. When I looked out of the window, I (7)…………it was the trees and grass and houses along the road that (8)…………., not the people on the bus! To me this (9)……… amazing sight. I (10)………and trying to figure it all out, when the bus (11)………… “Come out, Anna, come out!” my mother was saying. For we (12)…….. my grandmother’s house.


1.was travelling travel had travelled

2. felt feel was feeling

3.make made was making

4. turned had turned was turning

5. did not move had not moved were not moving

6. was sitting had sat were sitting

7. had seen saw was seeing

8. had moved was moving were moving

9. was had been were

10. still wondered had still wondered was still wondering

11. had stopped was stopping stopped

12. reached had reached were reaching


Punctuation Exercise

Each stroke (/) in the following passage stands either for a fullstop or a comma. Rewrite the passage correctly. There should be five full stops. Underline wherever you punctuate.

he had never been to school /because his father needed his help on the farm / whenever he saw his friends going off in their school uniforms /he felt sad and lonely/ when the returned home /he often asked them about their lessons /if he could go to school himself /he would soon learn all these things easily / as he lay in bed at night /he used to dream that school was a kind of heaven /where everyone was happy and wise /


SECTION C: Composition Exercise

Here are twenty statements with relative Clauses. Ten are complete statements, and ten are incomplete. Write the words Complete or incomplete at the end of each.

  1. The teacher who stopped us in the road on Saturday afternoon……………………………………………
  2. The one you wanted has been borrowed by somebody else………………………………………………………..
  3. This is the person I saw……………………………………………….
  4. The team we are playing against beat us last year……………………………………………..
  5. Here is the photograph of the girl I have been writing to…………………………………………..
  6. The book I was looking for. ……………………………………………………..
  7. Everyone who attends this school for four years. ………………………………………………..
  8. The thing that interests me most. ………………………………………………………………….
  9. The day I most enjoy. ………………………………………….
  10. The farmer asked his son to repair the hoe he had broken. ………………………………………….
  11. The river on which the town is built. ……………………………………………
  12. A car which is always in the workshop. ………………………………………………
  13. I am going to a place where no one will ever find me. …………………………………………
  14. To people you do not know. …………………………………………….
  15. Cotton, which comes from a plant, is not like wool. ………………………………………….
  16. A very fat man, who looked like a storekeeper. …………………………………………………..
  17. The pen I am using. ……………………………………………..
  18. People who disobey are shot. …………………………………………….
  19. It looks like the one you told me about. …………………………………………………
  20. This is Miss Beidu, whom you know already. ……………………………………………

Now pick out the ten incomplete statements, and complete them meaningfully in your own words by adding a phrase either at the beginning or end. Use the space below and write two answers on each, making twenty sentences in all.
