1. (Mik) Like Jesus, he worked as a carpenter, although it was in the late 60s and early 70s before his big break. He was listed as the richest actor alive in the 2001 Guinness Book, and reportedly received more than $25 million for K-19: The Widowmaker. Two of his most famous roles came by default – Alec Baldwin refused a role in a 1992 Phillip Noyce movie, and Tom Selleck one in a 1981 Spielberg film. The star of the recent thriller Firewall, FTP, name this actor known for portraying the pilot of the Millennium Falcon.
A: Harrison Ford
2. (Mik) Like Jesus, he technically walked on water, when approaching his enemy’s dwelling. The earliest version of his story appeared in 1807, and is responsible for a nickname for a space elevator. In some versions, the villain is named Blunderbore, and in most, he one and/or two valuable possessions: a hen that lays golden eggs, and a golden harp that sings to itself. If you “smell the blood of an Englishman”, FTP, name this fairy tale hero, and giant-slayer with some misplaced ideas about the value of magic beans.
A: Jack(Frown if the beanstalk is mentioned)
3. (Mik) Their first ruler Seonggye, or Taejo of Joseon, distinguished himself by fighting pirates, and overthrew the last of the Goryeos. Construction for GyeongbokPalace began in 1394, and the adoption of the Hangul alphabet was accomplished in 1443 by King Sejong. Over the coming centuries, they became isolationist, and were forced to sign the Kanghwa Treaty, an unequal treaty on European models, by the Japanese in 1876. The Japanese would later overthrow Emperor Yungheui in 1910, FTP, ending what only modern dynasty of Korea?
A: The Yi Dynasty (or Joseon)
4. (Zach)His son won a later Nobel prize for proving the wave duality of electrons;he himself won the 1906 Nobel Prize. The vice-president of the International Esperanto Science Associtian,he taught Rutherford while Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge. Using the product of Crookes Tubes, he discovered they exhibited a single charge-to-mass ratio which should be a new class of particles, which he called ”Corpuscles” FTP, name this knighted scientist, who, using cathode rays, discovered electrons.
A: Joseph John Thompson
5. (Mik) She was romantically linked with Alfred De Musset, Franz Liszt, and Frederic Chopin, and she spent the winter of 1838-9 with him in Majorca. A distant relative of Louis XVI, she was raised at Berry, where much of her work was set. She had married Baron Dudevant in 1822, but lost most aristocratic respect for her mores of fashion. The author of Lelia, Mauprat, and Indiana, FTP, name this early French feminist who took a male pen name and wore male clothes in her daily life.
A: Georges Sand (Amantine Dupin)
6. (Mik) It was written in Coptic, presumably from a Greek original, like the one denounced by Iranaeus of Lyon as false in 180 AD. James M. Robinson tried to buy it for $3 million in 1983, but couldn’t make the price, and the Maecenas Foundation later picked it up for $1 million. 13 sheets in over 100 fragments, it had been found in the Egyptian desert in the 1970s, but has only recently reached the public eye. FTP, name this recently translated ancient work, a gospel supposedly written by the most paradoxical apostle.
A: The Gospel of Judas
7. (Mik) Beneficiaries of this technology include Claire Raymond, Sonny Clemonds, and Ralph Offenhouse in the Star Trek: TNG episode “The Neutral Zone”, and current estimates say roughly 90 people, and some pets, have undergone the procedure. Recently John Henry Williams had it performed on his deceased father, although his end, to sell the DNA, was not received well by his sister. FTP, name this procedure most commonly referenced in popculture as being performed on the head of Walt Disney, suspended animation via cold temperature.
A: Cryonics or Cryogenics or Cryogenic Freezing – clear-knowledge equivalents
8. (Mik) His life is described in Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300¸ and he was the seventeenth of the Agaid line. The son of Anaxandridas II and the half-brother of Cleomenes I, he led a valiant defense in his most famous battle for two days before being betrayed by Ephialtes. After his death, his body was decapitated and crucified on Xerxes’ order. A famous example of Spartan courage, FTP, name this king from 489/8 until 480 who died with his men at Thermopylae.
A: LeonidasI
9. (Michael) This surface was first proposed in 1858 by two German mathematicians, and splitting it in half only results in one new surface with half-twists in it. Cutting it a second time results in two surfaces wound around one another, and a third split, made about a third of the way from the edge, results in two surfaces: one nearly one-dimensional, the other a long surface with two half-twists. FTP, name this non-orientable surface with only one side and boundary component, which can be easily made with a paper strip and some tape.
A: MobiusStrip
10. (Yogesh)It was part of historic Route 66, and currently lies at the intersection of I-55 and I-72. 31 members of the Donner Party set out from here. Famous natives include Hall of Fame pitcher Robin Roberts and suicidal poet Vachel Lindsay. Its most famous resident is buried in Oak RidgeCemetery. FTP, name this Midwestern city, site of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and capital of Illinois.
Answer: Springfield, IL (only accept “Springfield” after “Illinois” is mentioned; otherwise prompt)
11. (Zach) The ruler of the tiny oppressed island nation San Lorenzo offers a job to the son of an atomic scientist, and while there he learns about karasses, wampeters, and granfalloons, all parts ofthe banned religion of Bokonism, and the ritual of touching bare feet called Boku-Maru is a capital offense.The quirks of Felix Hoenikker ruin the lives of his children in, FTP, what novel by Kurt Vonnegut where the world meets its cold end due to Ice-9?
ANSWER:Cat’s Cradle
12 ,(Mik) Pencil and Paper ready, if you have it. Consider a Sudoku square – that is to say, a 9x9 square with the separate numbers one through nine in nine separate 3x3 squares within it. Finding the total of all the numbers in the entire Sudoku is as simple as finding the total in each smaller square and multiplying by nine. FTP, what is the total of every number in any Sudoku square?
A: 405(49x5)
13. (Mik) In Hebrew times, it was always allied with Syria rather than Philistines, and rose in revolt with Sidon and Tyre versus Shalmaneser V. In more modern times, its history is one of sieges; it held Napoleon off for two months in 1799, and was captured by Selim the Grim in 1517. However, it holds the distinction of being the last Crusader city to fall to the Mamelukes in 1291. FTP, this is what “Key of Palestine”, which was captured and recaptured by Saladin and Richard the Lionheart within four years between 1187 and 1191?
A: Acre
15. (Mik) In her Homeric hymn, she is not located on Olympus, but in ancient Delphi; the oracle of Apollo at Delphi is a form of temple to her as well, the same as temples at Dreros and Pinias. The eldest of the daughters of Rhea and Cronus, she gave up her seat at as one of the Twelve Olympians to Dionysus. She received the first offering at every sacrifice, but her cult was private only. A stable goddess of domestic stability, FTP, name this Greek goddess of the hearth, the analog of Vesta.
A: Hestia
16. (Mik) The first one was played in 1902, with Michigan defeating Stanford 49-0, but a second one was not played until 1916, when chariot races were held. In 1942 it was moved to Wallace Wade Stadium in Durham; the MVP of that game was OregonState’s Donald Durdan. Starting in 1996, MVPs have included Keyshawn Johnson, Brian Griese, Ron Dayne, and Marques Tuiasosopo in FTP, what annual bowl game, of which Vince Carter took the last two MVP trophies, held annually in Pasadena?
A: The Rose Bowl
17. (Mik) It is still denounced by one of its signators via invoking Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, because it was procured by force. Sponsored by a Republican senator from Connecticut, it was appended to the Army Appropriations Act of 1901, and replaced the earlier Teller Amendment, which had asserted state sovereignty to the island in question. Formulated by Elihu Root, FTP, what Congressional Act provided for the long-term occupation of Guantanamo Bay, and gave the US almost unlimited power in Cuba until 1934?
A: The Platt Amendment
18. (Mik) Also the title of a painting by Georges Roualt, and earned its author a 300-franc fine, with six pieces banned until 1949 in France, but published in Brussels as “The Wrecks”. Separated into section titled Revolt, Wine, Death, Spleen and Ideal, and the titular one, the forward denounces boredom as the greatest evil and addresses “thrice-great” Satan. Filled with themes of decadence and eroticism, FTP, name this master-work of Baudelaire.
A: The Flowers of Evil( Les Fleurs du Mal)
19. (Mik) The cells housing them are covered by a trapdoor-like operculum, and concentrated around the mouth and stomach filaments by scyphozoans. A common type of them is the heterotrichous microbasic eurytele, in which the shaft is relatively short and had a widened portion at the distal end. Discharge incorporates a twisting motion, which drills the tubule into the victim of, FTP, what structures located on the tentacles of Cnidarians, their powerful “stinging cells?”
A: Nematocysts
20. (Mik) The bandit Sparafucile places himself at the hands of the title character, and the Fourth Act takes place in his house. 20 scudi are paid for a murder, but the conversation with the bandit’s sister Maddalena is overheard, and instead of the Duke being murdered, the title character’s daughter Gilda dies in his place. The body is discovered in the last scene and the curse of Monterone fulfilled in FTP, what opera by Verdi about the title hunchback?
A: Rigoletto
21. (Mik) Some say it descended to earth as a meteorite; others say it originated with the Black Dwarves, Sindri (or Eitri) and Brokk as a challenge from Loki; the rune for Tyr may represent it. In the Thrymskvida, the giant Thyrm steals it and demands Freya in exchange; the owner dresses like her to recover it and butchers the giant. Based on the throwing francisca, FTP, name this boomerang-like weapon that means “that which crushes”, the mighty axe of Thor.
A: Mjollnir(spellings vary)
14. (Mik) His first published poem, “Hymn to the Sea”, was written in the style of Walt Whitman while he was a member of the Ultraist movement in Spain. He worked in the Buenos Aires Library for a decade, where he would write, but was transferred to inspecting poultry when Peron came to power. While recovering from illness, he published his first short story collection, “The Garden of Forking Paths”, but didn’t become well known in English until his work with translator di Giovanni, after which, FTP, what Argentine writer published Seven Nights, The Book of Imaginary Beings, and The Book of Sand?
A: Jorge Luis Borges
1. (Nick) FTPE, given a famous Biblical quotation or phrase, identify which book of the Bible it comes from.
(10) “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
The Book of Isaiah
(10) “How the mighty have fallen!”
“Second Samuel” or The Second Book of Samuel
(10) “For now we see through a glass, darkly.”
“First Corinthians” or Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians
2. (Mik) F15PE, identify these geographical names that sound extra-ghetto indeed.
(15) Eliciting great surprise when the author first saw it on a map, this kingdom existed in what is now Benin from the seventeenth until the nineteenth centuries, and was that state’s name from 1958-60.
A: Dahomey
(15) This tiny state in Northeastern Africa was once part of French Somaliland, and was granted independence in 1977. Its current president is Ismail Omar Guellah.
A: Djibouti
3. (Mik) FTPE, Name these prominent writers in turn-of the-century California.
1. She romanticized the mission system, but her attempt to shed light on the mistreatment of Indians was largely ignored in her 1884 work Ramona.
A: Helen Hunt Jackson
2. He contributed much work to The Californian, and became the editor of the Overland Monthly, and is known for his short story “The Luck of Roaring Camp”.
A: Bret Harte
3. This author, whose death date must always carry a questionmark, attacked the railroad monopoly while at Hearst’s San Francisco Examiner, although we know him for his Devil’s Dictionary
A: Ambrose Bierce
4. (Michael) Answer these rather easy questions about vector calculus, FTPE.
1. This theorem states that if r(t) is a smooth vector function from a to b and function f is a differential function of two or three variable and its gradient vector is continuous on r(t), then the integral of the dot product of the gradient vector of f and the derivative of r(t) is equal to f(r(b))-f(r(a)).
A: Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals
2. This vector operator shows the direction of a vector field’s axis of rotation and the magnitude of that rotation.
A: Curl
3. This theorem states that the flux of a vector field on a surface is equal to the triple integral of the divergence on the region inside the surface.
A: Gauss’ Theorem
5. (Mik) FTPE, name these musical pieces referenced in Hofstadter’s Godel, Escher, Bach, FTPE:
1. This JS Bach work was completed in 1722, and is a collection of 24 pairs preludes and fugues for solo keyboard, in a rising chromatic pattern in which every key is represented.
A: The Well-Tempered Clavier
2. This unfinished Bach work was released after his death, in 1750, and contains 14 fugues and 4 canons, has no instrument designation, and all but the last, unfinished piece is set in D Minor.
A: The Art of Fugue
This is a movement from Bach’s 147th cantata, and has a chorale melody. Hofstadter puns on it in discussing a computer program called “SHRDLU, Toy of Man’s Desiring”.
A: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
6. (Yogesh) FTPE, name these namesakes of buildings on the University of Southern California campus.
This ambassador to England and founder of TV Guide and the Philadelphia Inquirer endowed schools of communication bearing his name at the University of Pennsylvania and USC.
Answer: Walter Annenberg
From 1973 to 1998, the USC campus was home to the namesake institute holding the papers of this Austrian composer of Moses und Aron who pioneered the twelve-tone system of atonal music.
Answer: ArnoldSchoenberg
The main offices of the Cinema-TelevisionSchool at USC are in the building named for this alumnus and Star Wars auteur.
Answer: George Lucas
7. (Michael) Answer these questions about DNA, FTPE:
This is a region of highly repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome that functions as a disposable buffer, since the DNA polymerase complex involved in replicating eukaryotic chromosomes are incapable of replicating to the chromosome’s end.
A: Telomere
This enzyme catalyzes and guides the unknotting of DNA, since otherwise attempting to unknot DNA would require the strands to be broken.
A: Topoisomerase
The existence of this biological structure was first proposed in 1964 to account for chromosomal crossover in yeast and is now known to be important in maintaining genomic integrity. Name this structure, a mobile junction between four strands of DNA.
A: Holliday Junction
8. (Mik) Name these recent histories of the so-far very short twenty-first century, F15PE:
(15) This work by Thomas Friedman advocates globalization through technological acceleration and social protocols; The fall of the Berlin Wall was apparently what set the modern world going.
A: The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
(15) This 2002 book by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz is a harsh criticism of the policies of the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, which states that they act against the interests of developing countries.
A: Globalization and its Discontents
9. (Nick) FTPE, given a one-sentence description of an Ayn Rand novel, identify the work.
(10) This work tells the story a young architect named Howard Roark.
The Fountainhead
(10) A man designated Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity and the light bulb.
(10) Rand’s first novel, this book relates the struggles of a young woman in post-revolutionary Russia.
We the Living
10. (Adam) FTPE, name these characters in Homer’s Iliad.
The son of Hector, his nickname in Greek means ‘Prince of the City.’ He was thrown from the walls of Troy by Neoptolemus.