for year 2015-2016


Professor, Marcel ISTRATE, PhD

1. Field of study information

1.1 Higher learning Institution


"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, Iasi

1.2 Faculty

Electrical Engineering

1.3 Department


Power Systems

1.4Field of study / Electrical Engineering
1.5Level / Bachelor

1.6 Specialization

/ Electrical Engineeringand Computers

2.Course information

2.1 Course name / Monitoring and management of electrical systems
2.2 Course holder / LecturerOvidiu Ivanov, PhD
2.3 Applications instructor / Lecturer Ovidiu Ivanov, PhD
2.4 Year of study / 4 / 2.5 Semester / 7 / 2.6 Assessment method / C / 2.7 Course type / DS.DI

3.Total estimated hours(learning activities, hours per semester)

3.1 Hours per week

/ 3 / from which: 3.2 lectures / 2 / 3.3 laboratory /


3.4 Total curriculum hours




From which: 3.5lectures




3.6 laboratory



Time distribution



Study after manual, course support, bibliography and notes



Additional library, specialized electronic platforms and field research



Work on seminaries/ laboratories/projects, homework,reports, portfoliosand essays









Other activities......

3.7 Hours of individual study



3.8 Hours per semester



3.9 Credits



4. Prerequisites(where applicable)

4.1 curriculum / -
4.2 skills / -

5. Infrastructure requirements(where applicable)

5.1 for lectures / Room with blackboard and multimedia projector
5.2 for laboratory / Room with computers and electrical networks analysis software

6. Gained skills

Course credits / 4 / Per skill
Professional skills / PS1 / Description of analysis methods, electric equipment and process modeling simulation and assessment. / 1.5
PS2 / Data analysis, correct interpretation of numerical results and specific software applicationsuse. / 0.5
SS1 / Correct use of basic principles in power systems command and control. / 1
Complementaryskills / CS1 / Identification of objectives to be achieved, available resources, and working times and stages. / 0.4
CS2 / Use of group communication and efficient teamwork techniques. / 0.2
CS3 / Efficient use of informationresources and communication and professional training resources. / 0.4

7. Course objectives(based on the specific skills acquired)

7.1.Main course objective / The application of load flow and state estimation theory in real time operation of electrical power systems.
7.2.Specific objectives / Description of theoretical and practical principles and current practices regarding management and monitoring methods for large-scale power systems,electrical networks modeling, data acquisition systems at network level, computational algorithms, and technical infrastructure.

8. Contents

8.1 Lectures / Teaching methods / Comments
  1. Electrical power systems monitoring and management, an introduction.EPS structure, configuration and distinctive features; the need of monitoring and control; SCADA systems.
/ Lecture with multimedia support; discussions. / 6hours
  1. Computer aided analysis of electrical power systems. Working principles and practices
/ Lecture with multimedia support; discussions. / 2 hours
  1. Power system analysis - load flow calculations.Electrical parameters of EPS components; general load flow mathematical models; the Gauss-Seidel method; the Newton-Raphson method.
/ Lecture with multimedia support; discussions. / 10 hours
  1. Power system analysis - EPS state estimation. the Weighted Least Squares estimation method, other SE methods (Least Absolute Values, Levenberg-Marquardt, Hachtel)
/ Lecture with multimedia support; discussions. / 4 hours
  1. Modern approaches for EPS monitoring and management.Phasor measurement units, SE algorithms with integrated synchrophasor measurements, intelligent electrical networks (Smart Grids)
/ Lecture with multimedia support; discussions. / 6 hours
  1. M. Eremia coord. (2006), Electric Power Systems – Electric Networks, Editura Academiei Române
  2. J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas Overbye - Power System Analysis and Design, Cengage Learning; 5th edition, 2011
  3. M. Gavrilaş, O. Ivanov, Aspecte moderne în modelarea sistemelor electroenergetice, Editura Venus, Iaşi, 2006

8.2 Laboratory / Teaching and learning methods / Comments
  1. Load flow calculations with DIgSILENT Power Factory - the IEEE 14 bus system
/ Software use tutorial; implementation rules; discussion and software simulation / 6hours
  1. Per unit values for electrical quantities
/ Discussion and calculus exercise / 2hours
  1. State estimation withthe Power Education Toolbox and DIgSILENT Power Factory tools
/ Software use tutorial; implementation rules; discussion and software simulation / 4hours
  1. Test
/ assessment / 2hours
  1. O. Ivanov,laboratory written material.
  2. DIgSILENT Power Factory Online User Manual, DIgSILENT GmbH.

9. Course content in report with the expectations of epistemic community representatives, professional associations and employers representativesin the field

The course content corresponds with the training necessities of power systems utilities and employers.


Activity type / 10.1 Assessment criteria / 10.2 Assessment methods / 10.3 Weight in the final grade
10.4 Lectures / Final evaluation
Assessment of theoretical knowledge, andcritical evaluation and synthesis skills. / Written thesis - 2 hours / 40%
10.5 Laboratory / Student activity during the whole semester / Computer simulation and discussions / 30%
Final test / Individual work assessment / 30%
10.6 Minimal required achievements
Knowledge of the main EPS load flow and state estimation algorithms.
Knowledge of computer simulation techniques, of data retrieval and assessment for load flow and state estimation software tools.
10.09.2015 / Course and applications holder signature:
Lecturer,Ovidiu Ivanov, PhD
Department approval date:
16.09.2015 / Department head signature:
Professor, Florin MUNTEANU, PhD