The National Federation of High School (NFHS) rules will apply except as altered by the following additions and exceptions

SRMaximum playing age shall be 19 years old as of April 30thof current year

SR1Field dimensions:

(A) Baselines 90 feet.

(B) Pitching distance 60.5 feet.

SR2in this tournament

• Runners may lead off

  • Infield fly will apply
  • Balks will be called
  • Immediate dead ball
  • Runner(s) awarded one (1) base.
  • There will be no fake bunt and swing away

oContact is not necessary

oThe batter is out, ball is dead and runners cannot advance

SR 3 Face Guard areoptional


  • not allowed, when a player is advancing to a base

Runner will be out, ball is live and other runners may advance

SR4Bat sizes allowed are big barrel only andmust be BPF 1.15 Approvedwith a -3 weight to length ratio limitation at this Level or BBCOR .50

SR 5A regulation game shall consist of six (7) innings or 61/2, if the home team has more runs before playing on offense in the sixth inning.Game may end in a tie in pool play. In bracket play however all games must be played to a winning conclusion: if a game is tied after time limit is reached or 7 innings have been completed, one more regular inning will be played, if still tied, extra inning(s) will use the international tiebreaker rule.

SR 6 Time limit will be 1hr 50 min for every game. No time limit for “CHAMPIONSHIP”

SR 7Mercy Rule is 12 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings and 8 runs after 5 innings. Run rule remains in effect in ALL Game’s, including CHAMPIONSHIP

SR 8All players who are eligible to participate shall be placed in the batting order and bat consecutively in that order. As a result:

  • Defensive Free substitution will apply
  • Defensive visits will remain 3 per game

SR9Each team is allowed to have four (4) coaches, which includes the manager. This will allow two base coaches, one coach in the dugout and one additional coach managing.

SR10If a team starts play with eight (8) players, an automatic out will be taken for the ninth (9th) position in the batting order for every cycle through the batting order. (No penalty of an out, if loss during the game is due to injury/sickness). At the discretion of the team Manager; If a player arrives late for the game, that player may enter the

game and be inserted at the end of the batting order, even if the team has already completed one cycle through the batting order.

SR11SLINGING THE BAT: A team warning for "slinging the bat" will be issued for the 1st offense. Any player from that team will be called out on any subsequent occurrence.


SR12 A maximum of 10 inning may be pitched during the tournament. Pitching will be recorded in 1/3.

Courtesy runner

SR13Courtesy runner for Catcher and Pitcher of Record at any time

  • Last out will be the runner.
  • In the 1st inning, if an out is not registered, the courtesy runner shall be the last batter in the lineup or if too close to the last batter in the lineup, any player designated by the umpire.

SR 14 Steel cleats are allowed at this level however they will be prohibited when a portable mount is used.

GGBL SR Revised 5/27/2017