GFHSRA Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:20 PM
- Attendance
- Board Members Present – Eric Phelps, Joseph Jeffers, Bryan Myszka
- Board Members Not Present – Raul Gallo, Jesus Saucedo
- Members Present – Keith Frazer, Robert Daniell, Joe Lizama, Jerry Barbero, Bill Adams, George Wankmueller, Christel Lindberg-Phelps, William Brink, Lawrence Reynolds, Ben Burnett, Nelson Franklin, Ricardo Villanueva, Allison Jones
- New Members – none recognized
- total present: 16
- Balloting
- Voting closed at 6:20pm
- Regional site report from Bill Adams – Wichita Falls
- Regional site report from Keith Frazer – Kennedale
- State Report from Joseph Jeffers
- Approval of Minutes
- Motion byJoe Lizama
- Second Robert Daniell
- Motion carries unanimously
- Treasurer Report
- Briefed to membership
- $2048.90 in account
- Belton FC and Salado Rec games are yet to be closed out
- HHPR and Tri-County Rec will be closed out by Sunday
- Approved by the membership
- New Business
- USSF Update
- Finish the season strong – few games still remain
- UIL (Middle School) Update
- Running clock unless a significant injury stops play for an extended time
- Keep availability up to date so Assignor can give games accurately
- Games are auto declined after 48 hours if not addressed
- USSF Clinics
- Clinics will start to be populated in the next couple of weeks
- Check the STSR Webstie for dates and clinic descriptions
- GFHSRA will host an in-person clinic for Recertification Grade 7 and Entry Level Grade 8 provided they are required by STSR
- Several Law changes this year will be covered in the clinics – vital to attend
- Old Business
- None to discuss
- Training
- Mechanics matter as Assistant Referees – know what the right mechanics are and use them; it helps with communication between the crew and for anyone knowledgeable watching the match
- Scenarios Q&A
- Announcement of New Board
- President –Joe Lizama
- Vice President –Joseph Jeffers
- Secretary –Ben Burnett
- Treasurer –Bryan Myszka
- At-Large –Clay Harrington
Joe Lizama gave a short acceptance speech and thanked the chapter for voting for him. He also gave praise to Bryan Myszka for doing the job as assignor so well. Joe has been a member of other associations where the assignors could not keep the work straight and assignments were very chaotic. Our chapter runs smoothly because of the work the Bryan does. Thank you Bryan!
Motion to adjourn byGeorge Wankmueller
Second by Christel Lindberg-Phelps
Meeting adjourned at 7:01 PM
Motion to reopen meeting by George Wankmueller
Seconded by Joe Lizama
Motion to accept the election results by Jerry Barbero
Second by Bill Adams
Election results unanimously ratified
Motion to adjourn by Jerry Barbero
Second by Bill Adams
Meeting adjourned by 7:02pm