Tibor Baráth Appendix3

International and national conferences

International Conferencies from1991

1.  2011.november 24.: School Leader Competences: the Driving Force behind Teacher Motivation and Student Outcomes. School leaders – the competent driving force
Demand-driven competence definition for school leaders and school autonomy.

2.  23-09-2011: 20th ENIRDELM Conference (Reykjavik): Cui prodest? Learning – Leadership – Ethic.

3.  24-09-2011: 20th ENIRDELM Conference (Reykjavik): Demand-driven competence and school autonomy

4.  18-09-2010: 19th ENIRDELM Conference (Szeged): Does leadership matter? Implications for Leadership Development and the School as a Learning Organisation. PDA – the optimal way of organizational development. The role and responsibility of school leadership

5.  19-09-2009: 18th ENIRDELM Conference (Antwerpen): Leadership in a complex world

6.  19-09-2009: 18th ENIRDELM Conference (Antwerpen): Sustainability and school Leadership – the case of Hungary

7.  29-05-2009: School Leadership for Educational Innovation in the 21st Century Europe (Budapest): Development of School Leadership – how to train successful school leaders? (Rapporteur on the plenary session)

8.  29-05-2009: School Leadership for Educational Innovation in the 21st Century Europe (Budapest): Development of School Leadership – how to train successful school leaders? (Moderator of the section)

9.  26-09-2008: 17th ENIRDELM Conference (Bergen): Leadership – Learning – Performance

10.  22-09-2007: 16th ENIRDELM Conference (Uppsala): Eco-Schools – Sustainability – Leadership

11.  20-09-2007: Peer Learning Activity (Budapest): RDA: Developing the competences of teachers

12.  19-09-2007: Peer Learning Activity (Veszprém): How school governance has been changed through the new leadership training.

13.  01-2007: 20th ICSEI Conference, Portoroz: Accountability in the Hungarian Public Education (Round Table)

14.  01-2007: 20. ICSEI Conference, Portoroz: Self-Evaluation in the Hungarian Schools (S)

15.  11-2005: Bridges across Boundaries, Closing conference of the project: Self-evaluation in Hungarian Schools, Budapest, Magyarország

16.  09-2005: ESDP Closing Conference, Brno: Projectmanagement – Presentation of the ESDP Module (SE)

17.  09-2005: ESLN work conference, Budapest

18.  11-2004: School Development Advisors: From a pilot project to systematic educational policies?, Masaryk University, Brno: School Consultancy and School Improvement in Hungary (PE)

19.  12-2001: OECD Seminar on Managing Education for Lifelong Learning (invited to the inner circle)

20.  03-2001: Joint National Assessment Project of Five Countries, Csehország: Evaluation of Schools in Hungary (PE)

21.  09-1999: 8th ENIRDEM Conference, Budapest, Quality Assurance in Management Training (SzV, SE, Sz)

22.  06-1998: World Bank Seminar, Szeged

23.  08-1998: 23th ATEE Conference, Limerick, Models and Concept of Effectiveness in Public Education (SE; approved paper not presented because of ta car accident)

24.  11-1997: Quality Evaluation in School Education, Luxemburg

25.  11-1997: Closing conference of the Dutch-Hungarian Educational Management Programme, Amsterdam (Se, Sz)

26.  09-1997: 6th ENIRDEM Conference, Örebro, Models of Effectiveness in Public Education – Values and Culture Effects on Effectiveness (SE)

27.  22-08-1997: 22th ATEE Conference, Macerata, Teacher In-Service Training and Management Development in a Changing World (SE)

28.  09-1996: 5th ENIRDEM Conference, Antwerpen, Role of Institutional Evaluation in Developing School as Learning Organisation (SE)

29.  11-1995: EFEA 8th Intervisitation Programme, Budapest, Information about Founding and Launching a University Programme Leading to a Certificate (SE, Sz)

30.  09-1995: 4th ENIRDEM Conference, Prága, Csehország (SzV)

31.  01-1995: 8th ICSEI '95, Leeuwarden, Hollandia

32.  10-1994: 3rd ENIRDEM Conference, Helsinki, Implementation of a Master’s Programme on Educational Management (SE)

33.  10-1993: 2nd ENIRDEM Conference, Katowice

34.  09-1993: 3rd NESA Conference, Budapest, Endeavor to Renewal of the Hungarian Educational Management Training System in Hungary in the Framework of an International Collaboration (SE)

35.  1993. május: Programme for improvement educational management training system on regional level in Hungary. Spring Conference of Dutch and Hungarian Educational Support Institutes, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (PE, Sz)

36.  1993. január:6th ICSEI '93, Norrköping, Svédország Possibilities for adapting and implementing the Western European educational management training models in the Central European countries (SE)

37.  12-1991: ESHA East-West Conference, Utrecht, Hollandia (SzV)

38.  09-1991: 16th ATEE Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Need for Educational Management Training in Hungary (SE)


PE: plenary presentation / SzV: chair a section, reporting
SE: presentation in section, workgroup, workshop / Sz: member of the organization committee
S: symposium / K: round table discussion
P: podium discussion

Form of participation in the conferences

Reviewed conference, active participation (plenary presentation, etc.)

Other (not reviewed conference, active participation (plenary presentation, etc.)

National Conferences

I took part in 49 national conferences between 1996 and 2010. Among them I provided presentation or led symposium, chaired section, etc. on 43 conferences.