Introduction to Sean Covey’s

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens:

(Introduction to the Mustang Habits: Tools for Life)

Mester 3- Week 4

Tuesday – Thursday,

March 2-4, 2010.

Purpose: / *To become familiar with the 7 habitsframework and introduce 7 habits
*Reinforce use of brace map
Time: / 3 days
Materials: / Foundation/Tree transparency( #1), brace map (#2), filled in brace map (#3), pen/pencil
Assignment: / Brace map
ESLRS: / Critical thinker, self-directed learner
  1. Review main points from prior week – (positive habits help us become more effective in handling life.)
  2. Display the Foundation/Tree diagram on an overhead.
  3. Introduce the 7 habits overall framework using the tree diagram.
  4. There are 7 common habits or characteristics of happy and successful teens worldwide according to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens author, Sean Covey.
  5. Explain that this is a visual overview (similar to a thinking map) and they will be reintroduced to each habit in more depth as the year progresses. You are showing this to help them understand how each of the habits relate and build on each other.

d.Refer students to the diagram and explain that habits 1-3 are below ground and form the roots – the solid foundation for growth and stability.

  1. Habits 4-6 are above ground and visible to the world, knocked against, carved on, leaned on, and used for shade.

f. The 7th habit is the sun and the rain. They provide what the tree needs to be healthy and produce fruit.

g. Explain that this visual uses a tree as a metaphor for an effective person.

  • Habits 1, 2, and 3 deal with self-mastery. We call it the Private Victory. For examples: doing your homework, not fighting with parents, coming to school on time.
  • Habits4, 5, and 6 deal with relationships and teamwork. We call it the Public

Victory. Examples: graduating to the next grade, getting on the honor roll, completing a group project.

  • The private victory comes before the public victory. You have got to get your

personal act together before you can be a good team player.

  • Habit 7 is the habit of renewal- taking time for yourself.It feeds all the other six


  1. Students will create brace maps. Using the tree diagram and the brace map as a guide, students are to fill in the brace map with their experiences.
  2. Reflection:
  3. How do you think living some of these habits help you in your life or could help you?
  4. How do you think private victories influence public victories?
  5. Save brace map (and reflective writing) in the portfolio.



Renewal Sharpen the saw


Effective TeenPublic VictorySeek first to understand, then to be understood

Think win-win

Put first things first

Private Victory Begin with the end in mind

Be Proactive



Name: ______

Student Experiences Brace










Student Handout
