Getting Started with Readorium Rising Reader and Readorium Scholar

Most, if not all, of your teachers should have already received a Teacher Resource Center account as well as a "demo student account". They should have also received all of the student login information for their classes.

Demo Student Accounts
In general, the teachers' "demo student accounts" are like regular student accounts, but with everything unlocked, and with more control over the system. The website for both student logins and for the teacher's demo student login is:

To access their student demo account, teachers should use their usual login names (first initial and last name with no capitals or punctuation) but with the classroom ID of 1. These accounts all start with the password "password", which is changed the first time a teacher logs in.

Teacher Resource Center
The website for teacher logins is:
In the Teacher Resource Center, teachers can access real-time student score reports and many classroom instructional materials. We recommend that teachers first become familiar with the program. The best way to do this is to log into the Teacher Resource Center, view the video tutorial, explore all of the materials and resources that are there, and download the hyperlinked Teacher Resource Guide.

To Get the Students Started:
1. Go to
2. Log into your demo student account.
3. Show the class the initial Video Tutorial and discuss. Tell students that if they work hard, they will benefit from the program by becoming great readers and Readorium millionaires. (The students will also review the video on their own when they log on.) Tell your students that they will also see other short “Getting Started” videos the first time they encounter new features of the program.
4. Have students log into their accounts and get started.

If teachers need login information or technical support they can e-mail David Iseke at or call him at (201) 638-1694.