Transition into Practice Model ProjectInterim Report
Regis College/Lahey Clinic Partnership 2011-2012
Regis College, together with its project partner Lahey Clinic, proposed to demonstrate an integration of the Nurse of the Future Core Competencies© through the development and implementation of a transition into practice model-Transition into Practice (TIP). This project creates a unique collaboration between academic and practice partners. The project involves engaging four distinct cohorts: 1. RegisCollege’s academic (classroom and clinical) faculty; 2. Lahey Clinic’s clinical educators; 3. RegisCollege’s pre-licensure students; and, 4. Lahey Clinic’s newly licensed nurses.The work began (August 11, 2011-LC) with a joint assessment of the integration of the NOF Competencies in the Regis College senior level nursing curriculum and the Lahey Clinic Newly Licensed Nurse (NLN) program by nursing faculty and clinical educators, respectively.Regis College and Lahey Clinic plan to convene ( Seminar 1-Jan 19, 2012-LC) and evaluate educational seminarson Nurse of the Future Core Competencies©. Together, we developed learningactivities for the student and NLN cohort for each of the 10 NOF competencies (On-going & Dec 6, 2011). The current phase involves the four educators developing and delivering a targeted educational seminar (Seminar 1-Jan 19, 2012) to Regis College’s (classroom and clinical) faculty and Lahey Clinic’s clinical educators.
The second seminar (Seminar 2-Planned for April 2012) will be for the nursing students and the NLNs.The TIP project includes an extensive evaluation component, through which learners in the educational seminars will participate in focus groups to provide feedback on their TIP experience. The feedback represents the perspectives of the four distinct cohorts, and will include discussion of the extent to which the TIP program has/will impact Nursing students’ and NLNs’ transition into practice, as well as the insights of participating nursing program faculty and clinical educators. The partners also plan to convene a third seminar (Seminar 3-Planned Sept 2012), to present on the TIP program’s successes and challenges, inviting a broad range of stakeholders. Invitees will include clinical practice partners, faculty and communities of interest to both partners. Additional dissemination plans include poster presentations at relevant professional conferences.
Goals: Benchmarking
1) To achieve adaptation and integration of the NOF in RC’s senior practicum and LC’s Newly Licensed Nurse programs, by assessing progress achieved to-date, and building upon this progress- Assessment completed, activities developed, integration in progress in NLN (completion Jan 2012) and Preceptorship (first cohort completion-Jan 2012, second May 2012)
2) To develop an evidence based replicable model that provides a blue print for the new nurses that supports new nurses’ successful transition into practicethrough an academic/practice partnership-in progress; structure for cohort work has been successful to date.
3) To widely disseminate the outcomes of the project-Seminar 1-Jan 19, 2012, Seminar 2 & 3 tentatively planned for April & Sept.
Timetable: Project began August 2011, and complete August 2012.
Aug/Sep/Oct 2011 / Nov/Dec 2011 / Jan/Feb 2012Project /Seminar Development and Planning / F2F meeting 1-8/11/11
Weekly communication between Co-leads; communication between lead faculty and clinical educators.
Oct 21, 2011-DHE Presentation for Grant Recipients / F2F meeting 2-12/6/11
Weekly communication between Co-leads; communication between lead faculty and clinical educators.
Dec 30, 2012-Interim Report Submitted / On-going communication and planning for Seminar 1
Seminar 1 / Jan 19, 2012-Lahey Clinic
Interim Update to DHE / Completed Dec 30, 2011
- Face to Face Meetings with Cohorts 1&2- August 11, 2011 & Dec 6, 2011= total 9 hours. Total participants 20 each meeting.
- Ongoing communication with Co-leads weekly and Cohorts 1&2.
- Assessment of RC Preceptorship & NLN program integration of NOF Core Competencies completed.
- Matrix of NOF activities for crosswalk developed and revised multiple times. (attached)
- Developed “DHE Nursing Education Redesign Grant Program: Transition into Practice Model” Project Fact Sheet for distribution-distributed to constituents at both organizations.
- Implemented Matrix activities in RC Preceptorship and NLN Program. Evaluations Jan 2012.
- Seminar 1 planned Jan 19, 2012 at Lahey Clinic for RC Faculty and LC Clinical Educators.
There has been no change in scope of practice, budget issues or barriers identified to date. The relationship between the Cohort 1 & 2 has been very collaborative. The face to face meetings have brought these two groups together when they normally do not work together. Both made significant contributions to the substance of the activities to date. The two cohorts were entirely responsible for developing the matrix together and working collaboratively to ensure that both students and NLNs were participating in activities to reflect the NOF competencies. The Co-leads gained a great deal of insight as to the level of knowledge and comprehension of the NOF competencies especially in the practice arena from the Clinical Educators. One interesting occurrence is that many of the Clinical Educators have demonstrated an interest in attending an educational conference with the nursing faculty in March to learn more.