Getting Ready for the Tutorial[1] -- A Guide to the Students (BA Program)

英语专业核心课程面授辅导课课前预习指导 (专升本课程)

Course: / English through Literature
Unit(s) to be covered: / Units 1~2
Tutorial date:
Duration: / 8:30– 12:30
Place: /

BeiwaiOnline live broadcast classroom

Tutor(s): / Bruce Michael
Study center: / Beijing Tutorial Center
Participants: / BA Classes 1/2


What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Ask questions about the ETL course.
Discuss a course motto. / Briefly review the whole ETL course book. (Also Gateway to Literature)
Consider a possible course motto.

Activity One: Review definitions of Literature

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Answer questions:
What is ‘literature’?
What does ‘literary classic’ mean? / Review Unit 1 Activity 1 / Task 2

Activity Two: Review reasons people read Literature

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Answer the question: Why do people read literature? / Review the Warm Up activity (page 5)

Activity Three: Review authors and writing styles

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Discuss and report on how, and why, authors write in different styles (Chinese and/or English authors) / Review Unit 1: Activities 2-5. Refer also to excerpts 1-5 (pages 32-33)

Activity Four: Review the term ‘genre’

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Write down what the term ‘genre’ means / Review Unit 1: Activity 6

Activity Five: Review ideas of ‘theme’ in literature.

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Act out a literary ‘theme’ that your group has chosen / Review Unit1: Activity 7

Activity Six: Review the concepts of language and social values in literature and literary realism.

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Answer questions and give your opinions about the above / Review Unit1: Activities 7-8

Activity Seven: Review communication and poetic forms.

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Name, and give examples of, some common poetic forms / Review Unit 2: Activity 2 (Also be aware of ‘Gateway to Literature’ chapter 4)

Activity Eight: Review poetic imagery and verse patterns

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Read either the poem Fable (p55) or Trees (p62) / Review Unit 2: Activity 1 – Practice reading either/both Fable and/or Trees

Activity Nine: Review the place of poetry in the world

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Watch the video National Poetry Day. Answer questions based on the video / Review Unit 2: Activities 1-3

Activity Ten: Briefly review themes in stories

What you will do at the tutorial: / What you need to prepare before the tutorial:
Answer questions about themes in stories based on your reading of the extracts in Activities 4 and 5 / Review Unit 2: Activities 4-5
Note! These two activities will be referred to in more detail in conjunction with Units 3-4 (classes March 15-16)


[1]This guide aims at supporting the distance students registered on the relevant course in Beijing TC of the Institute of Online Education (BeiwaiOnline), Beijing Foreign Studies University, to prepare for in-class activities of face-to-face tutorials. Any other BeiwaiOnline students may use it in their preparation for the tutorials. For reprints to be used for any other purposes, please write to: Teaching Department, Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China 100089.
