Tips for Filling Out a Job Application!

Okay, you’ve started searching for a job. As you go from workplace to workplace, you will be completing a variety of applications. Remember these tips:

·  Consider making a photocopy of the application, filling it out as “practice,” then complete the original one

·  Read the entire application thoroughly before you write anything

·  Carefully follow the instructions! If you are asked to print, type, or use black ink only, be sure to do so

·  Do NOT write in the section “for employer use only”

·  Complete every question on all sides. If a question does not apply to you, write “NA” which means “not applicable.” This way, the employer doesn’t think you skipped it

·  You may wish to omit your social security number to protect your identity, and write “will provide if hired”

·  If there is a section that asks what salary you expect, write “negotiable” or “open.” Don’t make salary demands

·  In the “Employment History” section, include part-time and volunteer work

·  If you asked the reason for leaving, write “summer job only” or “school started.” Avoid writing negative comments

·  Be as neat as possible! If you must make a change, simply draw a line through the wrong words

·  Have all needed information with you in case you fill an application on the spot. This includes your school’s address and reference information

·  Hand the application to the correct person, not any employee. Express your strong interest in the position, thank them for their consideration, and give a great handshake


·  Have your School to Career teacher’s business card or a letter of recommendation with you! Students in the work experience program are favored, compared to those who are not!

·  Bring a resume! While it is not often required, it makes a great impression

·  FOLLOW UP with a phone call or personal visit in a week or so. Express your continued interest in the position