Getting Ready for Retakes During the Holidays

Here are some instructions about what to do if you aren’t happy with your grade as it currently stands. These steps are the same for every math course in the department, so consider this your crash course!

Step 1: Log onto StudentVue/Parent Vue to see the students’ Overall grade. If you need help with this, contact the counseling office.

Step 2: To figure out what is bringing down your overall grade, look at the score you have on each Learning Assessment. These are called, “Learning Assessment A1,” Learning Assessment A2” and “Learning Assessment A3.” Figure out which score is pulling down your average.

  • Reminder – A = 6-7, B = 5, C = 4, D = 3, F = 1-2
  • Ex. Let’s say Timmy has an overall grade of 4. His learning target scores are A1: 5, A2: 5, and A3:4. If you average those together, you get a score of 4.6 and Timmy needs to get a 4.8 to get a B. He needs to bring up his learning target score on A3 to bring up his overall grade.

Step 3: To figure out how many retakes you need to bring up that learning target score, you’re going to need to do a little bit of scrolling on Parent/StudentVue to find the labels that learning targets assessments. The labels look like this: “A1: Assessment #1” or “Unit Test: A1.”

  • Reminder – The score for a learning target comes from the median (middle number) of the most recent three test scores put in order.
  • Ex. Let’s say for Learning Target A3, Timmy got a 5 then a 4, and then another 4. Putting those scores in order, we find that Timmy has – 4, 4, 5. The median of that is 4. Timmy will need to do two retakes and get a 5 or above on each one to pull up his grade to a B, since his most recent two scores were both 4s.

Step 4: Plan when to do retakes when we get back. There are 4 Flex days – 1/7, 1/8, 1/14, 1/15- and I’m happy to make an appt. to do a retake during lunch or after school on B days.

Step 5: Get ready for your retake by filling out the retake application (located here on my website) and making sure you’re up to 80% completion on the homework. On Parent/StudentVue, all completed assignments are up to date. A student needs to have at least 24 assignments at 5 or above to be eligible for retakes. All assignments from Parent Vue are listed in detail on my website, and there are pdfs of the books/problems if you didn’t bring your book home. There are also a bunch of practice problems posted on my website if you want another option of a way to make problems up. You must show your work!

Utterly confused? So behind on homework you feel you’ll never catch up? Email me at etween now and the end of day on Dec. 21st and I’m happy to help!

Enjoy your holidays and I’ll see you when you get back!