
What is a Will? Simply put, a will ensures that your wishes are fulfilled upon your passing.

Why Do I Want a Will?

  • You control what happens to your property.
  • To elect guardians who will care for your children.
  • To avoid probate. If you die without a will then the state may decide what happens to your property.

Durable Power of Attorney:

What is a Durable Power of Attorney? It gives someone else the authority to act as your “agent” and make legal and financial decisions should you become incapacitated.

Why Do I Want a Durable Power of Attorney?Whether through accident or illness you may become unable to make financial decisions for yourself. An agent can be a continuing role where a close family member or friend can manage your affairs.

Medical Power of Attorney:

What is a Medical Power of Attorney? This document—also known as a health-care proxy—enables any adult you designate to make medical decisions on your behalf should you be unable to make them yourself.

Why do I want a Medical Power of Attorney? Because it’s your life! You may feel very strongly about the medical attention given to you. For example, more and more people are asking that the nest-egg isn’t used to keep them alive for a few more months. They’d rather have the money pass on to their children.

Living Will:

What is a Living Will? A living will doesn’t necessarily relate to your dying wishes. It relates more to your living wishes. That’s why it’s called a livingwill. The living will directive specifies in writing your wishes for end-of-life care. This includes things such as whether you want to be resuscitated if your breathing or heartbeat stops, or whether you want to be kept alive through artificial respiration or feeding.

Why do I want a Living Will? If you don’t have a living will, then you might be leaving your loved ones to deal with some difficult decisions without your input. Without a document spelling out exactly what your wishes are your family members may make decisions you wouldn’t have want made.

Where Can I Find Legal Help?

Attorney Help:

Where can I find a local attorney to help me?

  • LDSLegalLink.com
  • JRCLS.org
  • AVVO.com


Where can I find self-help websites?

  • LegalZoom.com
  • NOLO.com
  • RocketLawyer.com