/ Description / Your Observations[Identify strengths in bold; underline weaknesses]
Housing and Zoning / What is the age of the houses, architecture? Of what materials are they constructed? Are all neighborhood houses similar in age, architecture? How would you characterize their differences? Are they detached or connected to others? Do they have space in front or behind? What is their general condition? Are there signs of disrepair – broken doors, windows, leaks, locks missing? Is there central heating, modern plumbing, air conditioning? / The age of homes are mostly build in the 50’s to 70’s. There are some newer neighborhoods that have recently been developed in the last 10-15 years.
Constructed of either wood or brick
Neighborhoods are similar in age and architecture
Homes have space in front and back and are detached from others
Most homes are in good/very good repair with a few that are in poor condition including poor paint, gutters, lawn, trees/shrubs not trimmed, sidewalks broken up.
Most all homes I saw had central heat/air and modern plumbing.
In the small trailer park there were many window air conditioners.
Community college is also located on the south eastern part of the town (opposite as the elementary/high school).
Open space / How much open space is there? What is the quality of the space – green parks or rubble-filled lots? What is the lot size of the houses? Lawns? Flower boxes? Do you see trees on the pavements, a green island in the center of the streets? Is the open space public or private? Used by whom? / Good amount of space with nice parks/pools. Lot sizes are about 75ftx150ft. Most lawns are well kept with a few exceptions. Not many flower boxes but some homes had nice landscaping and flower pots by front entrances. No trees on pavements, no islands in center of streets. Main street is made of brick pavement---many uneven spots.
Most open space is public areas, no empty lots noted.
Boundaries / What signs are there of where this neighborhood begins and ends? Are the boundaries natural – a river, a different terrain; physical – a highway, railroad; economic – difference in real estate or presence of industrial or commercial units along with residential? Does the neighborhood have an identity, a name? Do you see it displayed? Are there unofficial names? / There weren’t a lot of boundaries. There is a train track that goes through town on northern end---heavily used. There is a heavily traveled Hwy running through the middle of town leading north to the interstate. Neighborhoods are not named or marked. There is a difference between the commercial/industrial part of town which is located in the middle with all businesses/Coop etc. and residential neighborhoods surrounding it all. It is easy to get around town and maps are accurate, people are friendly and helpful if you get lost.
“Commons” / What are the neighborhood hangouts? For what groups, at what hours (e.g. schoolyard, candy store, bar, restaurant, park, 24-hour drugstore)? Does the “commons” area have a sense of “territoriality,” or is it open to the stranger? / The local hangout is the elementary school park for younger kids as well as the local park just off main street for middle to school aged kids. There is a basketball court located at the main street park aswell for middle to high school aged kids as well as college kids. There is also a public pool open during summer months on the south end of town.
Transportation / How do people get in and out of the neighborhood – car, bus, bike, walk, etc.? Are the streets and roads conducive to good transportation and also to community life? Is there a major highway near the neighborhood? Whom does it serve? How frequently is public transportation available? / Many people get in and out of the neighborhood by car/walking/biking. The roads are in great condition and travelers seem aware of community life and respect traffic laws. Major highway runs right through the center of town so yes it is close to neighborhoods. This road serves all travelers near and far. No transportation available. The nursing homes do have their own transportation as well as the public schools otherwise there is no other public transportation.
Service centers / Do you see social agencies, clients, recreations centers, signs of activity at the schools? Are there offices of doctors, dentists; palmists, spiritualists, etc.” Are there parks? Are they in use? / Schools hold many activities for all kids indoors and out depending upon the season.
There is a small clinic near downtown that serves all public patrons. There is also a dentist office, pharmacy, post office, laundry mat, small apartments, dance hall, Legion building, many hair/nail salons. A local pizza kitchen, pastry shop, 2 car dealers, small Napa parts store, Large daycare center, mortuary, Volunteer fire/rescue department, Subway, Dairy Queen, 2 local banks, small grocery store, recycling center.
There are 2 major parks and they are both in use often, many hours of the day.
There is a baseball field with 4 diamonds. All businesses are kept clean and look appealing inside and out, food is also very good.
Stores / Where do residents shop – shopping centers, neighborhood stores? How do they travel to shop? / Many people drive or walk to the local grocery store or they drive to surrounding cities to shop.Young kids/college students are driving all over major highways with not much experience. Some texting noted during driving with younger residents.
Street people / If you are traveling during the day, whom do you see on the street – an occasional housewife, mother with a baby? Do you see anyone you would not expect – teenagers, unemployed males? Can you spot a welfare worker, an insurance collector, a door-to-door salesman? Is the dress of those you see representative or unexpected? Along with people, what animals do you see – stray cats, pedigreed pets, “watchdogs”? / In the morning before work about 0530 I saw adults male and female commuting to jobs or running/walking with their pets.
At about 0800 there was a lot of traffic as kids were driving to school/parents were driving kids to school. Older men gathered at the 2 local convenience stores to talk and drink coffee.
At 11-1200 noon you see locals visiting downtown and kids at the park from the local daycare center.
1500 many kids walking from school to home. Park downtown is very busy with after school kids (elementary and grade school ages) as well as daycare kids. High school kids are located at school for athletic practices/activities.
Most are dressed well and appropriate. No stray animals noted, many dogs with their owners either at the park, in vehicles or on walks.
There are many teen drivers/inexperienced on major hwys and interstates.
Signs of decay / Is this neighborhood on the way up or down? Is it “alive”? How would you decide? Trash abandoned cars, political posters, neighborhood-meeting posters, real estate signs, abandoned houses, mixed zoning usage? / I think the neighborhood is on the way up, it is growing steadily and it feels alive. Community looks happy and has many activities considering it small size. Many young families as well.Youngsters seem to respect their elders. Not many abandoned cars---some trash and parts noted in the trailer park area located close to the college, some political posters noted in the yards of homes, real estate signs located at the grocery store, post office, and other local businesses. No abandoned homes.
Race / Are the residents Caucasian, African-American, or of another minority, or is the area integrated? / Most all residents are Caucasian, few to rare African Americans noted.
Ethnicity / Are there indices of ethnicity – food stores, churches, private schools, information in a language other than English? / None
Religion / Of what religion are the residents? Do you see evidence of heterogeneity or homogeneity? What denominations are the churches? Do you see evidence of their use other than on Sunday mornings? / Mennonite religion, there is evidence of homogeneity as many residents and families share similar values and interests.
Denominations unknown. Many churches are in use on Tuesday/Wednesday evenings as well as Sundays.
Health and morbidity / Do you see evidence of acute or of chronic diseases or conditions? Of accidents, communicable diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness, etc.? How far it is to the nearest hospital? Clinic? / No acute/chronic conditions noted. Small clinic located in town. Nearest hospital is about 15-25 miles away in either direction(depending on where you are coming from).There are many older folks in the community as well, but most look fairly healthy and independent.
Politics / Do you see any political campaign posters? Is there a headquarters present? Do you see any evidence of a predominant party affiliation? / There are a few political posters in the yards of some homes, no headquarters noted and no predominant parties noted.
Media / Do you see outdoor television antennas? What magazines, newspapers do residents read? Do you see Forward Times, Hampton Post, Enquirer, Reader’s Digest in the stores? What media seem most important to the residents – radio, television, print? / No antennas noted but many homes have satellite dishes mounted on homes/roofs.
Many locals read the Lincoln Journal Star Newspaper, the Milford Times Newspaper and the Seward Independent Newspaper.
Most locals are focused on printed newspapers as well as social media sites located online to get their information/education.
Many locals also travel to and from work so they listen to many different radio stations as well.
From Anderson ET, McFarlane J: Community as partner: theory and practice in nursing, Philadelphia, 1996, J.B. Lippincott.
Identify at least one health priority area where you feel that the community/public health nurse should focus additional assessment time. Based on your windshield survey data, explain why you determined this was a priority.
I feel that the PHN could help educate young and inexperienced drivers about the risks of not following the laws of the road and being a defensive driver. In NE we get a lot of different weather conditions and with these youngsters on the roads (major hwys/interstates) to get to and from activities, shopping etc it puts them at increased risk for accidents/injuries. College students would not be excluded from this education/assessment. I feel that the PHN could work with the high school and college to assess and educate students about MVA’s, young kids recovering from car accidents may also be able to help pass on some key words of wisdom to help prevent accidents.
Identify at least one population that also needs further assessment. Based on your windshield survey data, explain why this population was identified.
I would like to also identify the high school/ college kids here as well as I feel that there may not be enough things here in this small town to keep them off the major roadways. I feel that the community is growing rapidly and it has a majority of younger residents and newer families here. Their safety is of upmost importance.