Blackman High School
Chorus Handbook
“Home of the Blaze”
2017 – 2018
Hard Work
Gerald Patton, Choral Director
BlackmanHigh School
3956 Blaze Drive
Murfreesboro, TN37128
Contact Information
School: (615) 904-3850- Fax:(615) 904-3851
Office: (615)904-3850 Ext. 23074
Chorus website:
School website:
Email director:
2017-2018 Blackman High School Choral Booster Officers
Natasha Jones, President
Teresa Blades & Meichelle Gibson, Secretary
Glenda Oshop, Treasurer
LeAnn Harris, Asst. Treasurer
Welcome Letter3
Class Objectives / Course Descriptions 4
Class Attendance / Daily Procedures4
Make up Work Policy / Class Illness / Discipline5
Communication / Parent Forms 5
Daily Materials / Classroom Donations6
Chorus Music6
Concert Attire6
Prime Time 7
Private Instruction / Classroom Features / Room Maintenance / Grading / Professionalism 7
Progress Reports / Rehearsals8
Performances / Etiquette / Student leadership8
BHS Choral Boosters /Auditions9
Calendar of Events10
Fundraising / Choral Support Program / Budget12
Choral Support Program Form13
Choral Classroom Management14
Choral Agreement Form15
Dress / Tuxedo Letter16
Dress / Tuxedo Verification17
Dress / Tuxedo Pricing Guide18
Student Information Sheet19
Parent Information Sheet20
Travel Permission / Emergency Medical Release Form 21
Audition Registration Form 22
Electronic Consent Form 23
Mandatory Booster Meeting Flyer/ Remind 24
Gerald Patton, Choral Director
3956 Blaze Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 – Phone 615-904-3850 x23074 –
August 2017
Dear Parents and Students,
The new school year has launched and we are experiencing the joy of making music. Thank you for your support and particularly for encouraging your son or daughter to continue his/her study of music. This investment of time, effort and energy will produce lifelong dividends.
Throughout the year you will be receiving communications from our Choral Department concerning upcoming concerts and other pertinent information. I also will be sending you compelling research data about the importance of music study in the development of your child. The world of education is in a constant evolution, and you, as a responsible and concerned parent, must be apprised of the latest information gleaned from research studies. This information will aid you in helping your son or daughter to make wise choices that are certain to benefit his/her future.
Evidence continues to focus on the arts, particularly music, as a vital component in the positive growth of every child. For years we have pointed to the music students as those who have demonstrated a special talent. However, based on extended studies we now know it is the very process of learning music that develops the artistic mind and brings forth the creative potential in all young people. For this reason, continued membership in our musical family is strongly encouraged.
It is a privilege to have your son or daughter as a valued musician in our organization. Thank you for your support of music education at BlackmanHigh School. You play an important role in everything we do. Please let me know if I can help you or your son/daughter in any way. Welcome to our new school year!
Gerald Patton
Choral Director
Gerald Patton, Choral Director
3956 Blaze Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 – Phone 615-904-3850 x23074 –
2017 – 2018 Objectives & Course Descriptions
*Students will discover and utilize the oldest instrument of all, the human voice in a healthy, productive, and aesthetic manner.
* Students will also gain practical musical knowledge and vocal health information.
*Students will learn both performance and music reading skills.
*Students will gain leadership skills and confidence in themselves as a performer.
*Students will learn music terminology and concert etiquette
*Students will become leaders and lifelong lovers and supporters of music
BlackmanHigh School Select Chorus 1 Credit ~ Full Year
Select Chorus is BHS’s most advanced vocal ensemble. Students who are placed in this chorus generally possess both superb singing ability and have had one or more years singing experience in either women’s chorale or concert choir. This group is open to 10th through 12th grade men and women with preference to those who are upper-classmen, those who take private voice, and students who have been in either honor choir or mid-state/all-state choruses. This group is an auditioned group with a maximum number of 36 voices taken each year. This group is also the touring vocal ensemble of BHS. Students in select chorus are REQUIRED to audition for mid-state/all-state chorus and may be selected to participate in the Rutherford County Choral Festival.
BlackmanHigh School Women’s Chorale 1 Credit ~ Full Year
Women’s Chorale is BHS’s advanced vocal ensemble for women. Students who are placed in this chorus generally possess excellent singing skills and have had at least one year in concert choir. This group is open to 10th through 12th graders with preference to upper-classmen, those who take private voice, and students who have been in either honor choir or mid-state/all-state choruses. This group is an auditioned group with a maximum number of 40 voices taken each year. Students in women’s chorale are ENCOURAGED to audition for mid-state/all-state chorus and may be selected to participate in the Rutherford County Choral Festival.
Blackman High School Concert Choir 1 Credit ~ Full Year
Concert Choir is BHS’s beginning choir/freshman choir. Those who are placed in this group are generally freshmen or beginning singers. However, this group is open to all students both men and women in all grade levels. Students in concert choir are encouraged to audition for freshman honor or mid-state/all-state chorus or the Rutherford County Choral Festival.
Blackman High School Men’s Choir 1 Credit ~ Full Year
Men’s Choir is BHS’s ensemble for guys. Those who are placed in this group are a full range of ages and abilities. This group is open to all students both men and women in all grade levels. Students in concert choir are encouraged to audition for freshman honor or mid-state/all-state chorus or the Rutherford County Choral Festival.
Class Attendance / Daily Procedures
- Students are expected to be on time and in their seat before the bell rings.
- Students should be prepared, and participate in class each day.
- If the door is shut, you are late. You will need to get a tardy slip from attendance.
- Students must remain seated during entire class and until the bell rings.
- Students must always sit in sections in their assigned seats.
- Students should read board for objective/assignment each day.
- Students should have their music folder, music, and pencil ready at the start of class.
- Book bags should be placed on the shelf against the wall.
- Students are given time to put materials away and get their belongings before class ends.
- Music folders must be placed in music slot before the bell rings.
- Do not play the piano or write on the board without permission.
- Remember good attendance will exempt you from taking final exams. Everyone takes the mid-term.
Class Absences
- Each day you are here singing you receive a participation grade.
- After you miss 3 excused absences, you must make up the participation grade.
- You will need to get a make-up assignment from the make-up station, complete it, and put it in the return paper tray each time. Failure to do the make-up assignment will result in a zero (0).
- Students will NOT be able to make up work if the absence is unexcused!
- Student must also make up any missed written work. See next section.
Make Up Work
- All work that you miss must be made up.
- Students are responsible to ask for their make-up work.
- Work must be made up within (5) school days.
- Place all make up work in the return paper tray located beside the piano. Label it MAKE UP WORK!
- Work turned in after (5) school days will be subject to late penalties 20% of grade after 5 days. A zero (0) will be given if work is not made up at all!
Class Illness
- Students who are present are expected to sing & participate in all instructional activities and sing each day.
- Students who are ill and unable to sing will receive a grade for the class if they either
(1) follow along with their music and / or mouth the words or (2) complete an observation/reflection of the choral rehearsal.
- If a student is unable to sing for more than two consecutive days, he/she must have a note from parent/doctor
- Student who gets sick during class and wishes to see the nurse, must use an agenda pass and secure a nurse pass from director.
- Students are expected to exhibit and maintain proper conduct each day and follow all classroom and school rules and procedures.
- Failure to do so will result in the appropriate disciplinary action AND loss of points from students rehearsal expectation grade. (See classroom management for more information)
- Rewarding good behavior is essential, and good class behavior will not go unnoticed. (See classroom management for more information)
Communication is the key to having a successful parent, student, and teacher relationship. I will keep you updated by sending regular emails. Please make sure I have all email addresses for you, the student, and for your parents. My email account is to be used for choir business only. Feel free to email me anytime with questions or concerns.
It is the student’s and parents’ responsibility to read the weekly newsletter, check social media, email and the website regularly. We will also use Remind to text information to students. If your contact information changes, please notify me. Parents, please feel free to contact me anytime about your student’s progress in school – I’m happy to discuss ways we can work together to make his/her experience a good one!
Parent forms / Paperwork
- Students, it is imperative that you give all forms, letters, and handouts from me to your parents as soon as you receive them.
- Students will turn in all signed paperwork by placing it in the return-paper tray located beside the piano.
- Again, be responsible and give all forms to your parents, ALWAYS!!!! Turn them in on time!!!!!
Money Collection
- Students will turn in all money in the drop box.
- When using the drop box, students must completely fill out the envelope with their name, class period, amount, and description of the contents of the envelope.
(i.e. John Doe – 3rd period $50 choir dress money)
- Pay attention to deadlines. Missing a deadline could be very costly (i.e. you may not get to go on a field trip or get registered for an audition event).
- Any payment returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a $30.00 fee from the chorus plus any additional fees from the bank.
Daily Materials
*Mechanical pencil, lead pencil (PENS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN CHORUS CLASSES!!)
*A BLACK two pocket folder with prongs
*Notebook paper
*Bottled water
Classroom Donations
There are certain items that the chorus uses on a daily basis. Donations are always welcomed. Items needed include:
- Kleenex* Blank recordable CDs
- Band-Aids* White business security envelopes
- Dry erase markers* Arwick plug-in refills (fresh waters scent)
Chorus Music
- CA’s (Choral Assistants) will be responsible for passing out, taking up, and logging music and other forms.
- Choir music will be signed out and given to each student when funds are available.
- Students are expected to take care of their music.
- Music is to be kept in the student’s folder.
- Music folder must be kept in student’s slot in the folio cabinet.
- Music CANNOT leave the chorus room unless permission is granted.
- Students will have a numbered copy of music for which they are responsible.
- Students are liable for damaged, lost, or stolen music.
- Students are responsible for putting their music away each day. Music found on the floor will be confiscated and student will lose points for not being responsible with their music.
Concert Attire & Care
Select Chorus______
Women will wear a long black dress with short sleeves.
Ladies should wear closed toe shoes with a heel no higher than 3 inches. If ladies wear stockings or pantyhose, they should purchase the color nude. Dresses are washable.
Men will wear black tuxedos, which consists of: black jacket, dressed slacks, white long sleeved tuxedo shirt, black vest, black socks, and a black bow tie. Men should wear black dressed shoes that have black shoestrings.
Tuxedos need to be dry-cleaned. Choir uniforms should be stored at home (NOT AT SCHOOL) in a safe place and cleaned before performances.
Women’s Chorale______
Women will wear a long black dress with short sleeves. Ladies should wear closed-toe black shoes that match the dress.
The heel should be no higher than 3 inches. If ladies wear stockings or pantyhose, they should purchase the color nude.Dresses are washable.Choir uniforms should be stored at home (NOT AT SCHOOL) in a safe place and cleaned before shows.
Men’s Chorus
Men will wear black shirt, black pants, and an orange tie. Both pants and shirt are washable.
Concert Choir______
Women will wear a long black dress with short sleeves. Ladies should wear closed toe black shoes with a heel no higher than 3 inches. If ladies wear stockings or pantyhose, they should purchase the color nude. Dresses are washable.
Men will wear black tuxedos, which consists of: dressed slacks, white long sleeve tuxedo shirt, black vest, black socks, and a black bow tie. Men should wear black socks and dressed shoes that have black shoestrings.
Tuxedos are washable. Choir uniforms should be stored at home (NOT AT SCHOOL) in a safe place and cleaned before performances.
Students who do not wear proper concert attire and shoes will lose one letter grad on his/her performance grade. Also, upon graduating or leaving the choral program, you may choose to sell or donate your dress / tuxedo to the choir!
Chorus students may come to C&IONLY when they have obtained a pass from director. Students who do not have a pass will be sent back to class. Students must be on time and sign in whey they arrive
Private Instruction
As committed members of the BHS chorus, you are strongly encouraged to continue to expand and strengthen your vocal ability through voice lessons. You are not required to take voice, but as a member of this ensemble, I hope that you will find the time to do so. For more information or a list of private instruction teachers see Mr. Patton.
Classroom Features
Quotations, Praise and Concerns, In Class Talent Shows
Room Maintenance / Recycling
We are very proud of our school. Please, do everything you can to ensure that both this school and our classroom stay as neat as possible. No food is allowed in the chorus room. Finish all food before you enter the room. Bottled water is always permissible. At the end of class, please take the time to straighten your chairs and pick up any paper that is on the floor and please recycle what you can. Also, please recycle water bottles at the end of class. The recycling trash can has the green label on it.
GREEN = RECYCLE (bottles, paper, cans, etc.) YELLOW = EVERYTHING ELSE
Chorus is a performance / participation based class, so attendance and participation is critical. Students will receive a daily participation grade each class period. Other grades factored in the nine weeks average include written class work and occasional quizzes. If a student is absent, he or she must make up the missed work within five days (see make up section). If the absence is unexcused, the student will NOT be able to make up the daily grade.
Grade calculation is based on 100% with the following breakdown:
Formative: 50 % of grade is rehearsal participation, short quizzes, notebook/folder
Summative: 50 % of grade is professionalism, performances, projects, and tests
Turn in all work on time. Late work WILL be penalized. Work not turned in will receive a zero (0).
Students are expected to adhere to the HONOR code when doing both assignments and tests.
Choral Professionalism
One of the goals of the Blackman High School choir is to give students the experience of being a professional musician. This includes having all class materials, maintaining an accessible and orderly music folder, keeping proper singing posture, and encouraging a rehearsal atmosphere conducive to success. Therefore, each student will be graded on his or her daily professionalism. Professional musicians are expected to give 100% each day and conduct themselves according to high professional and artistic standards; students in the Blackman High School choirs are expected to do the same. A Professionalism Grade will be given each week. Ten percent will be deducted for any infraction, including but not limited to the following: