Gerald B. James Library
Rockingham Community College
Statement of Mission
Because Rockingham Community College belongs to the community, the Gerald B. James Library encourages residents of the county to use the Library as a source of successful enrichment in their daily lives.
The Gerald B. James Library at Rockingham Community College is vital to the institution's educational effectiveness. It exists to reinforce and support the educational program, to assist students in achieving their educational goals and to aid instructors in the teaching process. Collections of print and non-print materials are available to support programs of the college and are organized for easy access. James Library personnel are available to help and guide patrons on their use of materials.
Responsibility for Selection
The responsibility for developing and maintaining an adequate collection of materials rests with the professional staff of the Gerald B. James Library. They are responsible for selecting items for the reference collection, items of general interest, replacements, and continuation orders.
Faculty members are expected to participate in selection by recommending materials that they feel should be in the Library in order to support curriculum needs. All requests originating from faculty are routed through the appropriate Dean for approval before being forwarded to the Library.
Planning for New Programs
In order for the library collection to support the curriculum, sufficient planning time needs to be provided when new courses or programs are added. This allows the Library staff adequate time to ensure that materials to support the course or program are available when needed.
Book Selection
Books are selected in the following areas:
- Books specifically supporting courses of instruction
The highest priority is placed on materials which are of value to the college student either as required or supplementary materials for courses.
- Books of a general nature
The library will maintain a collection of standard reference works, general non-fiction, and periodicals.
- Recreational reading
The Library will maintain a collection of general fiction for recreational reading.
- Special collections
Rockingham County Historical Collections
This collection includes materials pertaining to local history and genealogy. The primary responsibility for the financial support of the collection has rested with the Rockingham Community College Foundation since 1982. Despite this fact, a significant amount of Library owned material and equipment predating 1982 are still housed in the collection. The responsibility for material selection for this collection lies with the Director of Library Services/Archivist and the professional Library staff.
Criteria for Selection of Books for Purchase
- Appropriateness for community college students, readability, clarity of presentation. Care should be taken that materials are on an appropriate level for community college students and highly specialized academic subject areas should be avoided.
- Recommendations of book reviews in professional journals including Library Journal and Booklist.
- Timeliness or permanence of materials.
- Publisher reputation.
- Authoritativeness.
- Price relative to need and availability of other items serving the same purpose.
- Need for items in a particular subject area.
- Range of application.
Additional Guidelines for Selection
- Textbooks are not routinely purchased. They are occasionally purchased at the request of faculty for placing on reserve.
- The same criteria will be used in selecting all titles. The Library will not act as censor.
- Controversial issues may require purchase of materials representative of divergent views.
- Purchase of multiple copies will be avoided unless demand necessitates duplication.
- Materials in languages not taught at the college will not be purchased.
- Consumable teaching materials will not be purchased.
- Paperback editions may be purchased if the price difference between paperback and hardback is significant and the shelf life of the item will not be diminished. Paperbacks may be covered with plastic covers or may be sent for binding for added durability.
Selection of Periodicals, Audiovisuals, and Digital Resources
The same criteria applied to book selection will also apply to the selection of periodicals, audiovisuals, and digital resources.
Duplicate, out-of-date, badly worn, and infrequently used materials should be withdrawn from the collection. Faculty is expected to assist in the weeding of out-of-date materials from appropriate subject areas of the collection. The final decision regarding withdrawals lies with the Director of Library Services/Archivist.
Purchase of Replacements
Replacement copies for lost, stolen or badly worn items should be purchased based on the same criteria as new purchases.
Out of Print Books
Faculty will be notified if a requested title is found to no longer be in print. If the title is of significant importance, an attempt will be made to procure it through a dealer.
Addition to the collection of materials received as gifts will be governed by the same criteria guiding the selection of new purchases. Donors should understand that the acceptance of a gift by the Library does not guarantee its addition to the collection. Final disposition of gift items will be determined by the Library staff. In addition, the Library staff will not determine the financial value of gifts for the donor.
Questions regarding the suitability of materials in the collection should be directed to the Director of Library Services/Archivist. The questioner may be asked to complete the Materials Selection Inquiry (attached) to be reviewed by the Director of Library Services/Archivist.
Gerald B. James Library
Rockingham Community College
Materials Selection Inquiry
Publication Date:
Your Name:
Phone No.:
Represents: Self____ Organization____
If you represent an organization please complete information below:
Name of organization______
Address of organization______
Phone No. of organization______
- How did you learn of this material?
- What are your objections to it?
- What harm do you feel might be the result of using (i.e. reading, viewing or hearing) this material?
- Did you read/view/listen to the entire work? If not, which parts did you read/view/listen to?
- Is there anything worthwhile in the work?
- Have you read any professional reviews of the work? If so, please list the sources of the reviews.
- What do you believe are the main ideas of the work?
- What do you think was the author's purpose in creating this work?
- In view of the author's purpose, would you say he has succeeded or failed?
- What work with a similar purpose would you suggest in place of the work under question?
Additional Comments: