European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 4
Geoscientific maps of Baden-Württemberg developed by GIS applications
European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 4
The project “Small-scale Geoscientific Maps for State-wide Land Management” was funded by the German State Department of Agriculture and the State Department of Economy
User-orientated geoscientific maps on a scale of 1:200,000 were derived from geoscientific base maps by using GIS-applications. Data sources are soil maps on a scale of 1:200,000 and geological maps on a scale of 1:500,000. These were used to generate thematic maps by different evaluation methods. The geometries of the base maps were digitized and processed with ARC/INFO, and attributes were stored in the ORACLE relational database management system (RDBMS).
C. Fritz
R. Schweizer
J. Schuff
G. Sokol
Geologisches Landesamt BadenWürttemberg, Albertstr. 5,
D-79104 Freiburg i. Br., Germany
For visualization purposes, raster data of topographical maps on a scale of 1:200,000 from the Institute of Applied Geodesy (Institut für angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt) and the Digital Elevation Model at 50 m spacing of the Baden-Württemberg State Survey (Landesvermessungsamt Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart) were used. The developed maps are an important database for applications in the field of land management, agricultural production and environmental protection. It is planned to set up an information system within a clientserver architecture using ARC/INFO, ArcView and ORACLE on SGI workstations. It will provide the user with an efficient access to all project results. At the moment project results are primarily used for in-house applications, but in future they should be available for external use as well.
The following maps resulted from the project.
Map 1: Soil Map of Baden-Württemberg at 1:200,000 scale
Principal soil units of the Soil Map of Baden-Württemberg at a scale of 1:200,000 as classified by the German Soil Mapping Guide (Bodenkundliche Kartier-anleitung, 1982). Using the catena concept, a map unit is composed of several genetically-related soil groups, a soil group is aggregated by similar soil units.
Map. 2: Available Water Capacity
Classified average values of the map unit related available water capacity as derived from the database of the Soil Map Baden-Württemberg at a scale of 1:200,000, considering the estimated surface area in % of map unit related soil groups and the corresponding soil unit values.
Map 3: Water Storage Capacity
Evaluation of the water storage capacity as derived from the soil parameters of available water and air capacity, as well as saturated hydraulicconductivity by applying a method proposed by the Environmental Department of Baden-Württemberg (Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 1995).
Map 4: Geological Map of Baden-Württemberg at 1:200,000 scale
The geological map is generated by digitizing the existing geological map of 1:500,000 which has been partlyrevised to fit the scale of 1:200,000. Mapping is based on a stratigraphic classification which leads to 130 different geological units. The geological map is the base map for hydrogeological evaluations.
Map 5: Map of Hydrogeological Units of Baden-Württemberg at 1:200,000 scale
Hydrogeological units are created by interpretation of geological units. 54 hydrogeological units out of 130 geological units are built. The resulting map shows the hydrogeological situation on the surface. Data processing is undertaken by database tables that contain geological units and their corresponding hydrogeological units and GIS reclassification techniques.
Map 6: Permeability of the Upper Groundwater Bearing Hydrogeological Layers
Permeability for each hydrogeological unit of Map 5 is determined by evaluating literature and archive data of the State Geological Survey. These permeabilities are assigned to permeability classes using a classification scheme of the State Geological Survey of NordrheinWestfalen (Schlimm, 1996). Within this scheme eight permeability classes for porous and fractured aquifers are distinguished (see table at the lower right-hand corner of the map). Impermeable layers that cover the upper aquifer are determined and eliminated before classification.
Map 7: Groundwater Vulnerability Map
Vulnerability mapping is applied by assessing the protection potential of the groundwater covering layers. A rating system that was developed by a working group consisting of members of the State Geological Surveys of Germany (Hölting et al., 1995) is used. It is based on assessing the residence time of an ideal tracer in the unsaturated zone using a separate rating for soil (< 1m) and geological layers in the unsaturated zone. Parameters used are groundwater recharge rate, field capacity, thickness and petrographic structure of the groundwater covering layers below soil.
Map 8: Prognostic Map of Raw Materials Near Surface
The Prognostic Map of Raw Materials Near Surface is derived from the Prognostic Map of Mineral Resources at the scale of 1:50,000 and a map showing the distribution of mineral occurrences and an estimation of their economical potentials. The map units show the classified groups of raw materials with their useable thickness.
European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 4
European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 4
Arbeitsgruppe Bodenkunde DER GEOLOGISCHEN LANDESÄMTER UND DER BUNDESANSTALT FÜR GEOWISSEN-SCHAFTEN UND ROHSTOFFE IN DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND (1982). Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung (German Soil Mapping Guide). 3. Aufl.; Hannover.
HÖLTING, B., HÄRTLE, T., HOHBERGER, K.-H., NACHTIGALL, K.-H., VILLINGER, E., WEINZIERL, W. and WROBEL, J.-P. (1995). Konzept zur Ermittlung der Schutzfunktion der Grundwasserüberdeckung (Concept to Assess the Protection Function of the Groundwater Covering Layers). Geol. Jb. C 63: 5-24, 5 Tab.; Hannover.
SCHLIMM W. (1996). Hydrogeologische Karten in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ein Beitrag zur Daseinsvorsorge (Hydrogeological Maps in Nordrhein-Westfalen. A Contribution to Living Precaution). Geol. Jb., A 144: 321 340, 9 Abb., 1 Tab.; Hannover.
Umweltministerium BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG (1995. Bewertung der Böden nach ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit (Evaluation of Soils Depending on their Efficiency). Luft Boden Abfall, H. 31.