Drug classes and Actions
In the following table, there are several different drug classes listed. Have a look at each one and the action, or effect, that each has on the body.
Drug Class / Action or effect on the bodyAnaesthetic / Agent that reduces or eliminates sensation.
Analgesic / A drug that lessens pain.
Antacid / A drug that counteracts stomach acidity
Antiarrhythmic / Drugs used to suppress fast rhythms of the heart.
Antibiotic / A drug that inhibits or kills bacteria, fungi or parasites.
Anticoagulant / Drugs used to prevent clotting of blood.
Anticonvulsant / Drugs used to control convulsions.
Antidepressant / These drugs treat symptoms of depression.
Antiemetic / Drugs used to control vomiting.
Antifungal / Medications used to treat fungal infections.
Antihistamine / These drugs block the action of histamine, a substance normally released in allergic reactions
Antihyperglycaemic / Drugs to counteract the effects of high concentration of glucose in the blood.
Antihypertensive / Drugs to reduce the effects of high blood pressure.
Anti-inflammatory / Drugs that help to reduce inflammation.
Antipruritic / Also known as anti-itch drugs, these are medications that inhibit itching.
Antipyretic / Drugs to alleviate fever.
Antiseptic / Substances that reduce the possibility of infection or sepsis.
Antispasmodic / A drug that suppresses spasms.
Beta blockers / Cardiovascular drugs used for treatment of angina, hypertension and arrhythmias.
Bronchodilator / A substance that dilates the bronchi thereby facilitating airflow.
Decongestant / Medication used to relieve nasal congestion.
Diuretic / Drugs used to reduce fluid in the body via urination - used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure.
Expectorant / A medication that brings up mucous and other material from the lungs, bronchi and trachea.
Haemostatic / A drug that stops bleeding.
Hormone replacement therapy / Therapy for menopause via medications designed to artificially increase hormone levels.
Hypnotic / Drugs used to induce sleep.
Hypoglycaemic / Drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus by reducing the blood glucose levels.
Hypolipidaemic / Drugs used to lower lipid levels in the blood.
Miotic / An agent that causes the pupil of the eye to contract.
Mydriatic / An agent that dilates the pupil of the eye.
Narcotic / Drugs used for pain-relief.
Oxytocin / An agent used for the induction or stimulation of labour.
Sedative / A drug that quiets nervous excitement.
Tocolytic / Agents used to arrest uterine contractions.
Vasoconstrictor / An agent that causes narrowing of the blood vessels and restriction of blood flow.
Vasodilator / An agent that increases the blood vessels for increased blood flow.