We will have a freereunion directory. We had a directory for our 2009 and 2012 reunions and it was very successful. This final compiled directory will be posted on the web at There is no charge to submit, view and/or download and print pages that you want. So, please complete the attached directory form so you can be included in the directory. We respect your privacy, therefore you can complete as much or as little on the form as you want, or not complete it at all. However, we encourage you to at least include your name, phone, and email address so other classmates can reach out to you now and in the future. Below is the input form and a few samples- one with then and now photos since you asked for a way to recognize people at the reunion.. Return the completed directory form (with just your info) in a word file; email to before September 1. IMPORTANT - The Subject line of the return email should read: your graduation year, your name

We will also accept directory forms from classmates who can not attend the reunion; so please be sure to pass the directory form along.

Directory Form

Class of 19XX

If not actually a St Hugh graduate list leave xx above

Name: you had at graduation

Classmate: Name include Maiden


City, State, ZIP:

Phone home:

Phone Cell:

Home Email:

Office Email:


Spouse Occupation

Children Names, age.

Grandchildren Name, age

For St Hugh Classmates:

Since graduating St Hugh in 19XX, I have…………………….

Some of my most memorable moments at St Hugh were …………………..

If not a St Hugh Graduate:

Since graduating <name of grad school> in 19XX, I have……………..

Some of my most memorable moments with St Hugh classmates were …………………..

Class of 1959

James Riffe

James & Regina Riffe

13058 Dorothy Drive

Philadelphia, PA19116

Home: 215-677-3107

Mobile: 215-485-7819

Office: 215-814-2118

Home Email:

Office Email:


Currently in a Senior Environmental Employee Program working as a

Lead Inspector for the United States Environmental Protection Agency

Spouse Occupation

Jean is a 1975 graduate of Little Flower and a 1979 graduate of St. Joseph’s University. She was a Sales Representative for over 25 years employed by Kyser Roth Hosiery, Prince Gardner Leather Products and Waterford Crystal. Currently, Jean is a Senior Case Manager for JAMS, handling arbitration and mediation cases. She has recently completed her Paralegal studies and will receive an Associates degree from PhiladelphiaCommunity College.

Children: Kristina Jack, 36

Kimberly Wagner, 36

Matthew Riffe, 21

Grandchildren Name, None

Since graduating St Hugh in 1959, I graduated from NortheastCatholicHigh School in 1963.

Enlisted in the United States Air Force from 1963 to 1967.

Retired from the Philadelphia Fire Department with 36 years of service in 2004.

Worked 2 years as a Sales Representative for a protective clothing manufacturer.

Some of my most memorable moments at St Hugh were:

  • Going on a field trip to Cross Bros. meat packers
  • Playing football with Sr. Daniel Theresa (7thgrade) in the school yard
  • Stations of the Cross during lent
  • Buffing the floors
  • Taking-up the collection for the Pagan babies
  • Singing lessons for 10 cents with Sr. Rose

Class of 1969

Rita Moore

George and Rita Sprenkle

1914 Firethorn Lane

Villanova, PA 19085

Home: 610 527 4026

Mobile: 610 220 3907

Home Email:

Office Email:


Rita - Marketing Communications Manager, Cerner

George – CEO, Ezbackoffice.com

Children : None

Grandchildren: None

Since graduating St Hugh in 1969, I …

Graduated Little Flower (1973), went to TempleU where I meet George; Graduated and got married in 1977. Worked 28 years at Burroughs/Unisys and the last 8 years at Siemens Medical Solutions now Cerner. In 2006, I got my MBA from PennState – graduating with a 4.0 GPA and was a speaker at graduation. In 2009 , graduated from Penn State with a post-Master in Biotechnology and Healthcare Industry Management. In 2015, I graduated Penn State with a Leadership certification. I love school!

I love the ocean! I am a Caribbean sailor and have crewed on sailboats 38 to 52 feet. I love to cruise too – some of my favorite places are Alaska, Panama Canal, Hawaii, Norway, Iceland, and Europe.

Some of my most memorable moments at St Hugh were

  • Getting all 100’s on the final exams in3rd grade
  • bible history reading
  • my fight with Cathy Ward
  • 5-year and 20-year St Hugh Class of 1969 Reunions.
  • the 2009 and 2012 St Hugh Neighborhood Reunions